name: "add-ca-truststore" description: 'Github action to add a root certificate to a java truststore' branding: icon: upload color: blue inputs: ca-cert: description: 'root certificate to add to the truststore' required: true alias-name: description: "alias name of the new added certificate" required: false default: "" store-path: description: "java store path usually end with /cacert" required: true store-password: description: "java store password" required: false default: "changeit" outputs: certificate-alias: value: ${{ steps.generate-alias-name.outputs.alias-name }} description: "alias name of added certificate, generated if not provided as input" runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Generate random pet name if: ${{ inputs.alias-name == '' }} id: generate-pet-name shell: bash run: | apt update apt-get install -y golang-petname pet_name=$(golang-petname) echo "pet-name=$pet_name" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Defined alias name id: generate-alias-name shell: bash run: | if [ "T${{ inputs.alias-name }}T" == "TT" ]; then echo "alias-name=${{ }}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" else echo "alias-name=${{ inputs.alias-name }}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" fi - name: Add certificate ${{ steps.generate-alias-name.outputs.alias-name }} to truststore shell: bash run: | echo "${{ }}" | keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ${{ steps.generate-alias-name.outputs.alias-name }} -keystore ${{ }} -storepass ${{ }}