We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary.
Also when generating a new PAT, select the least scopes necessary.
[Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets)
-`path` behavior is different (refer [below](#path) for details)
### Fallback to GitHub API
When a sufficient version of git is not in the PATH, fallback to the [web API](https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/contents/#get-archive-link) to download a tarball/zipball.
- LFS files are not included in the archive. Therefore fail if LFS is set to true.
Users may opt-out by specifying `persist-credentials: false`
- Users scripting `git commit` may need to set the username and email. The service does not provide any reasonable default value. Users can add `git config user.name <NAME>` and `git config user.email <EMAIL>`. We will document this guidance.
When using the `${{github.token}}` or a PAT, the token will be persisted in the local git config.The config key `http.https://github.com/.extraheader` enables an auth header to be specified on all authenticated commands `AUTHORIZATION: basic <BASE64_U:P>`.
- The auth header is scoped to all of github `http.https://github.com/.extraheader`
- Fetching a single commit is supported by Git wire protocol version 2. The git client uses protocol version 0 by default. The desired protocol version can be overridden in the git config or on the fetch command line invocation (`-c protocol.version=2`). We will override on the fetch command line, for transparency.
- Git client version 2.18+ (released June 2018) is required for wire protocol version 2.
For CI, checkout will create a local ref with the upstream set. This allows users to script git as they normally would.
For PR, continue to checkout detached head. The PR branch is special - the branch and merge commit are created by the server. It doesn't match a users' local workflow.
- Consider deleting all local refs during cleanup if that helps avoid collisions. More testing required.
### Path
For the mainline scenario, the disk-layout behavior remains the same.
Remember, given the repo `johndoe/foo`, the mainline disk layout looks like:
V2 introduces a new constraint on the checkout path. The location must now be under `github.workspace`. Whereas the checkout@v1 constraint was one level up, under `runner.workspace`.
V2 no longer changes `github.workspace` to follow wherever the self repo is checked-out.
These behavioral changes align better with container actions. The [documented filesystem contract](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/virtual-environments-for-github-hosted-runners#docker-container-filesystem) is:
-`/github/workspace` - Note: GitHub Actions must be run by the default Docker user (root). Ensure your Dockerfile does not set the USER instruction, otherwise you will not be able to access `GITHUB_WORKSPACE`.
- The tracking config will not be updated to reflect the path of the workflow repo.
- Any existing workflow repo will not be moved when the checkout path changes. In fact some customers want to checkout the workflow repo twice, side by side against different branches.
- Actions that need to operate only against the root of the self repo, should expose a `path` input.
#### Default value for `path` input
The `path` input will default to `./` which is rooted against `github.workspace`.
This default fits the mainline scenario well: single checkout
For multi-checkout, users must specify the `path` input for at least one of the repositories.
- An alternative is for the self repo to default to `./` and other repos default to `<REPO_NAME>`. However nested layout is an atypical git layout and therefore is not a good default. Users should supply the path info.
#### Example - Nested layout
The following example checks-out two repositories and creates a nested layout.
# Self repo - Checkout to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
- uses: checkout@v2
# Other repo - Checkout to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/myscripts
- uses: checkout@v2
repository: myorg/myscripts
path: myscripts
#### Example - Side by side layout
The following example checks-out two repositories and creates a side-by-side layout.
# Self repo - Checkout to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/foo
- uses: checkout@v2
path: foo
# Other repo - Checkout to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/myscripts
- uses: checkout@v2
repository: myorg/myscripts
path: myscripts
#### Path impact to problem matchers
Problem matchers associate the source files with annotations.
Today the runner verifies the source file is under the `github.workspace`. Otherwise the source file property is dropped.
Multi-checkout complicates the matter. However even today submodules may cause this heuristic to be inaccurate.
A better solution is:
Given a source file path, walk up the directories until the first `.git/config` is found. Check if it matches the self repo (`url = https://github.com/OWNER/REPO`). If not, drop the source file path.
Also when fetching submodules, if the `ssh-key` input is not provided then convert SSH URLs to HTTPS: `-c url."https://github.com/".insteadOf "git@github.com:"`