2017-05-23 08:05:44 -07:00
package zclsyntax
import (
2017-05-27 17:33:09 -07:00
2017-05-23 08:05:44 -07:00
// VisitFunc is the callback signature for VisitAll.
type VisitFunc func(node Node) zcl.Diagnostics
// VisitAll is a basic way to traverse the AST beginning with a particular
// node. The given function will be called once for each AST node in
// depth-first order, but no context is provided about the shape of the tree.
// The VisitFunc may return diagnostics, in which case they will be accumulated
// and returned as a single set.
func VisitAll(node Node, f VisitFunc) zcl.Diagnostics {
diags := f(node)
node.walkChildNodes(func(node Node) Node {
diags = append(diags, VisitAll(node, f)...)
return node
return diags
// Walker is an interface used with Walk.
type Walker interface {
Enter(node Node) zcl.Diagnostics
Exit(node Node) zcl.Diagnostics
// Walk is a more complex way to traverse the AST starting with a particular
// node, which provides information about the tree structure via separate
// Enter and Exit functions.
func Walk(node Node, w Walker) zcl.Diagnostics {
diags := w.Enter(node)
node.walkChildNodes(func(node Node) Node {
diags = append(diags, Walk(node, w)...)
return node
return diags
// Transformer is an interface used with Transform
type Transformer interface {
// Transform accepts a node and returns a replacement node along with
// a flag for whether to also visit child nodes. If the flag is false,
// none of the child nodes will be visited and the TransformExit method
// will not be called for the node.
// It is acceptable and appropriate for Transform to return the same node
// it was given, for situations where no transform is needed.
Transform(node Node) (Node, bool, zcl.Diagnostics)
// TransformExit signals the end of transformations of child nodes of the
// given node. If Transform returned a new node, the given node is the
// node that was returned, rather than the node that was originally
// encountered.
TransformExit(node Node) zcl.Diagnostics
// Transform allows for in-place transformations of an AST starting with a
// particular node. The provider Transformer implementation drives the
// transformation process. The return value is the node that replaced the
// given top-level node.
func Transform(node Node, t Transformer) (Node, zcl.Diagnostics) {
newNode, descend, diags := t.Transform(node)
if !descend {
return newNode, diags
node.walkChildNodes(func(node Node) Node {
newNode, newDiags := Transform(node, t)
diags = append(diags, newDiags...)
return newNode
diags = append(diags, t.TransformExit(newNode)...)
return newNode, diags