2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
package zclsyntax
import (
2017-05-28 07:38:17 -07:00
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
// Token represents a sequence of bytes from some zcl code that has been
// tagged with a type and its range within the source file.
type Token struct {
Type TokenType
Bytes []byte
Range zcl.Range
2017-05-29 16:17:07 -07:00
// Tokens is a slice of Token.
type Tokens []Token
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
// TokenType is an enumeration used for the Type field on Token.
type TokenType rune
2017-05-28 07:38:17 -07:00
//go:generate stringer -type TokenType -output token_type_string.go
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
const (
// Single-character tokens are represented by their own character, for
// convenience in producing these within the scanner. However, the values
// are otherwise arbitrary and just intended to be mnemonic for humans
// who might see them in debug output.
2017-05-28 09:36:32 -07:00
TokenOBrace TokenType = '{'
TokenCBrace TokenType = '}'
TokenOBrack TokenType = '['
TokenCBrack TokenType = ']'
TokenOParen TokenType = '('
TokenCParen TokenType = ')'
TokenOQuote TokenType = '«'
TokenCQuote TokenType = '»'
TokenOHeredoc TokenType = 'H'
TokenCHeredoc TokenType = 'h'
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
2017-05-31 07:31:49 -07:00
TokenStar TokenType = '*'
TokenSlash TokenType = '/'
TokenPlus TokenType = '+'
TokenMinus TokenType = '-'
TokenPercent TokenType = '%'
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
TokenEqual TokenType = '='
TokenNotEqual TokenType = '≠'
TokenLessThan TokenType = '<'
TokenLessThanEq TokenType = '≤'
TokenGreaterThan TokenType = '>'
TokenGreaterThanEq TokenType = '≥'
TokenAnd TokenType = '∧'
TokenOr TokenType = '∨'
TokenBang TokenType = '!'
2017-06-02 07:40:42 -07:00
TokenDot TokenType = '.'
TokenComma TokenType = ','
2017-05-31 07:31:49 -07:00
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
TokenQuestion TokenType = '?'
TokenColon TokenType = ':'
TokenTemplateInterp TokenType = '∫'
TokenTemplateControl TokenType = 'λ'
2017-05-28 07:20:39 -07:00
TokenTemplateSeqEnd TokenType = '∎'
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
2017-05-30 19:03:25 -07:00
TokenQuotedLit TokenType = 'Q' // might contain backslash escapes
TokenStringLit TokenType = 'S' // cannot contain backslash escapes
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
TokenNumberLit TokenType = 'N'
TokenIdent TokenType = 'I'
2017-05-29 09:13:35 -07:00
TokenComment TokenType = 'C'
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
TokenNewline TokenType = '\n'
TokenEOF TokenType = '␄'
// The rest are not used in the language but recognized by the scanner so
// we can generate good diagnostics in the parser when users try to write
// things that might work in other languages they are familiar with, or
// simply make incorrect assumptions about the zcl language.
TokenBitwiseAnd TokenType = '&'
TokenBitwiseOr TokenType = '|'
TokenBitwiseNot TokenType = '~'
TokenBitwiseXor TokenType = '^'
TokenStarStar TokenType = '➚'
TokenBacktick TokenType = '`'
TokenSemicolon TokenType = ';'
2017-05-28 08:38:13 -07:00
TokenTabs TokenType = '␉'
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
TokenInvalid TokenType = '<27>'
TokenBadUTF8 TokenType = '💩'
2017-05-29 19:28:10 -07:00
// TokenNil is a placeholder for when a token is required but none is
// available, e.g. when reporting errors. The scanner will never produce
// this as part of a token stream.
TokenNil TokenType = '\x00'
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
2017-05-28 07:38:17 -07:00
func (t TokenType) GoString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("zclsyntax.%s", t.String())
2017-05-28 15:44:22 -07:00
type scanMode int
const (
scanNormal scanMode = iota
2017-05-28 07:11:24 -07:00
type tokenAccum struct {
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
Filename string
Bytes []byte
2017-05-28 08:38:13 -07:00
Pos zcl.Pos
2017-05-28 07:11:24 -07:00
Tokens []Token
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
2017-05-28 08:38:13 -07:00
func (f *tokenAccum) emitToken(ty TokenType, startOfs, endOfs int) {
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
// Walk through our buffer to figure out how much we need to adjust
// the start pos to get our end pos.
2017-05-28 08:38:13 -07:00
start := f.Pos
start.Column += startOfs - f.Pos.Byte // Safe because only ASCII spaces can be in the offset
start.Byte = startOfs
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
end := start
2017-05-28 08:38:13 -07:00
end.Byte = endOfs
b := f.Bytes[startOfs:endOfs]
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
for len(b) > 0 {
advance, seq, _ := textseg.ScanGraphemeClusters(b, true)
if len(seq) == 1 && seq[0] == '\n' {
end.Column = 1
} else {
b = b[advance:]
2017-05-28 08:38:13 -07:00
f.Pos = end
2017-05-28 07:11:24 -07:00
f.Tokens = append(f.Tokens, Token{
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
Type: ty,
Bytes: f.Bytes[startOfs:endOfs],
Range: zcl.Range{
Filename: f.Filename,
Start: start,
End: end,
2017-05-28 07:11:24 -07:00
2017-05-27 19:00:00 -07:00
2017-05-29 08:55:53 -07:00
type heredocInProgress struct {
Marker []byte
StartOfLine bool
2017-06-04 07:34:26 -07:00
// checkInvalidTokens does a simple pass across the given tokens and generates
// diagnostics for tokens that should _never_ appear in ZCL source. This
// is intended to avoid the need for the parser to have special support
// for them all over.
// Returns a diagnostics with no errors if everything seems acceptable.
// Otherwise, returns zero or more error diagnostics, though tries to limit
// repetition of the same information.
func checkInvalidTokens(tokens Tokens) zcl.Diagnostics {
var diags zcl.Diagnostics
toldBitwise := 0
toldExponent := 0
toldBacktick := 0
toldSemicolon := 0
toldTabs := 0
toldBadUTF8 := 0
for _, tok := range tokens {
switch tok.Type {
case TokenBitwiseAnd, TokenBitwiseOr, TokenBitwiseXor, TokenBitwiseNot:
if toldBitwise < 4 {
var suggestion string
switch tok.Type {
case TokenBitwiseAnd:
suggestion = " Did you mean boolean AND (\"&&\")?"
case TokenBitwiseOr:
suggestion = " Did you mean boolean OR (\"&&\")?"
case TokenBitwiseNot:
suggestion = " Did you mean boolean NOT (\"!\")?"
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unsupported operator",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Bitwise operators are not supported.%s", suggestion),
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenStarStar:
if toldExponent < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unsupported operator",
Detail: "\"**\" is not a supported operator. Exponentiation is not supported as an operator.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenBacktick:
// Only report for alternating (even) backticks, so we won't report both start and ends of the same
// backtick-quoted string.
if toldExponent < 4 && (toldExponent%2) == 0 {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "The \"`\" character is not valid. To create a multi-line string, use the \"heredoc\" syntax, like \"<<EOT\".",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenSemicolon:
if toldSemicolon < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "The \";\" character is not valid. Use newlines to separate attributes and blocks, and commas to separate items in collection values.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenTabs:
if toldTabs < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "Tab characters may not be used. The recommended indentation style is two spaces per indent.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenBadUTF8:
if toldBadUTF8 < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character encoding",
Detail: "All input files must be UTF-8 encoded. Ensure that UTF-8 encoding is selected in your editor.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenInvalid:
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "This character is not used within the language.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
return diags