zclsyntax: reorganize template parsing
Previously we tried to do the whole template parse in one pass. This was adequate for dealing with literals and interpolations because they create a flat structure, but to parse the template control sequences we need to be able to deal with nested template sequences. As a building block towards this, we first do a pass of extracting the template-level "tokens": literals, interpolations, control sequences. We then pass over that sequence of tokens and parse it, which is then simplified because the larger template atoms have already been produced.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -763,12 +761,12 @@ func (p *parser) parseExpressionTerm() (Expression, zcl.Diagnostics) {
case TokenOQuote, TokenOHeredoc:
open := p.Read() // eat opening marker
closer := p.oppositeBracket(open.Type)
parts, unwrap, diags := p.parseTemplateParts(closer)
exprs, unwrap, _, diags := p.parseTemplateInner(closer)
closeRange := p.PrevRange()
return &TemplateExpr{
Parts: parts,
Parts: exprs,
Unwrap: unwrap,
SrcRange: zcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, closeRange),
@ -1342,142 +1340,6 @@ func (p *parser) finishParsingForExpr(open Token) (Expression, zcl.Diagnostics)
}, diags
func (p *parser) ParseTemplate() (Expression, zcl.Diagnostics) {
startRange := p.NextRange()
parts, unwrap, diags := p.parseTemplateParts(TokenEOF)
endRange := p.PrevRange()
return &TemplateExpr{
Parts: parts,
Unwrap: unwrap,
SrcRange: zcl.RangeBetween(startRange, endRange),
}, diags
// parseTemplateParts parses the expressions that make up the content of a
// template, up to the given closing delimiter. It also returns a flag that
// is true if the first part should be returned as-is, or false if the
// full set of parts should be wrapped in a TemplateExpr to return.
// The wrapping is done separately by the caller so that any template
// delimiters can be included in the template's source range.
func (p *parser) parseTemplateParts(end TokenType) ([]Expression, bool, zcl.Diagnostics) {
var parts []Expression
var diags zcl.Diagnostics
startRange := p.NextRange()
ltrimNext := false
nextCanTrimPrev := false
for {
next := p.Read()
if next.Type == end {
// all done!
ltrim := ltrimNext
ltrimNext = false
canTrimPrev := nextCanTrimPrev
nextCanTrimPrev = false
switch next.Type {
case TokenStringLit, TokenQuotedLit:
str, strDiags := p.decodeStringLit(next)
diags = append(diags, strDiags...)
if ltrim {
str = strings.TrimLeftFunc(str, unicode.IsSpace)
parts = append(parts, &LiteralValueExpr{
Val: cty.StringVal(str),
SrcRange: next.Range,
nextCanTrimPrev = true
case TokenTemplateInterp:
// if the opener is ${~ then we want to eat any trailing whitespace
// in the preceding literal token, assuming it is indeed a literal
// token.
if canTrimPrev && len(next.Bytes) == 3 && next.Bytes[2] == '~' && len(parts) > 0 {
prevExpr := parts[len(parts)-1]
if lexpr, ok := prevExpr.(*LiteralValueExpr); ok {
val := lexpr.Val
if val.Type() == cty.String && val.IsKnown() && !val.IsNull() {
str := val.AsString()
str = strings.TrimRightFunc(str, unicode.IsSpace)
lexpr.Val = cty.StringVal(str)
expr, exprDiags := p.ParseExpression()
diags = append(diags, exprDiags...)
close := p.Peek()
if close.Type != TokenTemplateSeqEnd {
if !p.recovery {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Extra characters after interpolation expression",
Detail: "Expected a closing brace to end the interpolation expression, but found extra characters.",
Subject: &close.Range,
Context: zcl.RangeBetween(startRange, close.Range).Ptr(),
} else {
p.Read() // eat closing brace
// If the closer is ~} then we want to eat any leading
// whitespace on the next token, if it turns out to be a
// literal token.
if len(close.Bytes) == 2 && close.Bytes[0] == '~' {
ltrimNext = true
parts = append(parts, expr)
case TokenTemplateControl:
panic("template control sequences not yet supported")
if !p.recovery {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unterminated template string",
Detail: "No closing marker was found for the string.",
Subject: &next.Range,
Context: zcl.RangeBetween(startRange, next.Range).Ptr(),
break Token
if len(parts) == 0 {
// If a sequence has no content, we'll treat it as if it had an
// empty string in it because that's what the user probably means
// if they write "" in configuration.
return []Expression{
Val: cty.StringVal(""),
SrcRange: zcl.Range{
Filename: startRange.Filename,
Start: startRange.Start,
End: startRange.Start,
}, true, diags
return parts, len(parts) == 1, diags
// parseQuotedStringLiteral is a helper for parsing quoted strings that
// aren't allowed to contain any interpolations, such as block labels.
func (p *parser) parseQuotedStringLiteral() (string, zcl.Range, zcl.Diagnostics) {
@ -1872,3 +1734,10 @@ func (p *parser) oppositeBracket(ty TokenType) TokenType {
return TokenNil
func errPlaceholderExpr(rng zcl.Range) Expression {
return &LiteralValueExpr{
Val: cty.DynamicVal,
SrcRange: rng,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
package zclsyntax
import (
func (p *parser) ParseTemplate() (Expression, zcl.Diagnostics) {
return p.parseTemplate(TokenEOF)
func (p *parser) parseTemplate(end TokenType) (Expression, zcl.Diagnostics) {
exprs, unwrap, rng, diags := p.parseTemplateInner(end)
return &TemplateExpr{
Parts: exprs,
Unwrap: unwrap,
SrcRange: rng,
}, diags
func (p *parser) parseTemplateInner(end TokenType) ([]Expression, bool, zcl.Range, zcl.Diagnostics) {
parts, diags := p.parseTemplateParts(end)
tp := templateParser{
Tokens: parts.Tokens,
SrcRange: parts.SrcRange,
exprs, exprsDiags := tp.parseRoot()
diags = append(diags, exprsDiags...)
unwrap := false
if len(parts.Tokens) == 2 { // one real token and one synthetic "end" token
if _, isInterp := parts.Tokens[0].(*templateInterpToken); isInterp {
unwrap = true
return exprs, unwrap, parts.SrcRange, diags
type templateParser struct {
Tokens []templateToken
SrcRange zcl.Range
pos int
func (p *templateParser) parseRoot() ([]Expression, zcl.Diagnostics) {
var exprs []Expression
var diags zcl.Diagnostics
for {
next := p.Peek()
if _, isEnd := next.(*templateEndToken); isEnd {
expr, exprDiags := p.parseExpr()
diags = append(diags, exprDiags...)
exprs = append(exprs, expr)
return exprs, diags
func (p *templateParser) parseExpr() (Expression, zcl.Diagnostics) {
next := p.Read()
switch tok := next.(type) {
case *templateLiteralToken:
return &LiteralValueExpr{
Val: cty.StringVal(tok.Val),
SrcRange: tok.SrcRange,
}, nil
case *templateInterpToken:
return tok.Expr, nil
case *templateIfToken:
// TODO: implement
panic("template if token not yet implemented")
case *templateForToken:
// TODO: implement
panic("template for token not yet implemented")
case *templateEndToken:
return errPlaceholderExpr(tok.SrcRange), zcl.Diagnostics{
// This is a particularly unhelpful diagnostic, so callers
// should attempt to pre-empt it and produce a more helpful
// diagnostic that is context-aware.
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unexpected end of template",
Detail: "The control directives within this template are unbalanced.",
Subject: &tok.SrcRange,
case *templateEndCtrlToken:
return errPlaceholderExpr(tok.SrcRange), zcl.Diagnostics{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected %s directive", tok.Name()),
Detail: "The control directives within this template are unbalanced.",
Subject: &tok.SrcRange,
// should never happen, because above should be exhaustive
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled template token type %T", next))
func (p *templateParser) Peek() templateToken {
return p.Tokens[p.pos]
func (p *templateParser) Read() templateToken {
ret := p.Peek()
if _, end := ret.(*templateEndToken); !end {
return ret
// parseTemplateParts produces a flat sequence of "template tokens", which are
// either literal values (with any "trimming" already applied), interpolation
// sequences, or control flow markers.
// A further pass is required on the result to turn it into an AST.
func (p *parser) parseTemplateParts(end TokenType) (*templateParts, zcl.Diagnostics) {
var parts []templateToken
var diags zcl.Diagnostics
startRange := p.NextRange()
ltrimNext := false
nextCanTrimPrev := false
var endRange zcl.Range
for {
next := p.Read()
if next.Type == end {
// all done!
endRange = next.Range
ltrim := ltrimNext
ltrimNext = false
canTrimPrev := nextCanTrimPrev
nextCanTrimPrev = false
switch next.Type {
case TokenStringLit, TokenQuotedLit:
str, strDiags := p.decodeStringLit(next)
diags = append(diags, strDiags...)
if ltrim {
str = strings.TrimLeftFunc(str, unicode.IsSpace)
parts = append(parts, &templateLiteralToken{
Val: str,
SrcRange: next.Range,
nextCanTrimPrev = true
case TokenTemplateInterp:
// if the opener is ${~ then we want to eat any trailing whitespace
// in the preceding literal token, assuming it is indeed a literal
// token.
if canTrimPrev && len(next.Bytes) == 3 && next.Bytes[2] == '~' && len(parts) > 0 {
prevExpr := parts[len(parts)-1]
if lexpr, ok := prevExpr.(*templateLiteralToken); ok {
lexpr.Val = strings.TrimRightFunc(lexpr.Val, unicode.IsSpace)
expr, exprDiags := p.ParseExpression()
diags = append(diags, exprDiags...)
close := p.Peek()
if close.Type != TokenTemplateSeqEnd {
if !p.recovery {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Extra characters after interpolation expression",
Detail: "Expected a closing brace to end the interpolation expression, but found extra characters.",
Subject: &close.Range,
Context: zcl.RangeBetween(startRange, close.Range).Ptr(),
} else {
p.Read() // eat closing brace
// If the closer is ~} then we want to eat any leading
// whitespace on the next token, if it turns out to be a
// literal token.
if len(close.Bytes) == 2 && close.Bytes[0] == '~' {
ltrimNext = true
parts = append(parts, &templateInterpToken{
Expr: expr,
SrcRange: zcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, close.Range),
case TokenTemplateControl:
panic("template control sequences not yet supported")
if !p.recovery {
diags = append(diags, &zcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: zcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unterminated template string",
Detail: "No closing marker was found for the string.",
Subject: &next.Range,
Context: zcl.RangeBetween(startRange, next.Range).Ptr(),
final := p.recover(end)
endRange = final.Range
break Token
if len(parts) == 0 {
// If a sequence has no content, we'll treat it as if it had an
// empty string in it because that's what the user probably means
// if they write "" in configuration.
parts = append(parts, &templateLiteralToken{
Val: "",
SrcRange: zcl.Range{
// Range is the zero-character span immediately after the
// opening quote.
Filename: startRange.Filename,
Start: startRange.End,
End: startRange.End,
// Always end with an end token, so the parser can produce diagnostics
// about unclosed items with proper position information.
parts = append(parts, &templateEndToken{
SrcRange: endRange,
ret := &templateParts{
Tokens: parts,
SrcRange: zcl.RangeBetween(startRange, endRange),
return ret, diags
type templateParts struct {
Tokens []templateToken
SrcRange zcl.Range
// templateToken is a higher-level token that represents a single atom within
// the template language. Our template parsing first raises the raw token
// stream to a sequence of templateToken, and then transforms the result into
// an expression tree.
type templateToken interface {
templateToken() templateToken
type templateLiteralToken struct {
Val string
SrcRange zcl.Range
type templateInterpToken struct {
Expr Expression
SrcRange zcl.Range
type templateIfToken struct {
CondExpr Expression
SrcRange zcl.Range
type templateForToken struct {
KeyVar string // empty if ignoring key
ValVar string
CollExpr Expression
SrcRange zcl.Range
type templateEndCtrlType int
const (
templateEndIf templateEndCtrlType = iota
type templateEndCtrlToken struct {
Type templateEndCtrlType
SrcRange zcl.Range
func (t *templateEndCtrlToken) Name() string {
switch t.Type {
case templateEndIf:
return "endif"
case templateElse:
return "else"
case templateEndFor:
return "endfor"
// should never happen
panic("invalid templateEndCtrlType")
type templateEndToken struct {
SrcRange zcl.Range
type isTemplateToken [0]int
func (t isTemplateToken) templateToken() templateToken {
return t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user