scanner: fix tests

This commit is contained in:
Fatih Arslan 2015-10-05 18:18:09 +03:00
parent 81a8399ed1
commit ac40da147e
2 changed files with 163 additions and 150 deletions

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@ -81,13 +81,15 @@ func (s *Scanner) next() rune {
s.lastCharLen = size
s.srcPos.Offset += size
s.srcPos.Column += size
if ch == '\n' {
s.srcPos.Column = 0
s.lastLineLen = s.srcPos.Column
// debug
// fmt.Printf("ch: %q, off:column: %d:%d\n", ch, s.srcPos.Offset, s.srcPos.Column)
return ch
@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ func (s *Scanner) peek() rune {
// Scan scans the next token and returns the token.
func (s *Scanner) Scan() (tok token.Token) {
ch := s.peek()
ch :=
// skip white space
for isWhitespace(ch) {
@ -121,9 +123,9 @@ func (s *Scanner) Scan() (tok token.Token) {
s.tokStart = s.srcPos.Offset - s.lastCharLen
// token position, initial next() is moving the offset by one, though we
// are interested with the starting point
s.tokPos.Offset = s.srcPos.Offset - 1
// token position, initial next() is moving the offset by one(size of rune
// actually), though we are interested with the starting point
s.tokPos.Offset = s.srcPos.Offset - s.lastCharLen
if s.srcPos.Column > 0 {
// common case: last character was not a '\n'

View File

@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ func TestPosition(t *testing.T) {
// t.SkipNow()
// create artifical source code
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for _, list := range tokenLists {
for _, ident := range list {
for _, listName := range orderedTokenLists {
for _, ident := range tokenLists[listName] {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\t\t\t\t%s\n", ident.text)
@ -55,20 +56,21 @@ func TestPosition(t *testing.T) {
pos := Position{"", 4, 1, 5}
for _, list := range tokenLists {
for _, k := range list {
for _, listName := range orderedTokenLists {
for _, k := range tokenLists[listName] {
curPos := s.Pos()
fmt.Printf("[%q] s = %+v:%+v\n", k.text, curPos.Offset, curPos.Column)
// fmt.Printf("[%q] s = %+v:%+v\n", k.text, curPos.Offset, curPos.Column)
if curPos.Offset != pos.Offset {
t.Errorf("offset = %d, want %d for %q", curPos.Offset, pos.Offset, k.text)
t.Fatalf("offset = %d, want %d for %q", curPos.Offset, pos.Offset, k.text)
if curPos.Line != pos.Line {
t.Errorf("line = %d, want %d for %q", curPos.Line, pos.Line, k.text)
t.Fatalf("line = %d, want %d for %q", curPos.Line, pos.Line, k.text)
if curPos.Column != pos.Column {
t.Errorf("column = %d, want %d for %q", curPos.Column, pos.Column, k.text)
t.Fatalf("column = %d, want %d for %q", curPos.Column, pos.Column, k.text)
pos.Offset += 4 + len(k.text) + 1 // 4 tabs + token bytes + newline
pos.Line += countNewlines(k.text) + 1 // each token is on a new line
@ -81,44 +83,53 @@ func TestPosition(t *testing.T) {
var tokenLists = map[string][]tokenPair{
// "comment": []tokenPair{
// {token.COMMENT, "//"},
// {token.COMMENT, "////"},
// {token.COMMENT, "// comment"},
// {token.COMMENT, "// /* comment */"},
// {token.COMMENT, "// // comment //"},
// {token.COMMENT, "//" + f100},
// {token.COMMENT, "#"},
// {token.COMMENT, "##"},
// {token.COMMENT, "# comment"},
// {token.COMMENT, "# /* comment */"},
// {token.COMMENT, "# # comment #"},
// {token.COMMENT, "#" + f100},
// {token.COMMENT, "/**/"},
// {token.COMMENT, "/***/"},
// {token.COMMENT, "/* comment */"},
// {token.COMMENT, "/* // comment */"},
// {token.COMMENT, "/* /* comment */"},
// {token.COMMENT, "/*\n comment\n*/"},
// {token.COMMENT, "/*" + f100 + "*/"},
// },
// "operator": []tokenPair{
// {token.LBRACK, "["},
// {token.LBRACE, "{"},
// {token.COMMA, ","},
// {token.PERIOD, "."},
// {token.RBRACK, "]"},
// {token.RBRACE, "}"},
// {token.ASSIGN, "="},
// {token.ADD, "+"},
// {token.SUB, "-"},
// },
// "bool": []tokenPair{
// {token.BOOL, "true"},
// {token.BOOL, "false"},
// },
var orderedTokenLists = []string{
// "comment",
// "operator",
// "bool",
// "ident",
// "string",
// "float",
var tokenLists = map[string][]tokenPair{
"comment": []tokenPair{
{token.COMMENT, "//"},
{token.COMMENT, "////"},
{token.COMMENT, "// comment"},
{token.COMMENT, "// /* comment */"},
{token.COMMENT, "// // comment //"},
{token.COMMENT, "//" + f100},
{token.COMMENT, "#"},
{token.COMMENT, "##"},
{token.COMMENT, "# comment"},
{token.COMMENT, "# /* comment */"},
{token.COMMENT, "# # comment #"},
{token.COMMENT, "#" + f100},
{token.COMMENT, "/**/"},
{token.COMMENT, "/***/"},
{token.COMMENT, "/* comment */"},
{token.COMMENT, "/* // comment */"},
{token.COMMENT, "/* /* comment */"},
{token.COMMENT, "/*\n comment\n*/"},
{token.COMMENT, "/*" + f100 + "*/"},
"operator": []tokenPair{
{token.LBRACK, "["},
{token.LBRACE, "{"},
{token.COMMA, ","},
{token.PERIOD, "."},
{token.RBRACK, "]"},
{token.RBRACE, "}"},
{token.ASSIGN, "="},
{token.ADD, "+"},
{token.SUB, "-"},
"bool": []tokenPair{
{token.BOOL, "true"},
{token.BOOL, "false"},
"ident": []tokenPair{
{token.IDENT, "a"},
{token.IDENT, "a0"},
@ -129,106 +140,106 @@ var tokenLists = map[string][]tokenPair{
{token.IDENT, "_abc123"},
{token.IDENT, "abc123_"},
{token.IDENT, "_abc_123_"},
// {token.IDENT, "_äöü"},
// {token.IDENT, "_本"},
// {token.IDENT, "äöü"},
// {token.IDENT, "本"},
// {token.IDENT, "a۰۱۸"},
// {token.IDENT, "foo६४"},
// {token.IDENT, "bar"},
{token.IDENT, "_äöü"},
{token.IDENT, "_本"},
{token.IDENT, "äöü"},
{token.IDENT, "本"},
{token.IDENT, "a۰۱۸"},
{token.IDENT, "foo६४"},
{token.IDENT, "bar"},
"string": []tokenPair{
{token.STRING, `" "`},
{token.STRING, `"a"`},
{token.STRING, `"本"`},
{token.STRING, `"\a"`},
{token.STRING, `"\b"`},
{token.STRING, `"\f"`},
{token.STRING, `"\n"`},
{token.STRING, `"\r"`},
{token.STRING, `"\t"`},
{token.STRING, `"\v"`},
{token.STRING, `"\""`},
{token.STRING, `"\000"`},
{token.STRING, `"\777"`},
{token.STRING, `"\x00"`},
{token.STRING, `"\xff"`},
{token.STRING, `"\u0000"`},
{token.STRING, `"\ufA16"`},
{token.STRING, `"\U00000000"`},
{token.STRING, `"\U0000ffAB"`},
{token.STRING, `"` + f100 + `"`},
"number": []tokenPair{
{token.NUMBER, "0"},
{token.NUMBER, "1"},
{token.NUMBER, "9"},
{token.NUMBER, "42"},
{token.NUMBER, "1234567890"},
{token.NUMBER, "00"},
{token.NUMBER, "01"},
{token.NUMBER, "07"},
{token.NUMBER, "042"},
{token.NUMBER, "01234567"},
{token.NUMBER, "0x0"},
{token.NUMBER, "0x1"},
{token.NUMBER, "0xf"},
{token.NUMBER, "0x42"},
{token.NUMBER, "0x123456789abcDEF"},
{token.NUMBER, "0x" + f100},
{token.NUMBER, "0X0"},
{token.NUMBER, "0X1"},
{token.NUMBER, "0XF"},
{token.NUMBER, "0X42"},
{token.NUMBER, "0X123456789abcDEF"},
{token.NUMBER, "0X" + f100},
{token.NUMBER, "0e0"},
{token.NUMBER, "1e0"},
{token.NUMBER, "42e0"},
{token.NUMBER, "01234567890e0"},
{token.NUMBER, "0E0"},
{token.NUMBER, "1E0"},
{token.NUMBER, "42E0"},
{token.NUMBER, "01234567890E0"},
{token.NUMBER, "0e+10"},
{token.NUMBER, "1e-10"},
{token.NUMBER, "42e+10"},
{token.NUMBER, "01234567890e-10"},
{token.NUMBER, "0E+10"},
{token.NUMBER, "1E-10"},
{token.NUMBER, "42E+10"},
{token.NUMBER, "01234567890E-10"},
"float": []tokenPair{
{token.FLOAT, "0."},
{token.FLOAT, "1."},
{token.FLOAT, "42."},
{token.FLOAT, "01234567890."},
{token.FLOAT, ".0"},
{token.FLOAT, ".1"},
{token.FLOAT, ".42"},
{token.FLOAT, ".0123456789"},
{token.FLOAT, "0.0"},
{token.FLOAT, "1.0"},
{token.FLOAT, "42.0"},
{token.FLOAT, "01234567890.0"},
{token.FLOAT, "01.8e0"},
{token.FLOAT, "1.4e0"},
{token.FLOAT, "42.2e0"},
{token.FLOAT, "01234567890.12e0"},
{token.FLOAT, "0.E0"},
{token.FLOAT, "1.12E0"},
{token.FLOAT, "42.123E0"},
{token.FLOAT, "01234567890.213E0"},
{token.FLOAT, "0.2e+10"},
{token.FLOAT, "1.2e-10"},
{token.FLOAT, "42.54e+10"},
{token.FLOAT, "01234567890.98e-10"},
{token.FLOAT, "0.1E+10"},
{token.FLOAT, "1.1E-10"},
{token.FLOAT, "42.1E+10"},
{token.FLOAT, "01234567890.1E-10"},
// "string": []tokenPair{
// {token.STRING, `" "`},
// {token.STRING, `"a"`},
// {token.STRING, `"本"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\a"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\b"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\f"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\n"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\r"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\t"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\v"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\""`},
// {token.STRING, `"\000"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\777"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\x00"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\xff"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\u0000"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\ufA16"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\U00000000"`},
// {token.STRING, `"\U0000ffAB"`},
// {token.STRING, `"` + f100 + `"`},
// },
// "number": []tokenPair{
// {token.NUMBER, "0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "1"},
// {token.NUMBER, "9"},
// {token.NUMBER, "42"},
// {token.NUMBER, "1234567890"},
// {token.NUMBER, "00"},
// {token.NUMBER, "01"},
// {token.NUMBER, "07"},
// {token.NUMBER, "042"},
// {token.NUMBER, "01234567"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0x0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0x1"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0xf"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0x42"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0x123456789abcDEF"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0x" + f100},
// {token.NUMBER, "0X0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0X1"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0XF"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0X42"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0X123456789abcDEF"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0X" + f100},
// {token.NUMBER, "0e0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "1e0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "42e0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "01234567890e0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0E0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "1E0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "42E0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "01234567890E0"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0e+10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "1e-10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "42e+10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "01234567890e-10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "0E+10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "1E-10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "42E+10"},
// {token.NUMBER, "01234567890E-10"},
// },
// "float": []tokenPair{
// {token.FLOAT, "0."},
// {token.FLOAT, "1."},
// {token.FLOAT, "42."},
// {token.FLOAT, "01234567890."},
// {token.FLOAT, ".0"},
// {token.FLOAT, ".1"},
// {token.FLOAT, ".42"},
// {token.FLOAT, ".0123456789"},
// {token.FLOAT, "0.0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "1.0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "42.0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "01234567890.0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "01.8e0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "1.4e0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "42.2e0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "01234567890.12e0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "0.E0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "1.12E0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "42.123E0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "01234567890.213E0"},
// {token.FLOAT, "0.2e+10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "1.2e-10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "42.54e+10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "01234567890.98e-10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "0.1E+10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "1.1E-10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "42.1E+10"},
// {token.FLOAT, "01234567890.1E-10"},
// },
func TestComment(t *testing.T) {