guide: Start of HCL usage guide
This is guide-style documentation to introduce the different parts of HCL, as a complement to the reference documentation provided in godoc.
This commit is contained in:
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# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
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import subprocess
import os.path
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = u'HCL'
copyright = u'2018, HashiCorp'
author = u'HashiCorp'
git_version = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'describe', '--always']).strip()
# The short X.Y version
version = unicode(git_version)
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
release = unicode(git_version)
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master_doc = 'index'
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pygments_style = 'sphinx'
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# 'pointsize': '10pt',
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# 'preamble': '',
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# (source start file, target name, title,
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latex_documents = [
(master_doc, 'HCL.tex', u'HCL Documentation',
u'HashiCorp', 'manual'),
# -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
(master_doc, 'hcl', u'HCL Documentation',
[author], 1)
# -- Options for Texinfo output ----------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
(master_doc, 'HCL', u'HCL Documentation',
author, 'HCL', 'One line description of project.',
# -- Extension configuration -------------------------------------------------
# -- Options for todo extension ----------------------------------------------
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
todo_include_todos = True
autoapi_type = 'go'
autoapi_dirs = [
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', x)
for x in ['gohcl', 'hcl', 'hcldec', 'hcled', 'hclparse', 'hcltest', 'hclwrite']
autoapi_root = 'api'
autoapi_add_toctree_entry = False
autoapi_keep_files = True
autoapi_generate_api_docs = False
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Using HCL in a Go application
HCL is itself written in Go_ and currently it is primarily intended for use as
a library within other Go programs.
This section describes a number of different ways HCL can be used to define
and process a configuration language within a Go program. For simple situations,
HCL can decode directly into Go ``struct`` values in a similar way as encoding
packages such as ``encoding/json`` and ``encoding/xml``.
The HCL Go API also offers some alternative approaches however, for processing
languages that may be more complex or that include portions whose expected
structure cannot be determined until runtime.
The following sections give an overview of different ways HCL can be used in
a Go program.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Sub-sections:
.. _Go:
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.. go:package:: gohcl
Decoding Into Native Go Values
The most straightforward way to access the content of an HCL file is to
decode into native Go values using ``reflect``, similar to the technique used
by packages like ``encoding/json`` and ``encoding/xml``.
Package ``gohcl`` provides functions for this sort of decoding. Function
``DecodeBody`` attempts to extract values from an HCL *body* and write them
into a Go value given as a pointer:
.. code-block:: go
type ServiceConfig struct {
Type string `hcl:"type,label"`
Name string `hcl:"name,label"`
ListenAddr string `hcl:"listen_addr"`
type Config struct {
IOMode string `hcl:"io_mode"`
Services []ServiceConfig `hcl:"service,block"`
var c Config
moreDiags := gohcl.DecodeBody(f.Body, nil, &c)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
The above example decodes the *root body* of a file ``f``, presumably loaded
previously using a parser, into the variable ``c``. The field labels within
the struct types imply the schema of the expected language, which is a cut-down
version of the hypothetical language we showed in :ref:`intro`.
The struct field labels consist of two comma-separated values. The first is
the name of the corresponding argument or block type as it will appear in
the input file, and the second is the type of element being named. If the
second value is omitted, it defaults to ``attr``, requesting an attribute.
Nested blocks are represented by a struct or a slice of that struct, and the
special element type ``label`` within that struct declares that each instance
of that block type must be followed by one or more block labels. In the above
example, the ``service`` block type is defined to require two labels, named
``type`` and ``name``. For label fields in particular, the given name is used
only to refer to the particular label in error messages when the wrong number
of labels is used.
By default, all declared attributes and blocks are considered to be required.
An optional value is indicated by making its field have a pointer type, in
which case ``nil`` is written to indicate the absense of the argument.
The sections below discuss some additional decoding use-cases. For full details
on the `gohcl` package, see
`the godoc reference <>`_.
Variables and Functions
By default, arguments given in the configuration may use only literal values
and the built in expression language operators, such as arithmetic.
The second argument to ``gohcl.DecodeBody``, shown as ``nil`` in the previous
example, allows the calling application to additionally offer variables and
functions for use in expressions. Its value is a pointer to an
``hcl.EvalContext``, which will be covered in more detail in the later section
:ref:`expression-eval`. For now, a simple example of making the id of the
current process available as a single variable called ``pid``:
.. code-block:: go
type Context struct {
Pid string
ctx := gohcl.EvalContext(&Context{
Pid: os.Getpid()
var c Config
moreDiags := gohcl.DecodeBody(f.Body, ctx, &c)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
``gohcl.EvalContext`` constructs an expression evaluation context from a Go
struct value, making the fields available as variables and the methods
available as functions, after transforming the field and method names such
that each word (starting with an uppercase letter) is all lowercase and
separated by underscores.
.. code-block:: hcl
name = "example-program (${pid})"
Partial Decoding
In the examples so far, we've extracted the content from the entire input file
in a single call to ``DecodeBody``. This is sufficient for many simple
situations, but sometimes different parts of the file must be evaluated
separately. For example:
* If different parts of the file must be evaluated with different variables
or functions available.
* If the result of evaluating one part of the file is used to set variables
or functions in another part of the file.
There are several ways to perform partial decoding with ``gohcl``, all of
which involve decoding into HCL's own types, such as ``hcl.Body``.
The most general approach is to declare an additional struct field of type
``hcl.Body``, with the special field tag type ``remain``:
.. code-block:: go
type ServiceConfig struct {
Type string `hcl:"type,label"`
Name string `hcl:"name,label"`
ListenAddr string `hcl:"listen_addr"`
Remain hcl.Body `hcl:",remain"`
When a ``remain`` field is present, any element of the input body that is
not matched is retained in a body saved into that field, which can then be
decoded in a later call, potentially with a different evaluation context.
Another option is to decode an attribute into a value of type `hcl.Expression`,
which can then be evaluated separately as described in
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.. _go-diagnostics:
Diagnostic Messages
An important concern for any machine language intended for human authoring is
to produce good error messages when the input is somehow invalid, or has
other problems.
HCL uses *diagnostics* to describe problems in an end-user-oriented manner,
such that the calling application can render helpful error or warning messages.
The word "diagnostic" is a general term that covers both errors and warnings,
where errors are problems that prevent complete processing while warnings are
possible concerns that do not block processing.
HCL deviates from usual Go API practice by returning its own ``hcl.Diagnostics``
type, instead of Go's own ``error`` type. This allows functions to return
warnings without accompanying errors while not violating the usual expectation
that the absense of errors is indicated by a nil ``error``.
In order to easily accumulate and return multiple diagnostics at once, the
usual pattern for functions returning diagnostics is to gather them in a
local variable and then return it at the end of the function, or possibly
earlier if the function cannot continue due to the problems.
.. code-block:: go
func returningDiagnosticsExample() hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
// ...
// Call a function that may itself produce diagnostics.
f, moreDiags := parser.LoadHCLFile("example.conf")
// always append, in case warnings are present
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// If we can't safely continue in the presence of errors here, we
// can optionally return early.
return diags
// ...
return diags
A common variant of the above pattern is calling another diagnostics-generating
function in a loop, using ``continue`` to begin the next iteration when errors
are detected, but still completing all iterations and returning the union of
all of the problems encountered along the way.
In :ref:`go-parsing`, we saw that the parser can generate diagnostics which
are related to syntax problems within the loaded file. Further steps to decode
content from the loaded file can also generate diagnostics related to *semantic*
problems within the file, such as invalid expressions or type mismatches, and
so a program using HCL will generally need to accumulate diagnostics across
these various steps and then render them in the application UI somehow.
Rendering Diagnostics in the UI
The best way to render diagnostics to an end-user will depend a lot on the
type of application: they might be printed into a terminal, written into a
log for later review, or even shown in a GUI.
HCL leaves the responsibility for rendering diagnostics to the calling
application, but since rendering to a terminal is a common case for command-line
tools, the `hcl` package contains a default implementation of this in the
form of a "diagnostic text writer":
.. code-block:: go
wr := hcl.NewDiagnosticTextWriter(
os.Stdout, // writer to send messages to
parser.Files(), // the parser's file cache, for source snippets
78, // wrapping width
true, // generate colored/highlighted output
This default implementation of diagnostic rendering includes relevant lines
of source code for context, like this:
Error: Unsupported block type
on line 4, in resource "aws_instance" "example":
2: provisionr "local-exec" {
Blocks of type "provisionr" are not expected here. Did you mean "provisioner"?
If the "color" flag is enabled, the severity will be additionally indicated by
a text color and the relevant portion of the source code snippet will be
underlined to draw further attention.
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.. _go-parsing:
Parsing HCL Input
The first step in processing HCL input provided by a user is to parse it.
Parsing turns the raw bytes from an input file into a higher-level
representation of the arguments and blocks, ready to be *decoded* into an
application-specific form.
The main entry point into HCL parsing is :go:pkg:`hclparse`, which provides
.. code-block:: go
parser := hclparse.NewParser()
f, diags := parser.ParseHCLFile("server.conf")
Variable ``f`` is then a pointer to an :go:type:`hcl.File`, which is an
opaque abstract representation of the file, ready to be decoded.
Variable ``diags`` describes any errors or warnings that were encountered
during processing; HCL conventionally uses this in place of the usual ``error``
return value in Go, to allow returning a mixture of multiple errors and
warnings together with enough information to present good error messages to the
user. We'll cover this in more detail in the next section,
.. go:package:: hclparse
Package ``hclparse``
.. go:type:: Parser
.. go:function:: func NewParser() *Parser
Constructs a new parser object. Each parser contains a cache of files
that have already been read, so repeated calls to load the same file
will return the same object.
.. go:function:: func (*Parser) ParseHCL(src []byte, filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics)
Parse the given source code as HCL native syntax, saving the result into
the parser's file cache under the given filename.
.. go:function:: func (*Parser) ParseHCLFile(filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics)
Parse the contents of the given file as HCL native syntax. This is a
convenience wrapper around ParseHCL that first reads the file into memory.
.. go:function:: func (*Parser) ParseJSON(src []byte, filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics)
Parse the given source code as JSON syntax, saving the result into
the parser's file cache under the given filename.
.. go:function:: func (*Parser) ParseJSONFile(filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics)
Parse the contents of the given file as JSON syntax. This is a
convenience wrapper around ParseJSON that first reads the file into memory.
The above list just highlights the main functions in this package.
For full documentation, see
`the hclparse godoc <>`_.
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HCL Configuration Language
HCL is a toolkit for creating structured configuration languages that are both
human- and machine-friendly, for use with command-line tools, servers, etc.
HCL has both a native syntax, intended to be pleasant to read and write for
humans, and a JSON-based variant that is easier for machines to generate and
parse. The native syntax is inspired by libucl_, `nginx configuration`_, and
It includes an expression syntax that allows basic inline computation and, with
support from the calling application, use of variables and functions for more
dynamic configuration languages.
HCL provides a set of constructs that can be used by a calling application to
construct a configuration language. The application defines which argument
names and nested block types are expected, and HCL parses the configuration
file, verifies that it conforms to the expected structure, and returns
high-level objects that the application can use for further processing.
At present, HCL is primarily intended for use in applications written in Go_,
via its library API.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents:
.. _libucl:
.. _`nginx configuration`:
.. _Go:
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.. _intro:
Introduction to HCL
HCL-based configuration is built from two main constructs: arguments and
blocks. The following is an example of a configuration language for a
hypothetical application:
.. code-block:: hcl
io_mode = "async"
service "http" "web_proxy" {
listen_addr = ""
process "main" {
command = ["/usr/local/bin/awesome-app", "server"]
process "mgmt" {
command = ["/usr/local/bin/awesome-app", "mgmt"]
In the above example, ``io_mode`` is a top-level argument, while ``service``
introduces a block. Within the body of a block, further arguments and nested
blocks are allowed. A block type may also expect a number of *labels*, which
are the quoted names following the ``service`` keyword in the above example.
The specific keywords ``io_mode``, ``service``, ``process``, etc here are
application-defined. HCL provides the general block structure syntax, and
can validate and decode configuration based on the application's provided
HCL is a structured configuration language rather than a data structure
serialization language. This means that unlike languages such as JSON, YAML,
or TOML, HCL is always decoded using an application-defined schema.
However, HCL does have a JSON-based alternative syntax, which allows the same
structure above to be generated using a standard JSON serializer when users
wish to generate configuration programmatically rather than hand-write it:
.. code-block:: json
"io_mode": "async",
"service": {
"http": {
"web_proxy": {
"listen_addr": "",
"process": {
"main": {
"command": ["/usr/local/bin/awesome-app", "server"]
"mgmt": {
"command": ["/usr/local/bin/awesome-app", "mgmt"]
The calling application can choose which syntaxes to support. JSON syntax may
not be important or desirable for certain applications, but it is available for
applications that need it. The schema provided by the calling application
allows JSON input to be properly decoded even though JSON syntax is ambiguous
in various ways, such as whether a JSON object is representing a nested block
or an object expression.
The collection of arguments and blocks at a particular nesting level is called
a *body*. A file always has a root body containing the top-level elements,
and each block also has its own body representing the elements within it.
The term "attribute" can also be used to refer to what we've called an
"argument" so far. The term "attribute" is also used for the fields of an
object value in argument expressions, and so "argument" is used to refer
specifically to the type of attribute that appears directly within a body.
The above examples show the general "texture" of HCL-based configuration. The
full details of the syntax are covered in the language specifications.
.. todo:: Once the language specification documents have settled into a
final location, link them from above.
Argument Expressions
The value of an argument can be a literal value shown above, or it may be an
expression to allow arithmetic, deriving one value from another, etc.
.. code-block:: hcl
listen_addr = env.LISTEN_ADDR
Built-in arithmetic and comparison operators are automatically available in all
HCL-based configuration languages. A calling application may optionally
provide variables that users can reference, like ``env`` in the above example,
and custom functions to transform values in application-specific ways.
Full details of the expression syntax are in the HCL native syntax
specification. Since JSON does not have an expression syntax, JSON-based
configuration files use the native syntax expression language embedded inside
JSON strings.
.. todo:: Once the language specification documents have settled into a
final location, link to the native syntax specification from above.
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pushd %~dp0
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if "%1" == "" goto help
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
|||| the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
goto end
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user