package zclwrite

import (


type Node interface {
	walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc)
	Tokens() *TokenSeq

type internalWalkFunc func(Node)

type File struct {
	Name     string
	SrcBytes []byte

	Body      *Body
	AllTokens *TokenSeq

// WriteTo writes the tokens underlying the receiving file to the given writer.
func (f *File) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
	return f.AllTokens.WriteTo(wr)

// Bytes returns a buffer containing the source code resulting from the
// tokens underlying the receiving file. If any updates have been made via
// the AST API, these will be reflected in the result.
func (f *File) Bytes() []byte {
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	return buf.Bytes()

// Format makes in-place modifications to the tokens underlying the receiving
// file in order to change the whitespace to be in canonical form.
func (f *File) Format() {

type Body struct {
	// Items may contain Attribute, Block and Unstructured instances.
	// Items and AllTokens should be updated only by methods of this type,
	// since they must be kept synchronized for correct operation.
	Items     []Node
	AllTokens *TokenSeq

	// IndentLevel is the number of spaces that should appear at the start
	// of lines added within this body.
	IndentLevel int

func (n *Body) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
	for _, item := range n.Items {

func (n *Body) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
	return n.AllTokens

func (n *Body) AppendItem(node Node) {
	n.Items = append(n.Items, node)

func (n *Body) AppendUnstructuredTokens(seq *TokenSeq) {
	if n.AllTokens == nil {
		new := make(TokenSeq, 0, 1)
		n.AllTokens = &new
	*(n.AllTokens) = append(*(n.AllTokens), seq)

// FindAttribute returns the first attribute item from the body that has the
// given name, or returns nil if there is currently no matching attribute.
// A valid AST has only one definition of each attribute, but that constraint
// is not enforced in the zclwrite AST, so a tree that has been mutated by
// other calls may contain additional matching attributes that cannot be seen
// by this method.
func (n *Body) FindAttribute(name string) *Attribute {
	nameBytes := []byte(name)
	for _, item := range n.Items {
		if attr, ok := item.(*Attribute); ok {
			if attr.NameTokens.IsIdent(nameBytes) {
				return attr
	return nil

// SetAttributeValue either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The value is given as a cty.Value, and must therefore be a literal. To set
// a variable reference or other traversal, use SetAttributeTraversal.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (n *Body) SetAttributeValue(name string, val cty.Value) *Attribute {
	panic("Body.SetAttributeValue not yet implemented")

// SetAttributeTraversal either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The new expression is given as a zcl.Traversal, which must be an absolute
// traversal. To set a literal value, use SetAttributeValue.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (n *Body) SetAttributeTraversal(name string, traversal zcl.Traversal) *Attribute {
	panic("Body.SetAttributeTraversal not yet implemented")

type Attribute struct {
	AllTokens *TokenSeq

	LeadCommentTokens *TokenSeq
	NameTokens        *TokenSeq
	EqualsTokens      *TokenSeq
	Expr              *Expression
	LineCommentTokens *TokenSeq
	EOLTokens         *TokenSeq

func (a *Attribute) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {

func (n *Attribute) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
	return n.AllTokens

type Block struct {
	AllTokens *TokenSeq

	LeadCommentTokens *TokenSeq
	TypeTokens        *TokenSeq
	LabelTokens       []*TokenSeq
	LabelTokensFlat   *TokenSeq
	OBraceTokens      *TokenSeq
	Body              *Body
	CBraceTokens      *TokenSeq
	EOLTokens         *TokenSeq

func (n *Block) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {

func (n *Block) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
	return n.AllTokens

type Expression struct {
	AllTokens *TokenSeq
	VarRefs   []*VarRef

func (n *Expression) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
	for _, name := range n.VarRefs {

func (n *Expression) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
	return n.AllTokens

type VarRef struct {
	// Tokens alternate between TokenIdent and TokenDot, with the first
	// and last elements always being TokenIdent.
	AllTokens *TokenSeq

func (n *VarRef) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
	// no child nodes of a variable name

func (n *VarRef) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
	return n.AllTokens