package hclhil import ( "fmt" "reflect" "testing" "" hclast "" hcltoken "" "" "" ) func TestBodyPartialContent(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { Source string Schema *zcl.BodySchema Want *zcl.BodyContent DiagCount int }{ { ``, &zcl.BodySchema{}, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Filename: "<unknown>", }, }, 0, }, { `foo = 1`, &zcl.BodySchema{}, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1, Byte: 0}, End: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 2, Byte: 1}, }, }, 0, }, { `foo = 1`, &zcl.BodySchema{ Attributes: []zcl.AttributeSchema{ { Name: "foo", }, }, }, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{ "foo": { Name: "foo", Expr: &expression{ src: &hclast.LiteralType{ Token: hcltoken.Token{ Type: hcltoken.NUMBER, Text: `1`, Pos: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 6, Line: 1, Column: 7, }, }, }, }, Range: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, NameRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, }, }, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1, Byte: 0}, End: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 2, Byte: 1}, }, }, 0, }, { ``, &zcl.BodySchema{ Attributes: []zcl.AttributeSchema{ { Name: "foo", Required: true, }, }, }, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Filename: "<unknown>", }, }, 1, // missing required attribute }, { `foo {}`, &zcl.BodySchema{ Blocks: []zcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ { Type: "foo", }, }, }, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, Blocks: zcl.Blocks{ { Type: "foo", Body: &body{ oli: &hclast.ObjectList{}, }, DefRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 4, Line: 1, Column: 5}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 5, Line: 1, Column: 6}, }, TypeRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, }, }, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1, Byte: 0}, End: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 2, Byte: 1}, }, }, 0, }, { `foo "unwanted" {}`, &zcl.BodySchema{ Blocks: []zcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ { Type: "foo", }, }, }, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1, Byte: 0}, End: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 2, Byte: 1}, }, }, 1, // no labels are expected }, { `foo {}`, &zcl.BodySchema{ Blocks: []zcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ { Type: "foo", LabelNames: []string{"name"}, }, }, }, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1, Byte: 0}, End: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 2, Byte: 1}, }, }, 1, // missing name }, { `foo "wanted" {}`, &zcl.BodySchema{ Blocks: []zcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ { Type: "foo", LabelNames: []string{"name"}, }, }, }, &zcl.BodyContent{ Attributes: zcl.Attributes{}, Blocks: zcl.Blocks{ { Type: "foo", Labels: []string{"wanted"}, Body: &body{ oli: &hclast.ObjectList{}, }, DefRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 13, Line: 1, Column: 14}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 14, Line: 1, Column: 15}, }, TypeRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, LabelRanges: []zcl.Range{ { Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 4, Line: 1, Column: 5}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 5, Line: 1, Column: 6}, }, }, }, }, MissingItemRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1, Byte: 0}, End: zcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 2, Byte: 1}, }, }, 0, }, } for i, test := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%02d", i), func(t *testing.T) { file, diags := Parse([]byte(test.Source), "test.hcl") if len(diags) != 0 { t.Fatalf("diagnostics from parse: %s", diags.Error()) } got, _, diags := file.Body.PartialContent(test.Schema) if len(diags) != test.DiagCount { t.Errorf("wrong number of diagnostics %d; want %d", len(diags), test.DiagCount) for _, diag := range diags { t.Logf(" - %s", diag.Error()) } } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.Want) { t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", spew.Sdump(got), spew.Sdump(test.Want)) } }) } } func TestBodyJustAttributes(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { Source string Want zcl.Attributes DiagCount int }{ { ``, zcl.Attributes{}, 0, }, { `foo = "a"`, zcl.Attributes{ "foo": &zcl.Attribute{ Name: "foo", Expr: &expression{ src: &hclast.LiteralType{ Token: hcltoken.Token{ Type: hcltoken.STRING, Pos: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 6, Line: 1, Column: 7, }, Text: `"a"`, }, }, }, Range: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, NameRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, }, }, 0, }, { `foo = {}`, zcl.Attributes{ "foo": &zcl.Attribute{ Name: "foo", Expr: &expression{ src: &hclast.ObjectType{ List: &hclast.ObjectList{}, Lbrace: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 6, Line: 1, Column: 7, }, Rbrace: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 7, Line: 1, Column: 8, }, }, }, Range: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, NameRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, }, }, 0, }, { `foo {}`, zcl.Attributes{ "foo": &zcl.Attribute{ Name: "foo", Expr: &expression{ src: &hclast.ObjectType{ List: &hclast.ObjectList{}, Lbrace: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 4, Line: 1, Column: 5, }, Rbrace: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 5, Line: 1, Column: 6, }, }, }, Range: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, NameRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 1, Line: 1, Column: 2}, }, }, }, 1, // warning about using block syntax }, { `foo "bar" {}`, zcl.Attributes{}, 1, // blocks are not allowed here }, { ` foo = 1 foo = 2 `, zcl.Attributes{ "foo": &zcl.Attribute{ Name: "foo", Expr: &expression{ src: &hclast.LiteralType{ Token: hcltoken.Token{ Type: hcltoken.NUMBER, Pos: hcltoken.Pos{ Offset: 14, Line: 2, Column: 14, }, Text: `1`, }, }, }, Range: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 8, Line: 2, Column: 8}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 9, Line: 2, Column: 9}, }, NameRange: zcl.Range{ Start: zcl.Pos{Byte: 8, Line: 2, Column: 8}, End: zcl.Pos{Byte: 9, Line: 2, Column: 9}, }, }, }, 1, // duplicate definition of foo }, } for i, test := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%02d", i), func(t *testing.T) { file, diags := Parse([]byte(test.Source), "test.hcl") if len(diags) != 0 { t.Fatalf("diagnostics from parse: %s", diags.Error()) } got, diags := file.Body.JustAttributes() if len(diags) != test.DiagCount { t.Errorf("wrong number of diagnostics %d; want %d", len(diags), test.DiagCount) for _, diag := range diags { t.Logf(" - %s", diag.Error()) } } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.Want) { t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", spew.Sdump(got), spew.Sdump(test.Want)) } }) } } func TestExpressionValue(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { Source string // HCL source assigning a value to attribute "v" Want cty.Value DiagCount int }{ { `v = 1`, cty.NumberIntVal(1), 0, }, { `v = 1.5`, cty.NumberFloatVal(1.5), 0, }, { `v = "hello"`, cty.StringVal("hello"), 0, }, { `v = <<EOT heredoc EOT `, cty.StringVal("heredoc\n"), 0, }, { `v = true`, cty.True, 0, }, { `v = false`, cty.False, 0, }, { `v = []`, cty.EmptyTupleVal, 0, }, { `v = ["hello", 5, true, 3.4]`, cty.TupleVal([]cty.Value{ cty.StringVal("hello"), cty.NumberIntVal(5), cty.True, cty.NumberFloatVal(3.4), }), 0, }, { `v = {}`, cty.EmptyObjectVal, 0, }, { `v = { string = "hello" int = 5 bool = true float = 3.4 list = [] object = {} }`, cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{ "string": cty.StringVal("hello"), "int": cty.NumberIntVal(5), "bool": cty.True, "float": cty.NumberFloatVal(3.4), "list": cty.EmptyTupleVal, "object": cty.EmptyObjectVal, }), 0, }, { `v {}`, cty.EmptyObjectVal, 0, // warns about using block syntax during content extraction, but we ignore that here }, } for i, test := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%02d", i), func(t *testing.T) { file, diags := Parse([]byte(test.Source), "test.hcl") if len(diags) != 0 { t.Fatalf("diagnostics from parse: %s", diags.Error()) } content, diags := file.Body.Content(&zcl.BodySchema{ Attributes: []zcl.AttributeSchema{ { Name: "v", Required: true, }, }, }) expr := content.Attributes["v"].Expr got, diags := expr.Value(nil) if len(diags) != test.DiagCount { t.Errorf("wrong number of diagnostics %d; want %d", len(diags), test.DiagCount) for _, diag := range diags { t.Logf(" - %s", diag.Error()) } } if !got.RawEquals(test.Want) { t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %#v\nwant: %#v", got, test.Want) } }) } }