package zclparse

import (


// NOTE: This is the public interface for parsing. The actual parsers are
// in other packages alongside this one, with this package just wrapping them
// to provide a unified interface for the caller across all supported formats.

// Parser is the main interface for parsing configuration files. As well as
// parsing files, a parser also retains a registry of all of the files it
// has parsed so that multiple attempts to parse the same file will return
// the same object and so the collected files can be used when printing
// diagnostics.
// Any diagnostics for parsing a file are only returned once on the first
// call to parse that file. Callers are expected to collect up diagnostics
// and present them together, so returning diagnostics for the same file
// multiple times would create a confusing result.
type Parser struct {
	files map[string]*zcl.File

// NewParser creates a new parser, ready to parse configuration files.
func NewParser() *Parser {
	return &Parser{
		files: map[string]*zcl.File{},

// ParseZCL parses the given buffer (which is assumed to have been loaded from
// the given filename) as a native-syntax configuration file and returns the
// zcl.File object representing it.
func (p *Parser) ParseZCL(src []byte, filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := zclsyntax.ParseConfig(src, filename, zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1})
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// ParseZCLFile reads the given filename and parses it as a native-syntax zcl
// configuration file. An error diagnostic is returned if the given file
// cannot be read.
func (p *Parser) ParseZCLFile(filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, zcl.Diagnostics{
				Severity: zcl.DiagError,
				Summary:  "Failed to read file",
				Detail:   fmt.Sprintf("The configuration file %q could not be read.", filename),

	return p.ParseZCL(src, filename)

// ParseJSON parses the given JSON buffer (which is assumed to have been loaded
// from the given filename) and returns the zcl.File object representing it.
func (p *Parser) ParseJSON(src []byte, filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := json.Parse(src, filename)
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// ParseJSONWithHIL parses the given JSON buffer (which is assumed to have been
// loaded from the given filename) and returns the zcl.File object representing
// it. Unlike ParseJSON, the strings within the file will be interpreted as
// HIL templates rather than native zcl templates.
func (p *Parser) ParseJSONWithHIL(src []byte, filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := json.ParseWithHIL(src, filename)
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// ParseJSONFile reads the given filename and parses it as JSON, similarly to
// ParseJSON. An error diagnostic is returned if the given file cannot be read.
func (p *Parser) ParseJSONFile(filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := json.ParseFile(filename)
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// ParseJSONFileWithHIL reads the given filename and parses it as JSON, similarly to
// ParseJSONWithHIL. An error diagnostic is returned if the given file cannot be read.
func (p *Parser) ParseJSONFileWithHIL(filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := json.ParseFileWithHIL(filename)
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// ParseHCLHIL parses the given buffer (which is assumed to have been loaded
// from the given filename) using the HCL and HIL parsers, and returns the
// zcl.File object representing it.
// This HCL/HIL parser is a compatibility interface to ease migration for
// apps that previously used HCL and HIL directly.
func (p *Parser) ParseHCLHIL(src []byte, filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := hclhil.Parse(src, filename)
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// ParseHCLHILFile reads the given filename and parses it as HCL/HIL, similarly
// to ParseHCLHIL. An error diagnostic is returned if the given file cannot be
// read.
func (p *Parser) ParseHCLHILFile(filename string) (*zcl.File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
	if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil {
		return existing, nil

	file, diags := hclhil.ParseFile(filename)
	p.files[filename] = file
	return file, diags

// AddFile allows a caller to record in a parser a file that was parsed some
// other way, thus allowing it to be included in the registry of sources.
func (p *Parser) AddFile(filename string, file *zcl.File) {
	p.files[filename] = file

// Sources returns a map from filenames to the raw source code that was
// read from them. This is intended to be used, for example, to print
// diagnostics with contextual information.
// The arrays underlying the returned slices should not be modified.
func (p *Parser) Sources() map[string][]byte {
	ret := make(map[string][]byte)
	for fn, f := range p.files {
		ret[fn] = f.Bytes
	return ret

// Files returns a map from filenames to the File objects produced from them.
// This is intended to be used, for example, to print diagnostics with
// contextual information.
// The returned map and all of the objects it refers to directly or indirectly
// must not be modified.
func (p *Parser) Files() map[string]*zcl.File {
	return p.files