Design Patterns for Complex Systems =================================== In previous sections we've seen an overview of some different ways an application can decode a language its has defined in terms of the HCL grammar. For many applications, those mechanisms are sufficient. However, there are some more complex situations that can benefit from some additional techniques. This section lists a few of these situations and ways to use the HCL API to accommodate them. .. _go-interdep-blocks: Interdependent Blocks --------------------- In some configuration languages, the variables available for use in one configuration block depend on values defined in other blocks. For example, in Terraform many of the top-level constructs are also implicitly definitions of values that are available for use in expressions elsewhere: .. code-block:: hcl variable "network_numbers" { type = list(number) } variable "base_network_addr" { type = string default = "" } locals { network_blocks = { for x in var.number: x => cidrsubnet(var.base_network_addr, 8, x) } } resource "cloud_subnet" "example" { for_each = local.network_blocks cidr_block = each.value } output "subnet_ids" { value = cloud_subnet.example[*].id } In this example, the `variable "network_numbers"` block makes ``var.base_network_addr`` available to expressions, the ``resource "cloud_subnet" "example"`` block makes ``cloud_subnet.example`` available, etc. Terraform achieves this by decoding the top-level structure in isolation to start. You can do this either using the low-level API or using :go:pkg:`gohcl` with :go:type:`hcl.Body` fields tagged as "remain". Once you have a separate body for each top-level block, you can inspect each of the attribute expressions inside using the ``Variables`` method on :go:type:`hcl.Expression`, or the ``Variables`` function from package :go:pkg:`hcldec` if you will eventually use its higher-level API to decode as Terraform does. The detected variable references can then be used to construct a dependency graph between the blocks, and then perform a `topological sort <>`_ to determine the correct order to evaluate each block's contents so that values will always be available before they are needed. Since :go:pkg:`cty` values are immutable, it is not convenient to directly change values in a :go:type:`hcl.EvalContext` during this gradual evaluation, so instead construct a specialized data structure that has a separate value per object and construct an evaluation context from that each time a new value becomes available. Using :go:pkg:`hcldec` to evaluate block bodies is particularly convenient in this scenario because it produces :go:type:`cty.Value` results which can then just be directly incorporated into the evaluation context. Distributed Systems ------------------- Distributed systems cause a number of extra challenges, and configuration management is rarely the worst of these. However, there are some specific considerations for using HCL-based configuration in distributed systems. For the sake of this section, we are concerned with distributed systems where at least two separate components both depend on the content of HCL-based configuration files. Real-world examples include the following: * **HashiCorp Nomad** loads configuration (job specifications) in its servers but also needs these results in its clients and in its various driver plugins. * **HashiCorp Terraform** parses configuration in Terraform Core but can write a partially-evaluated execution plan to disk and continue evaluation in a separate process later. It must also pass configuration values into provider plugins. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to allowing configuration to be accessed in multiple subsystems, which the following subsections will discuss separately. Ahead-of-time Evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ahead-of-time evaluation is the simplest path, with the configuration files being entirely evaluated on entry to the system, and then only the resulting *constant values* being passed between subsystems. This approach is relatively straightforward because the resulting :go:type:`cty.Value` results can be losslessly serialized as either JSON or msgpack as long as all system components agree on the expected value types. Aside from passing these values around "on the wire", parsing and decoding of configuration proceeds as normal. Both Nomad and Terraform use this approach for interacting with *plugins*, because the plugins themselves are written by various different teams that do not coordinate closely, and so doing all expression evaluation in the core subsystems ensures consistency between plugins and simplifies plugin development. In both applications, the plugin is expected to describe (using an application-specific protocol) the schema it expects for each element of configuration it is responsible for, allowing the core subsystems to perform decoding on the plugin's behalf and pass a value that is guaranteed to conform to the schema. Gradual Evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Although ahead-of-time evaluation is relatively straightforward, it has the significant disadvantage that all data available for access via variables or functions must be known by whichever subsystem performs that initial evaluation. For example, in Terraform, the "plan" subcommand is responsible for evaluating the configuration and presenting to the user an execution plan for approval, but certain values in that plan cannot be determined until the plan is already being applied, since the specific values used depend on remote API decisions such as the allocation of opaque id strings for objects. In Terraform's case, both the creation of the plan and the eventual apply of that plan *both* entail evaluating configuration, with the apply step having a more complete set of input values and thus producing a more complete result. However, this means that Terraform must somehow make the expressions from the original input configuration available to the separate process that applies the generated plan. Good usability requires error and warning messages that are able to refer back to specific sections of the input configuration as context for the reported problem, and the best way to achieve this in a distributed system doing gradual evaluation is to send the configuration *source code* between subsystems. This is generally the most compact representation that retains source location information, and will avoid any inconsistency caused by introducing another intermediate serialization. In Terraform's, for example, the serialized plan incorporates both the data structure describing the partial evaluation results from the plan phase and the original configuration files that produced those results, which can then be re-evalauated during the apply step. In a gradual evaluation scenario, the application should verify correctness of the input configuration as completely as possible at each state. To help with this, :go:pkg:`cty` has the concept of `unknown values <>`_, which can stand in for values the application does not yet know while still retaining correct type information. HCL expression evaluation reacts to unknown values by performing type checking but then returning another unknown value, causing the unknowns to propagate through expressions automatically. .. code-block:: go ctx := &hcl.EvalContext{ Variables: map[string]cty.Value{ "name": cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), "age": cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number), }, } val, moreDiags := expr.Value(ctx) diags = append(diags, moreDiags...) Each time an expression is re-evaluated with additional information, fewer of the input values will be unknown and thus more of the result will be known. Eventually the application should evaluate the expressions with no unknown values at all, which then guarantees that the result will also be wholly-known. Static References, Calls, Lists, and Maps ----------------------------------------- In most cases, we care more about the final result value of an expression than how that value was obtained. A particular list argument, for example, might be defined by the user via a tuple constructor, by a `for` expression, or by assigning the value of a variable that has a suitable list type. In some special cases, the structure of the expression is more important than the result value, or an expression may not *have* a reasonable result value. For example, in Terraform there are a few arguments that call for the user to name another object by reference, rather than provide an object value: .. code-block:: hcl resource "cloud_network" "example" { # ... } resource "cloud_subnet" "example" { cidr_block = "" depends_on = [ cloud_network.example, ] } The ``depends_on`` argument in the second ``resource`` block *appears* as an expression that would construct a single-element tuple containing an object representation of the first resource block. However, Terraform uses this expression to construct its dependency graph, and so it needs to see specifically that this expression refers to ``cloud_network.example``, rather than determine a result value for it. HCL offers a number of "static analysis" functions to help with this sort of situation. These all live in the :go:pkg:`hcl` package, and each one imposes a particular requirement on the syntax tree of the expression it is given, and returns a result derived from that if the expression conforms to that requirement. .. go:currentpackage:: hcl .. go:function:: func ExprAsKeyword(expr Expression) string This function attempts to interpret the given expression as a single keyword, returning that keyword as a string if possible. A "keyword" for the purposes of this function is an expression that can be understood as a valid single identifier. For example, the simple variable reference ``foo`` can be interpreted as a keyword, while ```` cannot. As a special case, the language-level keywords ``true``, ``false``, and ``null`` are also considered to be valid keywords, allowing the calling application to disregard their usual meaning. If the given expression cannot be reduced to a single keyword, the result is an empty string. Since an empty string is never a valid keyword, this result unambiguously signals failure. .. go:function:: func AbsTraversalForExpr(expr Expression) (Traversal, Diagnostics) This is a generalization of ``ExprAsKeyword`` that will accept anything that can be interpreted as a *traversal*, which is a variable name followed by zero or more attribute access or index operators with constant operands. For example, all of ``foo``, ```` and ``foo[0]`` are valid traversals, but ``foo[bar]`` is not, because the ``bar`` index is not constant. This is the function that Terraform uses to interpret the items within the ``depends_on`` sequence in our example above. As with ``ExprAsKeyword``, this function has a special case that the keywords ``true``, ``false``, and ``null`` will be accepted as if they were variable names by this function, allowing ```` to be interpreted as a traversal even though it would be invalid if evaluated. If error diagnostics are returned, the traversal result is invalid and should not be used. .. go:function:: func RelTraversalForExpr(expr Expression) (Traversal, Diagnostics) This is very similar to ``AbsTraversalForExpr``, but the result is a *relative* traversal, which is one whose first name is considered to be an attribute of some other (implied) object. The processing rules are identical to ``AbsTraversalForExpr``, with the only exception being that the first element of the returned traversal is marked as being an attribute, rather than as a root variable. .. go:function:: func ExprList(expr Expression) ([]Expression, Diagnostics) This function requires that the given expression be a tuple constructor, and if so returns a slice of the element expressions in that constructor. Applications can then perform further static analysis on these, or evaluate them as normal. If error diagnostics are returned, the result is invalid and should not be used. This is the fucntion that Terraform uses to interpret the expression assigned to ``depends_on`` in our example above, then in turn using ``AbsTraversalForExpr`` on each enclosed expression. .. go:function:: func ExprMap(expr Expression) ([]KeyValuePair, Diagnostics) This function requires that the given expression be an object constructor, and if so returns a slice of the element key/value pairs in that constructor. Applications can then perform further static analysis on these, or evaluate them as normal. If error diagnostics are returned, the result is invalid and should not be used. .. go:function:: func ExprCall(expr Expression) (*StaticCall, Diagnostics) This function requires that the given expression be a function call, and if so returns an object describing the name of the called function and expression objects representing the call arguments. If error diagnostics are returned, the result is invalid and should not be used. The ``Variables`` method on :go:type:`hcl.Expression` is also considered to be a "static analysis" helper, but is built in as a fundamental feature because analysis of referenced variables is often important for static validation and for implementing interdependent blocks as we saw in the section above.