package hclwrite

import (


type Body struct {

	items nodeSet

func newBody() *Body {
	return &Body{
		inTree: newInTree(),
		items:  newNodeSet(),

func (b *Body) appendItem(c nodeContent) *node {
	nn := b.children.Append(c)
	return nn

func (b *Body) appendItemNode(nn *node) *node {
	return nn

// Clear removes all of the items from the body, making it empty.
func (b *Body) Clear() {

func (b *Body) AppendUnstructuredTokens(ts Tokens) {

// Attributes returns a new map of all of the attributes in the body, with
// the attribute names as the keys.
func (b *Body) Attributes() map[string]*Attribute {
	ret := make(map[string]*Attribute)
	for n := range b.items {
		if attr, isAttr := n.content.(*Attribute); isAttr {
			nameObj :=*identifier)
			name := string(nameObj.token.Bytes)
			ret[name] = attr
	return ret

// Blocks returns a new slice of all the blocks in the body.
func (b *Body) Blocks() []*Block {
	ret := make([]*Block, 0, len(b.items))
	for _, n := range b.items.List() {
		if block, isBlock := n.content.(*Block); isBlock {
			ret = append(ret, block)
	return ret

// GetAttribute returns the attribute from the body that has the given name,
// or returns nil if there is currently no matching attribute.
func (b *Body) GetAttribute(name string) *Attribute {
	for n := range b.items {
		if attr, isAttr := n.content.(*Attribute); isAttr {
			nameObj :=*identifier)
			if nameObj.hasName(name) {
				// We've found it!
				return attr

	return nil

// getAttributeNode is like GetAttribute but it returns the node containing
// the selected attribute (if one is found) rather than the attribute itself.
func (b *Body) getAttributeNode(name string) *node {
	for n := range b.items {
		if attr, isAttr := n.content.(*Attribute); isAttr {
			nameObj :=*identifier)
			if nameObj.hasName(name) {
				// We've found it!
				return n

	return nil

// FirstMatchingBlock returns a first matching block from the body that has the
// given name and labels or returns nil if there is currently no matching
// block.
func (b *Body) FirstMatchingBlock(typeName string, labels []string) *Block {
	for _, block := range b.Blocks() {
		if typeName == block.Type() {
			labelNames := block.Labels()
			if len(labels) == 0 && len(labelNames) == 0 {
				return block
			if reflect.DeepEqual(labels, labelNames) {
				return block

	return nil

// RemoveBlock removes the given block from the body, if it's in that body.
// If it isn't present, this is a no-op.
// Returns true if it removed something, or false otherwise.
func (b *Body) RemoveBlock(block *Block) bool {
	for n := range b.items {
		if n.content == block {
			return true
	return false

// SetAttributeRaw either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block,
// using the given tokens verbatim as the expression.
// The same caveats apply to this function as for NewExpressionRaw on which
// it is based. If possible, prefer to use SetAttributeValue or
// SetAttributeTraversal.
func (b *Body) SetAttributeRaw(name string, tokens Tokens) *Attribute {
	attr := b.GetAttribute(name)
	expr := NewExpressionRaw(tokens)
	if attr != nil {
		attr.expr = attr.expr.ReplaceWith(expr)
	} else {
		attr := newAttribute()
		attr.init(name, expr)
	return attr

// SetAttributeValue either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The value is given as a cty.Value, and must therefore be a literal. To set
// a variable reference or other traversal, use SetAttributeTraversal.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (b *Body) SetAttributeValue(name string, val cty.Value) *Attribute {
	attr := b.GetAttribute(name)
	expr := NewExpressionLiteral(val)
	if attr != nil {
		attr.expr = attr.expr.ReplaceWith(expr)
	} else {
		attr := newAttribute()
		attr.init(name, expr)
	return attr

// SetAttributeTraversal either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the body.
// The new expression is given as a hcl.Traversal, which must be an absolute
// traversal. To set a literal value, use SetAttributeValue.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (b *Body) SetAttributeTraversal(name string, traversal hcl.Traversal) *Attribute {
	attr := b.GetAttribute(name)
	expr := NewExpressionAbsTraversal(traversal)
	if attr != nil {
		attr.expr = attr.expr.ReplaceWith(expr)
	} else {
		attr := newAttribute()
		attr.init(name, expr)
	return attr

// RemoveAttribute removes the attribute with the given name from the body.
// The return value is the attribute that was removed, or nil if there was
// no such attribute (in which case the call was a no-op).
func (b *Body) RemoveAttribute(name string) *Attribute {
	node := b.getAttributeNode(name)
	if node == nil {
		return nil
	return node.content.(*Attribute)

// AppendBlock appends an existing block (which must not be already attached
// to a body) to the end of the receiving body.
func (b *Body) AppendBlock(block *Block) *Block {
	return block

// AppendNewBlock appends a new nested block to the end of the receiving body
// with the given type name and labels.
func (b *Body) AppendNewBlock(typeName string, labels []string) *Block {
	block := newBlock()
	block.init(typeName, labels)
	return block

// AppendNewline appends a newline token to th end of the receiving body,
// which generally serves as a separator between different sets of body
// contents.
func (b *Body) AppendNewline() {
			Type:  hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
			Bytes: []byte{'\n'},