The hclsyntax package permits block labels to be blank quoted strings, and defers to the application to determine if this is valid or not. This commit updates hclwrite to allow the same behaviour. This is in response to an upstream bug report on Terraform, which uses hclwrite to implement its fmt subcommand. Given a block with a blank quoted string label, it currently deletes the label when formatting. This is inconsistent with Terraform's behaviour when parsing HCL, which treats empty labels differently from missing labels.
178 lines
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178 lines
4.8 KiB
package hclwrite
import (
type Block struct {
leadComments *node
typeName *node
labels *node
open *node
body *node
close *node
func newBlock() *Block {
return &Block{
inTree: newInTree(),
// NewBlock constructs a new, empty block with the given type name and labels.
func NewBlock(typeName string, labels []string) *Block {
block := newBlock()
block.init(typeName, labels)
return block
func (b *Block) init(typeName string, labels []string) {
nameTok := newIdentToken(typeName)
nameObj := newIdentifier(nameTok)
b.leadComments = b.children.Append(newComments(nil))
b.typeName = b.children.Append(nameObj)
labelsObj := newBlockLabels(labels)
b.labels = b.children.Append(labelsObj)
| = b.children.AppendUnstructuredTokens(Tokens{
Type: hclsyntax.TokenOBrace,
Bytes: []byte{'{'},
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
body := newBody() // initially totally empty; caller can append to it subsequently
b.body = b.children.Append(body)
b.close = b.children.AppendUnstructuredTokens(Tokens{
Type: hclsyntax.TokenCBrace,
Bytes: []byte{'}'},
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
// Body returns the body that represents the content of the receiving block.
// Appending to or otherwise modifying this body will make changes to the
// tokens that are generated between the blocks open and close braces.
func (b *Block) Body() *Body {
return b.body.content.(*Body)
// Type returns the type name of the block.
func (b *Block) Type() string {
typeNameObj := b.typeName.content.(*identifier)
return string(typeNameObj.token.Bytes)
// SetType updates the type name of the block to a given name.
func (b *Block) SetType(typeName string) {
nameTok := newIdentToken(typeName)
nameObj := newIdentifier(nameTok)
// Labels returns the labels of the block.
func (b *Block) Labels() []string {
return b.labelsObj().Current()
// SetLabels updates the labels of the block to given labels.
// Since we cannot assume that old and new labels are equal in length,
// remove old labels and insert new ones before TokenOBrace.
func (b *Block) SetLabels(labels []string) {
// labelsObj returns the internal node content representation of the block
// labels. This is not part of the public API because we're intentionally
// exposing only a limited API to get/set labels on the block itself in a
// manner similar to the main hcl.Block type, but our block accessors all
// use this to get the underlying node content to work with.
func (b *Block) labelsObj() *blockLabels {
return b.labels.content.(*blockLabels)
type blockLabels struct {
items nodeSet
func newBlockLabels(labels []string) *blockLabels {
ret := &blockLabels{
inTree: newInTree(),
items: newNodeSet(),
return ret
func (bl *blockLabels) Replace(newLabels []string) {
for _, label := range newLabels {
labelToks := TokensForValue(cty.StringVal(label))
// Force a new label to use the quoted form, which is the idiomatic
// form. The unquoted form is supported in HCL 2 only for compatibility
// with historical use in HCL 1.
labelObj := newQuoted(labelToks)
labelNode := bl.children.Append(labelObj)
func (bl *blockLabels) Current() []string {
labelNames := make([]string, 0, len(bl.items))
list := bl.items.List()
for _, label := range list {
switch labelObj := label.content.(type) {
case *identifier:
if labelObj.token.Type == hclsyntax.TokenIdent {
labelString := string(labelObj.token.Bytes)
labelNames = append(labelNames, labelString)
case *quoted:
tokens := labelObj.tokens
if len(tokens) == 3 &&
tokens[0].Type == hclsyntax.TokenOQuote &&
tokens[1].Type == hclsyntax.TokenQuotedLit &&
tokens[2].Type == hclsyntax.TokenCQuote {
// Note that TokenQuotedLit may contain escape sequences.
labelString, diags := hclsyntax.ParseStringLiteralToken(tokens[1].asHCLSyntax())
// If parsing the string literal returns error diagnostics
// then we can just assume the label doesn't match, because it's invalid in some way.
if !diags.HasErrors() {
labelNames = append(labelNames, labelString)
} else if len(tokens) == 2 &&
tokens[0].Type == hclsyntax.TokenOQuote &&
tokens[1].Type == hclsyntax.TokenCQuote {
// An open quote followed immediately by a closing quote is a
// valid but unusual blank string label.
labelNames = append(labelNames, "")
// If neither of the previous cases are true (should be impossible)
// then we can just ignore it, because it's invalid too.
return labelNames