Martin Atkins 06d5709118 hclpack: Support literal JSON as an additional expression syntax
hclpack can potentially be used as an intermediary to more easily bring
non-HCL input into the HCL API, and so allowing a literal value in JSON
format as an expression type means that such a transcoder doesn't need to
worry about formatting values it encounters using HCL syntax and can
instead just encode directly to JSON, but at the expense of then not being
able to use the full expression/template syntax.
2018-11-11 08:26:37 -08:00

131 lines
3.4 KiB

package hclpack
import (
// MarshalJSON is an implementation of Marshaler from encoding/json, allowing
// bodies to be included in other types that are JSON-marshalable.
// The result of MarshalJSON is optimized for compactness rather than easy
// human consumption/editing. Use UnmarshalJSON to decode it.
func (b *Body) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
rngs := make(map[hcl.Range]struct{})
fns, posList, posMap := packPositions(rngs)
head := jsonHeader{
Body: b.forJSON(posMap),
Sources: fns,
Pos: posList,
return json.Marshal(&head)
func (b *Body) forJSON(pos map[string]map[hcl.Pos]posOfs) bodyJSON {
var ret bodyJSON
if len(b.Attributes) > 0 {
ret.Attrs = make(map[string]attrJSON, len(b.Attributes))
for name, attr := range b.Attributes {
ret.Attrs[name] = attr.forJSON(pos)
if len(b.ChildBlocks) > 0 {
ret.Blocks = make([]blockJSON, len(b.ChildBlocks))
for i, block := range b.ChildBlocks {
ret.Blocks[i] = block.forJSON(pos)
ret.Ranges = make(rangesPacked, 1)
ret.Ranges[0] = packRange(b.MissingItemRange_, pos)
return ret
func (a *Attribute) forJSON(pos map[string]map[hcl.Pos]posOfs) attrJSON {
var ret attrJSON
ret.Source = string(a.Expr.Source)
switch a.Expr.SourceType {
case ExprNative:
ret.Syntax = 0
case ExprTemplate:
ret.Syntax = 1
case ExprLiteralJSON:
ret.Syntax = 2
ret.Ranges = make(rangesPacked, 4)
ret.Ranges[0] = packRange(a.Range, pos)
ret.Ranges[1] = packRange(a.NameRange, pos)
ret.Ranges[2] = packRange(a.Expr.Range_, pos)
ret.Ranges[3] = packRange(a.Expr.StartRange_, pos)
return ret
func (b *Block) forJSON(pos map[string]map[hcl.Pos]posOfs) blockJSON {
var ret blockJSON
ret.Header = make([]string, len(b.Labels)+1)
ret.Header[0] = b.Type
copy(ret.Header[1:], b.Labels)
ret.Body = b.Body.forJSON(pos)
ret.Ranges = make(rangesPacked, 2+len(b.LabelRanges))
ret.Ranges[0] = packRange(b.DefRange, pos)
ret.Ranges[1] = packRange(b.TypeRange, pos)
for i, rng := range b.LabelRanges {
ret.Ranges[i+2] = packRange(rng, pos)
return ret
// UnmarshalJSON is an implementation of Unmarshaler from encoding/json,
// allowing bodies to be included in other types that are JSON-unmarshalable.
func (b *Body) UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error {
return nil
type jsonHeader struct {
Body bodyJSON `json:"r"`
Sources []string `json:"s,omitempty"`
Pos positionsPacked `json:"p,omitempty"`
type bodyJSON struct {
// Files are the source filenames that were involved in
Attrs map[string]attrJSON `json:"a,omitempty"`
Blocks []blockJSON `json:"b,omitempty"`
// Ranges contains the MissingItemRange
Ranges rangesPacked `json:"r,omitempty"`
type attrJSON struct {
// To keep things compact, in the JSON encoding we flatten the
// expression down into the attribute object, since overhead
// for attributes adds up in a complex config.
Source string `json:"s"`
Syntax int `json:"t,omitempty"` // omitted for 0=native
// Ranges contains the Range, NameRange, Expr.Range, Expr.StartRange
Ranges rangesPacked `json:"r,omitempty"`
type blockJSON struct {
// Header is the type followed by any labels. We flatten this here
// to keep the JSON encoding compact.
Header []string `json:"h"`
Body bodyJSON `json:"b,omitempty"`
// Ranges contains the DefRange followed by the TypeRange and then
// each of the label ranges in turn.
Ranges rangesPacked `json:"r,omitempty"`