Martin Atkins 13c93e974f zclwrite: initial attribute and basic expression parsing
This is not yet complete, since it fails to capture the newline, line
comments, and variable references in expressions. However, it does
capture the broad structure of an attribute, along with gathering up
all of its _interior_ tokens.
2017-06-07 08:24:33 -07:00

321 lines
10 KiB

package zclwrite
import (
// Our "parser" here is actually not doing any parsing of its own. Instead,
// it leans on the native parser in zclsyntax, and then uses the source ranges
// from the AST to partition the raw token sequence to match the raw tokens
// up to AST nodes.
// This strategy feels somewhat counter-intuitive, since most of the work the
// parser does is thrown away here, but this strategy is chosen because the
// normal parsing work done by zclsyntax is considered to be the "main case",
// while modifying and re-printing source is more of an edge case, used only
// in ancillary tools, and so it's good to keep all the main parsing logic
// with the main case but keep all of the extra complexity of token wrangling
// out of the main parser, which is already rather complex just serving the
// use-cases it already serves.
// If the parsing step produces any errors, the returned File is nil because
// we can't reliably extract tokens from the partial AST produced by an
// erroneous parse.
func parse(src []byte, filename string, start zcl.Pos) (*File, zcl.Diagnostics) {
file, diags := zclsyntax.ParseConfig(src, filename, start)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
// To do our work here, we use the "native" tokens (those from zclsyntax)
// to match against source ranges in the AST, but ultimately produce
// slices from our sequence of "writer" tokens, which contain only
// *relative* position information that is more appropriate for
// transformation/writing use-cases.
nativeTokens, diags := zclsyntax.LexConfig(src, filename, start)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// should never happen, since we would've caught these diags in
// the first call above.
return nil, diags
writerTokens := writerTokens(nativeTokens)
from := inputTokens{
nativeTokens: nativeTokens,
writerTokens: writerTokens,
before, root, after := parseBody(file.Body.(*zclsyntax.Body), from)
return &File{
Name: filename,
SrcBytes: src,
Body: root,
AllTokens: &TokenSeq{
}, nil
type inputTokens struct {
nativeTokens zclsyntax.Tokens
writerTokens Tokens
func (it inputTokens) Partition(rng zcl.Range) (before, within, after inputTokens) {
start, end := partitionTokens(it.nativeTokens, rng)
before = it.Slice(0, start)
within = it.Slice(start, end)
after = it.Slice(end, len(it.nativeTokens))
func (it inputTokens) Slice(start, end int) inputTokens {
// When we slice, we create a new slice with no additional capacity because
// we expect that these slices will be mutated in order to insert
// new code into the AST, and we want to ensure that a new underlying
// array gets allocated in that case, rather than writing into some
// following slice and corrupting it.
return inputTokens{
nativeTokens: it.nativeTokens[start:end:end],
writerTokens: it.writerTokens[start:end:end],
func (it inputTokens) Len() int {
return len(it.nativeTokens)
func (it inputTokens) Seq() *TokenSeq {
return &TokenSeq{it.writerTokens}
// parseBody locates the given body within the given input tokens and returns
// the resulting *Body object as well as the tokens that appeared before and
// after it.
func parseBody(nativeBody *zclsyntax.Body, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, *Body, inputTokens) {
before, within, after := from.Partition(nativeBody.SrcRange)
// The main AST doesn't retain the original source ordering of the
// body items, so we need to reconstruct that ordering by inspecting
// their source ranges.
nativeItems := make([]zclsyntax.Node, 0, len(nativeBody.Attributes)+len(nativeBody.Blocks))
for _, nativeAttr := range nativeBody.Attributes {
nativeItems = append(nativeItems, nativeAttr)
for _, nativeBlock := range nativeBody.Blocks {
nativeItems = append(nativeItems, nativeBlock)
body := &Body{
IndentLevel: 0, // TODO: deal with this
remain := within
for _, nativeItem := range nativeItems {
beforeItem, item, afterItem := parseBodyItem(nativeItem, remain)
if beforeItem.Len() > 0 {
AllTokens: beforeItem.Seq(),
remain = afterItem
if remain.Len() > 0 {
AllTokens: remain.Seq(),
return before, body, after
func parseBodyItem(nativeItem zclsyntax.Node, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, Node, inputTokens) {
before, within, after := from.Partition(nativeItem.Range())
var item Node
switch tItem := nativeItem.(type) {
case *zclsyntax.Attribute:
item = parseAttribute(tItem, within)
// TODO: Grab the newline and any line comment from "after" and
// write them into the attribute object.
case *zclsyntax.Block:
// TODO: actually deconstruct the block parts
item = &Unstructured{
AllTokens: within.Seq(),
// should never happen if caller is behaving
panic("unsupported native item type")
return before, item, after
func parseAttribute(nativeAttr *zclsyntax.Attribute, from inputTokens) *Attribute {
var allTokens TokenSeq
attr := &Attribute{}
before, nameTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeAttr.NameRange)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
attr.NameTokens = nameTokens.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.NameTokens)
before, equalsTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeAttr.EqualsRange)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
attr.EqualsTokens = equalsTokens.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.EqualsTokens)
before, exprTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeAttr.Expr.Range())
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
attr.Expr = parseExpression(nativeAttr.Expr, exprTokens)
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.Expr.AllTokens)
// Collect any stragglers, although we shouldn't generally have any since
// the newline and any line comments don't get included in the attribute's
// range.
if from.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, from.Seq())
attr.AllTokens = &allTokens
return attr
func parseExpression(nativeExpr zclsyntax.Expression, from inputTokens) *Expression {
// TODO: Populate VarRefs by analyzing the result of nativeExpr.Variables()
return &Expression{
AllTokens: from.Seq(),
// writerTokens takes a sequence of tokens as produced by the main zclsyntax
// package and transforms it into an equivalent sequence of tokens using
// this package's own token model.
// The resulting list contains the same number of tokens and uses the same
// indices as the input, allowing the two sets of tokens to be correlated
// by index.
func writerTokens(nativeTokens zclsyntax.Tokens) Tokens {
// Ultimately we want a slice of token _pointers_, but since we can
// predict how much memory we're going to devote to tokens we'll allocate
// it all as a single flat buffer and thus give the GC less work to do.
tokBuf := make([]Token, len(nativeTokens))
var lastByteOffset int
for i, mainToken := range nativeTokens {
// Create a copy of the bytes so that we can mutate without
// corrupting the original token stream.
bytes := make([]byte, len(mainToken.Bytes))
copy(bytes, mainToken.Bytes)
tokBuf[i] = Token{
Type: mainToken.Type,
Bytes: bytes,
// We assume here that spaces are always ASCII spaces, since
// that's what the scanner also assumes, and thus the number
// of bytes skipped is also the number of space characters.
SpacesBefore: mainToken.Range.Start.Byte - lastByteOffset,
lastByteOffset = mainToken.Range.End.Byte
// Now make a slice of pointers into the previous slice.
ret := make(Tokens, len(tokBuf))
for i := range ret {
ret[i] = &tokBuf[i]
return ret
// partitionTokens takes a sequence of tokens and a zcl.Range and returns
// two indices within the token sequence that correspond with the range
// boundaries, such that the slice operator could be used to produce
// three token sequences for before, within, and after respectively:
// start, end := partitionTokens(toks, rng)
// before := toks[:start]
// within := toks[start:end]
// after := toks[end:]
// This works best when the range is aligned with token boundaries (e.g.
// because it was produced in terms of the scanner's result) but if that isn't
// true then it will make a best effort that may produce strange results at
// the boundaries.
// Native zclsyntax tokens are used here, because they contain the necessary
// absolute position information. However, since writerTokens produces a
// correlatable sequence of writer tokens, the resulting indices can be
// used also to index into its result, allowing the partitioning of writer
// tokens to be driven by the partitioning of native tokens.
// The tokens are assumed to be in source order and non-overlapping, which
// will be true if the token sequence from the scanner is used directly.
func partitionTokens(toks zclsyntax.Tokens, rng zcl.Range) (start, end int) {
// We us a linear search here because we assume tha in most cases our
// target range is close to the beginning of the sequence, and the seqences
// are generally small for most reasonable files anyway.
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if i >= len(toks) {
// No tokens for the given range at all!
return len(toks), len(toks)
if toks[i].Range.ContainsOffset(rng.Start.Byte) {
start = i
if toks[i].Range.Start.Byte < rng.Start.Byte && toks[i].Range.End.Byte < rng.Start.Byte {
// We overshot, it seems.
start = i
for i := start; ; i++ {
if i >= len(toks) {
// The range "hangs off" the end of the token sequence
return start, len(toks)
if toks[i].Range.End.Byte >= rng.End.Byte {
end = i + 1 // end marker is exclusive
return start, end
// lexConfig uses the zclsyntax scanner to get a token stream and then
// rewrites it into this package's token model.
// Any errors produced during scanning are ignored, so the results of this
// function should be used with care.
func lexConfig(src []byte) Tokens {
mainTokens, _ := zclsyntax.LexConfig(src, "", zcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1})
return writerTokens(mainTokens)