The main HCL package is more visible this way, and so it's easier than having to pick it out from dozens of other package directories.
396 lines
13 KiB
396 lines
13 KiB
package hclsyntax
import (
// This file is generated from scan_tokens.rl. DO NOT EDIT.
# (except when you are actually in scan_tokens.rl here, so edit away!)
machine hcltok;
write data;
func scanTokens(data []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos, mode scanMode) []Token {
stripData := stripUTF8BOM(data)
start.Byte += len(data) - len(stripData)
data = stripData
f := &tokenAccum{
Filename: filename,
Bytes: data,
Pos: start,
StartByte: start.Byte,
include UnicodeDerived "unicode_derived.rl";
UTF8Cont = 0x80 .. 0xBF;
AnyUTF8 = (
0x00..0x7F |
0xC0..0xDF . UTF8Cont |
0xE0..0xEF . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont |
0xF0..0xF7 . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont
BrokenUTF8 = any - AnyUTF8;
NumberLitContinue = (digit|'.'|('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? digit);
NumberLit = digit ("" | (NumberLitContinue - '.') | (NumberLitContinue* (NumberLitContinue - '.')));
Ident = (ID_Start | '_') (ID_Continue | '-')*;
# Symbols that just represent themselves are handled as a single rule.
SelfToken = "[" | "]" | "(" | ")" | "." | "," | "*" | "/" | "%" | "+" | "-" | "=" | "<" | ">" | "!" | "?" | ":" | "\n" | "&" | "|" | "~" | "^" | ";" | "`" | "'";
EqualOp = "==";
NotEqual = "!=";
GreaterThanEqual = ">=";
LessThanEqual = "<=";
LogicalAnd = "&&";
LogicalOr = "||";
Ellipsis = "...";
FatArrow = "=>";
Newline = '\r' ? '\n';
EndOfLine = Newline;
BeginStringTmpl = '"';
BeginHeredocTmpl = '<<' ('-')? Ident Newline;
Comment = (
# The :>> operator in these is a "finish-guarded concatenation",
# which terminates the sequence on its left when it completes
# the sequence on its right.
# In the single-line comment cases this is allowing us to make
# the trailing EndOfLine optional while still having the overall
# pattern terminate. In the multi-line case it ensures that
# the first comment in the file ends at the first */, rather than
# gobbling up all of the "any*" until the _final_ */ in the file.
("#" (any - EndOfLine)* :>> EndOfLine?) |
("//" (any - EndOfLine)* :>> EndOfLine?) |
("/*" any* :>> "*/")
# Note: hclwrite assumes that only ASCII spaces appear between tokens,
# and uses this assumption to recreate the spaces between tokens by
# looking at byte offset differences. This means it will produce
# incorrect results in the presence of tabs, but that's acceptable
# because the canonical style (which hclwrite itself can impose
# automatically is to never use tabs).
Spaces = (' ' | 0x09)+;
action beginStringTemplate {
fcall stringTemplate;
action endStringTemplate {
action beginHeredocTemplate {
// the token is currently the whole heredoc introducer, like
// <<EOT or <<-EOT, followed by a newline. We want to extract
// just the "EOT" portion that we'll use as the closing marker.
marker := data[ts+2:te-1]
if marker[0] == '-' {
marker = marker[1:]
if marker[len(marker)-1] == '\r' {
marker = marker[:len(marker)-1]
heredocs = append(heredocs, heredocInProgress{
Marker: marker,
StartOfLine: true,
fcall heredocTemplate;
action heredocLiteralEOL {
// This action is called specificially when a heredoc literal
// ends with a newline character.
// This might actually be our end marker.
topdoc := &heredocs[len(heredocs)-1]
if topdoc.StartOfLine {
maybeMarker := bytes.TrimSpace(data[ts:te])
if bytes.Equal(maybeMarker, topdoc.Marker) {
// We actually emit two tokens here: the end-of-heredoc
// marker first, and then separately the newline that
// follows it. This then avoids issues with the closing
// marker consuming a newline that would normally be used
// to mark the end of an attribute definition.
// We might have either a \n sequence or an \r\n sequence
// here, so we must handle both.
nls := te-1
nle := te
if data[te-1] == '\r' {
// back up one more byte
ts = nls
te = nle
heredocs = heredocs[:len(heredocs)-1]
topdoc.StartOfLine = true;
action heredocLiteralMidline {
// This action is called when a heredoc literal _doesn't_ end
// with a newline character, e.g. because we're about to enter
// an interpolation sequence.
heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false;
action bareTemplateLiteral {
action beginTemplateInterp {
retBraces = append(retBraces, braces);
if len(heredocs) > 0 {
heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false;
fcall main;
action beginTemplateControl {
retBraces = append(retBraces, braces);
if len(heredocs) > 0 {
heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false;
fcall main;
action openBrace {
action closeBrace {
if len(retBraces) > 0 && retBraces[len(retBraces)-1] == braces {
retBraces = retBraces[0:len(retBraces)-1]
} else {
action closeTemplateSeqEatWhitespace {
// Only consume from the retBraces stack and return if we are at
// a suitable brace nesting level, otherwise things will get
// confused. (Not entering this branch indicates a syntax error,
// which we will catch in the parser.)
if len(retBraces) > 0 && retBraces[len(retBraces)-1] == braces {
retBraces = retBraces[0:len(retBraces)-1]
} else {
// We intentionally generate a TokenTemplateSeqEnd here,
// even though the user apparently wanted a brace, because
// we want to allow the parser to catch the incorrect use
// of a ~} to balance a generic opening brace, rather than
// a template sequence.
TemplateInterp = "${" ("~")?;
TemplateControl = "%{" ("~")?;
EndStringTmpl = '"';
NewlineChars = ("\r"|"\n");
NewlineCharsSeq = NewlineChars+;
StringLiteralChars = (AnyUTF8 - NewlineChars);
TemplateIgnoredNonBrace = (^'{' %{ fhold; });
TemplateNotInterp = '$' (TemplateIgnoredNonBrace | TemplateInterp);
TemplateNotControl = '%' (TemplateIgnoredNonBrace | TemplateControl);
QuotedStringLiteralWithEsc = ('\\' StringLiteralChars) | (StringLiteralChars - ("$" | '%' | '"' | "\\"));
TemplateStringLiteral = (
(TemplateNotInterp) |
(TemplateNotControl) |
HeredocStringLiteral = (
(TemplateNotInterp) |
(TemplateNotControl) |
(StringLiteralChars - ("$" | '%'))*
BareStringLiteral = (
(TemplateNotInterp) |
(TemplateNotControl) |
(StringLiteralChars - ("$" | '%'))*
) Newline?;
stringTemplate := |*
TemplateInterp => beginTemplateInterp;
TemplateControl => beginTemplateControl;
EndStringTmpl => endStringTemplate;
TemplateStringLiteral => { token(TokenQuotedLit); };
NewlineCharsSeq => { token(TokenQuotedNewline); };
AnyUTF8 => { token(TokenInvalid); };
BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8); };
heredocTemplate := |*
TemplateInterp => beginTemplateInterp;
TemplateControl => beginTemplateControl;
HeredocStringLiteral EndOfLine => heredocLiteralEOL;
HeredocStringLiteral => heredocLiteralMidline;
BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8); };
bareTemplate := |*
TemplateInterp => beginTemplateInterp;
TemplateControl => beginTemplateControl;
BareStringLiteral => bareTemplateLiteral;
BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8); };
identOnly := |*
Ident => { token(TokenIdent) };
BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8) };
AnyUTF8 => { token(TokenInvalid) };
main := |*
Spaces => {};
NumberLit => { token(TokenNumberLit) };
Ident => { token(TokenIdent) };
Comment => { token(TokenComment) };
Newline => { token(TokenNewline) };
EqualOp => { token(TokenEqualOp); };
NotEqual => { token(TokenNotEqual); };
GreaterThanEqual => { token(TokenGreaterThanEq); };
LessThanEqual => { token(TokenLessThanEq); };
LogicalAnd => { token(TokenAnd); };
LogicalOr => { token(TokenOr); };
Ellipsis => { token(TokenEllipsis); };
FatArrow => { token(TokenFatArrow); };
SelfToken => { selfToken() };
"{" => openBrace;
"}" => closeBrace;
"~}" => closeTemplateSeqEatWhitespace;
BeginStringTmpl => beginStringTemplate;
BeginHeredocTmpl => beginHeredocTemplate;
BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8) };
AnyUTF8 => { token(TokenInvalid) };
// Ragel state
p := 0 // "Pointer" into data
pe := len(data) // End-of-data "pointer"
ts := 0
te := 0
act := 0
eof := pe
var stack []int
var top int
var cs int // current state
switch mode {
case scanNormal:
cs = hcltok_en_main
case scanTemplate:
cs = hcltok_en_bareTemplate
case scanIdentOnly:
cs = hcltok_en_identOnly
panic("invalid scanMode")
braces := 0
var retBraces []int // stack of brace levels that cause us to use fret
var heredocs []heredocInProgress // stack of heredocs we're currently processing
prepush {
stack = append(stack, 0);
postpop {
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1];
// Make Go compiler happy
_ = ts
_ = te
_ = act
_ = eof
token := func (ty TokenType) {
f.emitToken(ty, ts, te)
selfToken := func () {
b := data[ts:te]
if len(b) != 1 {
// should never happen
panic("selfToken only works for single-character tokens")
f.emitToken(TokenType(b[0]), ts, te)
write init nocs;
write exec;
// If we fall out here without being in a final state then we've
// encountered something that the scanner can't match, which we'll
// deal with as an invalid.
if cs < hcltok_first_final {
if mode == scanTemplate && len(stack) == 0 {
// If we're scanning a bare template then any straggling
// top-level stuff is actually literal string, rather than
// invalid. This handles the case where the template ends
// with a single "$" or "%", which trips us up because we
// want to see another character to decide if it's a sequence
// or an escape.
f.emitToken(TokenStringLit, ts, len(data))
} else {
f.emitToken(TokenInvalid, ts, len(data))
// We always emit a synthetic EOF token at the end, since it gives the
// parser position information for an "unexpected EOF" diagnostic.
f.emitToken(TokenEOF, len(data), len(data))
return f.Tokens