Paul Hinze 8e05f061d6
strconv: Fix escaped backslashes \\ in braces ${}
Fixes https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/6359 and several
related issues by unescaping a double backslash within braces to a
single backslash.

This bumps into the bit of HIL that still hangs out in HCL - for values
that aren't interpolated, like Terraform's variable defaults - users
were unable to get a backslash to show up within `${}`.

That's because `${}` is handled specially to allow for, e.g., double
quotes inside of braces.

Here, we add `\\` as a special cased escape (along with `\"`) so users
can get backslashes in these scenarios by doubling them up.
2016-06-06 19:05:05 -05:00

95 lines
1.9 KiB

package strconv
import "testing"
type quoteTest struct {
in string
out string
ascii string
var quotetests = []quoteTest{
{"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v", `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`, `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`},
{"\\", `"\\"`, `"\\"`},
{"abc\xffdef", `"abc\xffdef"`, `"abc\xffdef"`},
{"\u263a", `"☺"`, `"\u263a"`},
{"\U0010ffff", `"\U0010ffff"`, `"\U0010ffff"`},
{"\x04", `"\x04"`, `"\x04"`},
type unQuoteTest struct {
in string
out string
var unquotetests = []unQuoteTest{
{`""`, ""},
{`"a"`, "a"},
{`"abc"`, "abc"},
{`"☺"`, "☺"},
{`"hello world"`, "hello world"},
{`"\xFF"`, "\xFF"},
{`"\377"`, "\377"},
{`"\u1234"`, "\u1234"},
{`"\U00010111"`, "\U00010111"},
{`"\U0001011111"`, "\U0001011111"},
{`"\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\""`, "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\""},
{`"'"`, "'"},
{`"${file("foo")}"`, `${file("foo")}`},
{`"${file(\"foo\")}"`, `${file("foo")}`},
{`"echo ${var.region}${element(split(",",var.zones),0)}"`,
`echo ${var.region}${element(split(",",var.zones),0)}`},
{`"${HH\\:mm\\:ss}"`, `${HH\:mm\:ss}`},
var misquoted = []string{
func TestUnquote(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range unquotetests {
if out, err := Unquote(tt.in); err != nil || out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v want %q, nil", tt.in, out, err, tt.out)
// run the quote tests too, backward
for _, tt := range quotetests {
if in, err := Unquote(tt.out); in != tt.in {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v, want %q, nil", tt.out, in, err, tt.in)
for _, s := range misquoted {
if out, err := Unquote(s); out != "" || err != ErrSyntax {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v want %q, %v", s, out, err, "", ErrSyntax)