This uses the expression static analysis features to interpret a combination of static calls and static traversals as the description of a type. This is intended for situations where applications need to accept type information from their end-users, providing a concise syntax for doing so. Since this is implemented using static analysis, the type vocabulary is constrained only to keywords representing primitive types and type construction functions for complex types. No other expression elements are allowed. A separate function is provided for parsing type constraints, which allows the additonal keyword "any" to represent the dynamic pseudo-type. Finally, a helper function is provided to convert a type back into a string representation resembling the original input, as an aid to applications that need to produce error messages relating to user-entered types.
HCL Extensions
This directory contains some packages implementing some extensions to HCL
that add features by building on the core API in the main hcl
These serve as optional language extensions for use-cases that are limited only to specific callers. Generally these make the language more expressive at the expense of increased dynamic behavior that may be undesirable for applications that need to impose more rigid structure on configuration.