The two cases where we decode attribute values should include the expression and EvalContext in any diagnostics they generate so that the calling application can give hints about the types and values of variables that are used within the expression. This also includes some adjustments to the returned source ranges so that both cases are consistent with one another and so that both indicate the entire expression as the Subject and include the attribute name in the Context. Including the whole expression in the range ensures that when there's a problem inside a tuple or object constructor, for example, we'll show the line containing the problem and not just the opening [ or { symbol.
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package hcldec
import (
// A Spec is a description of how to decode a hcl.Body to a cty.Value.
// The various other types in this package whose names end in "Spec" are
// the spec implementations. The most common top-level spec is ObjectSpec,
// which decodes body content into a cty.Value of an object type.
type Spec interface {
// Perform the decode operation on the given body, in the context of
// the given block (which might be null), using the given eval context.
// "block" is provided only by the nested calls performed by the spec
// types that work on block bodies.
decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics)
// Return the cty.Type that should be returned when decoding a body with
// this spec.
impliedType() cty.Type
// Call the given callback once for each of the nested specs that would
// get decoded with the same body and block as the receiver. This should
// not descend into the nested specs used when decoding blocks.
visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc)
// Determine the source range of the value that would be returned for the
// spec in the given content, in the context of the given block
// (which might be null). If the corresponding item is missing, return
// a place where it might be inserted.
sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range
type visitFunc func(spec Spec)
// An ObjectSpec is a Spec that produces a cty.Value of an object type whose
// attributes correspond to the keys of the spec map.
type ObjectSpec map[string]Spec
// attrSpec is implemented by specs that require attributes from the body.
type attrSpec interface {
attrSchemata() []hcl.AttributeSchema
// blockSpec is implemented by specs that require blocks from the body.
type blockSpec interface {
blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema
nestedSpec() Spec
// specNeedingVariables is implemented by specs that can use variables
// from the EvalContext, to declare which variables they need.
type specNeedingVariables interface {
variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal
func (s ObjectSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
for _, c := range s {
func (s ObjectSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(s))
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
for k, spec := range s {
var kd hcl.Diagnostics
vals[k], kd = spec.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx)
diags = append(diags, kd...)
return cty.ObjectVal(vals), diags
func (s ObjectSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
if len(s) == 0 {
return cty.EmptyObject
attrTypes := make(map[string]cty.Type)
for k, childSpec := range s {
attrTypes[k] = childSpec.impliedType()
return cty.Object(attrTypes)
func (s ObjectSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// This is not great, but the best we can do. In practice, it's rather
// strange to ask for the source range of an entire top-level body, since
// that's already readily available to the caller.
return content.MissingItemRange
// A TupleSpec is a Spec that produces a cty.Value of a tuple type whose
// elements correspond to the elements of the spec slice.
type TupleSpec []Spec
func (s TupleSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
for _, c := range s {
func (s TupleSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
vals := make([]cty.Value, len(s))
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
for i, spec := range s {
var ed hcl.Diagnostics
vals[i], ed = spec.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx)
diags = append(diags, ed...)
return cty.TupleVal(vals), diags
func (s TupleSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
if len(s) == 0 {
return cty.EmptyTuple
attrTypes := make([]cty.Type, len(s))
for i, childSpec := range s {
attrTypes[i] = childSpec.impliedType()
return cty.Tuple(attrTypes)
func (s TupleSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// This is not great, but the best we can do. In practice, it's rather
// strange to ask for the source range of an entire top-level body, since
// that's already readily available to the caller.
return content.MissingItemRange
// An AttrSpec is a Spec that evaluates a particular attribute expression in
// the body and returns its resulting value converted to the requested type,
// or produces a diagnostic if the type is incorrect.
type AttrSpec struct {
Name string
Type cty.Type
Required bool
func (s *AttrSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *AttrSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
attr, exists := content.Attributes[s.Name]
if !exists {
return nil
return attr.Expr.Variables()
// attrSpec implementation
func (s *AttrSpec) attrSchemata() []hcl.AttributeSchema {
return []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: s.Name,
Required: s.Required,
func (s *AttrSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
attr, exists := content.Attributes[s.Name]
if !exists {
return content.MissingItemRange
return attr.Expr.Range()
func (s *AttrSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
attr, exists := content.Attributes[s.Name]
if !exists {
// We don't need to check required and emit a diagnostic here, because
// that would already have happened when building "content".
return cty.NullVal(s.Type), nil
val, diags := attr.Expr.Value(ctx)
convVal, err := convert.Convert(val, s.Type)
if err != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Incorrect attribute value type",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Inappropriate value for attribute %q: %s.",
s.Name, err.Error(),
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
Context: hcl.RangeBetween(attr.NameRange, attr.Expr.Range()).Ptr(),
Expression: attr.Expr,
EvalContext: ctx,
// We'll return an unknown value of the _correct_ type so that the
// incomplete result can still be used for some analysis use-cases.
val = cty.UnknownVal(s.Type)
} else {
val = convVal
return val, diags
func (s *AttrSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return s.Type
// A LiteralSpec is a Spec that produces the given literal value, ignoring
// the given body.
type LiteralSpec struct {
Value cty.Value
func (s *LiteralSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node
func (s *LiteralSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
return s.Value, nil
func (s *LiteralSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return s.Value.Type()
func (s *LiteralSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// No sensible range to return for a literal, so the caller had better
// ensure it doesn't cause any diagnostics.
return hcl.Range{
Filename: "<unknown>",
// An ExprSpec is a Spec that evaluates the given expression, ignoring the
// given body.
type ExprSpec struct {
Expr hcl.Expression
func (s *ExprSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *ExprSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
return s.Expr.Variables()
func (s *ExprSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
return s.Expr.Value(ctx)
func (s *ExprSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
// We can't know the type of our expression until we evaluate it
return cty.DynamicPseudoType
func (s *ExprSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
return s.Expr.Range()
// A BlockSpec is a Spec that produces a cty.Value by decoding the contents
// of a single nested block of a given type, using a nested spec.
// If the Required flag is not set, the nested block may be omitted, in which
// case a null value is produced. If it _is_ set, an error diagnostic is
// produced if there are no nested blocks of the given type.
type BlockSpec struct {
TypeName string
Nested Spec
Required bool
func (s *BlockSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body)
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested),
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
return s.Nested
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return nil
return Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)
func (s *BlockSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
if childBlock != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Only one block of type %q is allowed. Previous definition was at %s.",
s.TypeName, childBlock.DefRange.String(),
Subject: &candidate.DefRange,
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
if s.Required {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Missing %s block", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"A block of type %q is required here.", s.TypeName,
Subject: &content.MissingItemRange,
return cty.NullVal(s.Nested.impliedType()), diags
if s.Nested == nil {
panic("BlockSpec with no Nested Spec")
val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false)
diags = append(diags, childDiags...)
return val, diags
func (s *BlockSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return s.Nested.impliedType()
func (s *BlockSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)
// A BlockListSpec is a Spec that produces a cty list of the results of
// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec.
type BlockListSpec struct {
TypeName string
Nested Spec
MinItems int
MaxItems int
func (s *BlockListSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body)
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockListSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested),
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockListSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
return s.Nested
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockListSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
var ret []hcl.Traversal
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...)
return ret
func (s *BlockListSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
if s.Nested == nil {
panic("BlockListSpec with no Nested Spec")
var elems []cty.Value
var sourceRanges []hcl.Range
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false)
diags = append(diags, childDiags...)
elems = append(elems, val)
sourceRanges = append(sourceRanges, sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested))
if len(elems) < s.MinItems {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("At least %d %q blocks are required.", s.MinItems, s.TypeName),
Subject: &content.MissingItemRange,
} else if s.MaxItems > 0 && len(elems) > s.MaxItems {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Too many %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("No more than %d %q blocks are allowed", s.MaxItems, s.TypeName),
Subject: &sourceRanges[s.MaxItems],
var ret cty.Value
if len(elems) == 0 {
ret = cty.ListValEmpty(s.Nested.impliedType())
} else {
// Since our target is a list, all of the decoded elements must have the
// same type or cty.ListVal will panic below. Different types can arise
// if there is an attribute spec of type cty.DynamicPseudoType in the
// nested spec; all given values must be convertable to a single type
// in order for the result to be considered valid.
etys := make([]cty.Type, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
etys[i] = v.Type()
ety, convs := convert.UnifyUnsafe(etys)
if ety == cty.NilType {
// FIXME: This is a pretty terrible error message.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unconsistent argument types in %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: "Corresponding attributes in all blocks of this type must be the same.",
Subject: &sourceRanges[0],
return cty.DynamicVal, diags
for i, v := range elems {
if convs[i] != nil {
newV, err := convs[i](v)
if err != nil {
// FIXME: This is a pretty terrible error message.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unconsistent argument types in %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Block with index %d has inconsistent argument types: %s.", i, err),
Subject: &sourceRanges[i],
// Bail early here so we won't panic below in cty.ListVal
return cty.DynamicVal, diags
elems[i] = newV
ret = cty.ListVal(elems)
return ret, diags
func (s *BlockListSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return cty.List(s.Nested.impliedType())
func (s *BlockListSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type,
// since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range.
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)
// A BlockTupleSpec is a Spec that produces a cty tuple of the results of
// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec.
// This is similar to BlockListSpec, but it permits the nested blocks to have
// different result types in situations where cty.DynamicPseudoType attributes
// are present.
type BlockTupleSpec struct {
TypeName string
Nested Spec
MinItems int
MaxItems int
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body)
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested),
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
return s.Nested
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
var ret []hcl.Traversal
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...)
return ret
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
if s.Nested == nil {
panic("BlockListSpec with no Nested Spec")
var elems []cty.Value
var sourceRanges []hcl.Range
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false)
diags = append(diags, childDiags...)
elems = append(elems, val)
sourceRanges = append(sourceRanges, sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested))
if len(elems) < s.MinItems {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("At least %d %q blocks are required.", s.MinItems, s.TypeName),
Subject: &content.MissingItemRange,
} else if s.MaxItems > 0 && len(elems) > s.MaxItems {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Too many %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("No more than %d %q blocks are allowed", s.MaxItems, s.TypeName),
Subject: &sourceRanges[s.MaxItems],
var ret cty.Value
if len(elems) == 0 {
ret = cty.EmptyTupleVal
} else {
ret = cty.TupleVal(elems)
return ret, diags
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
// We can't predict our type, because we don't know how many blocks
// there will be until we decode.
return cty.DynamicPseudoType
func (s *BlockTupleSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type,
// since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range.
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)
// A BlockSetSpec is a Spec that produces a cty set of the results of
// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec.
type BlockSetSpec struct {
TypeName string
Nested Spec
MinItems int
MaxItems int
func (s *BlockSetSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body)
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockSetSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested),
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockSetSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
return s.Nested
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockSetSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
var ret []hcl.Traversal
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...)
return ret
func (s *BlockSetSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
if s.Nested == nil {
panic("BlockSetSpec with no Nested Spec")
var elems []cty.Value
var sourceRanges []hcl.Range
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false)
diags = append(diags, childDiags...)
elems = append(elems, val)
sourceRanges = append(sourceRanges, sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested))
if len(elems) < s.MinItems {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("At least %d %q blocks are required.", s.MinItems, s.TypeName),
Subject: &content.MissingItemRange,
} else if s.MaxItems > 0 && len(elems) > s.MaxItems {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Too many %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("No more than %d %q blocks are allowed", s.MaxItems, s.TypeName),
Subject: &sourceRanges[s.MaxItems],
var ret cty.Value
if len(elems) == 0 {
ret = cty.SetValEmpty(s.Nested.impliedType())
} else {
// Since our target is a set, all of the decoded elements must have the
// same type or cty.SetVal will panic below. Different types can arise
// if there is an attribute spec of type cty.DynamicPseudoType in the
// nested spec; all given values must be convertable to a single type
// in order for the result to be considered valid.
etys := make([]cty.Type, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
etys[i] = v.Type()
ety, convs := convert.UnifyUnsafe(etys)
if ety == cty.NilType {
// FIXME: This is a pretty terrible error message.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unconsistent argument types in %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: "Corresponding attributes in all blocks of this type must be the same.",
Subject: &sourceRanges[0],
return cty.DynamicVal, diags
for i, v := range elems {
if convs[i] != nil {
newV, err := convs[i](v)
if err != nil {
// FIXME: This is a pretty terrible error message.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unconsistent argument types in %s blocks", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Block with index %d has inconsistent argument types: %s.", i, err),
Subject: &sourceRanges[i],
// Bail early here so we won't panic below in cty.ListVal
return cty.DynamicVal, diags
elems[i] = newV
ret = cty.SetVal(elems)
return ret, diags
func (s *BlockSetSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return cty.Set(s.Nested.impliedType())
func (s *BlockSetSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type,
// since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range.
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)
// A BlockMapSpec is a Spec that produces a cty map of the results of
// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec.
// One level of map structure is created for each of the given label names.
// There must be at least one given label name.
type BlockMapSpec struct {
TypeName string
LabelNames []string
Nested Spec
func (s *BlockMapSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body)
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockMapSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: append(s.LabelNames, findLabelSpecs(s.Nested)...),
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockMapSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
return s.Nested
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockMapSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
var ret []hcl.Traversal
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...)
return ret
func (s *BlockMapSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
if s.Nested == nil {
panic("BlockMapSpec with no Nested Spec")
if ImpliedType(s).HasDynamicTypes() {
panic("cty.DynamicPseudoType attributes may not be used inside a BlockMapSpec")
elems := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
childLabels := labelsForBlock(childBlock)
val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, childLabels[len(s.LabelNames):], ctx, s.Nested, false)
targetMap := elems
for _, key := range childBlock.Labels[:len(s.LabelNames)-1] {
if _, exists := targetMap[key]; !exists {
targetMap[key] = make(map[string]interface{})
targetMap = targetMap[key].(map[string]interface{})
diags = append(diags, childDiags...)
key := childBlock.Labels[len(s.LabelNames)-1]
if _, exists := targetMap[key]; exists {
labelsBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
for _, label := range childBlock.Labels {
fmt.Fprintf(&labelsBuf, " %q", label)
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"A block for %s%s was already defined. The %s labels must be unique.",
s.TypeName, labelsBuf.String(), s.TypeName,
Subject: &childBlock.DefRange,
targetMap[key] = val
if len(elems) == 0 {
return cty.MapValEmpty(s.Nested.impliedType()), diags
var ctyMap func(map[string]interface{}, int) cty.Value
ctyMap = func(raw map[string]interface{}, depth int) cty.Value {
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(raw))
if depth == 1 {
for k, v := range raw {
vals[k] = v.(cty.Value)
} else {
for k, v := range raw {
vals[k] = ctyMap(v.(map[string]interface{}), depth-1)
return cty.MapVal(vals)
return ctyMap(elems, len(s.LabelNames)), diags
func (s *BlockMapSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
ret := s.Nested.impliedType()
for _ = range s.LabelNames {
ret = cty.Map(ret)
return ret
func (s *BlockMapSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type,
// since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range.
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)
// A BlockObjectSpec is a Spec that produces a cty object of the results of
// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec.
// One level of object structure is created for each of the given label names.
// There must be at least one given label name.
// This is similar to BlockMapSpec, but it permits the nested blocks to have
// different result types in situations where cty.DynamicPseudoType attributes
// are present.
type BlockObjectSpec struct {
TypeName string
LabelNames []string
Nested Spec
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body)
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: append(s.LabelNames, findLabelSpecs(s.Nested)...),
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
return s.Nested
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
var ret []hcl.Traversal
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...)
return ret
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
if s.Nested == nil {
panic("BlockObjectSpec with no Nested Spec")
elems := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks {
if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName {
childLabels := labelsForBlock(childBlock)
val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, childLabels[len(s.LabelNames):], ctx, s.Nested, false)
targetMap := elems
for _, key := range childBlock.Labels[:len(s.LabelNames)-1] {
if _, exists := targetMap[key]; !exists {
targetMap[key] = make(map[string]interface{})
targetMap = targetMap[key].(map[string]interface{})
diags = append(diags, childDiags...)
key := childBlock.Labels[len(s.LabelNames)-1]
if _, exists := targetMap[key]; exists {
labelsBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
for _, label := range childBlock.Labels {
fmt.Fprintf(&labelsBuf, " %q", label)
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"A block for %s%s was already defined. The %s labels must be unique.",
s.TypeName, labelsBuf.String(), s.TypeName,
Subject: &childBlock.DefRange,
targetMap[key] = val
if len(elems) == 0 {
return cty.EmptyObjectVal, diags
var ctyObj func(map[string]interface{}, int) cty.Value
ctyObj = func(raw map[string]interface{}, depth int) cty.Value {
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(raw))
if depth == 1 {
for k, v := range raw {
vals[k] = v.(cty.Value)
} else {
for k, v := range raw {
vals[k] = ctyObj(v.(map[string]interface{}), depth-1)
return cty.ObjectVal(vals)
return ctyObj(elems, len(s.LabelNames)), diags
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
// We can't predict our type, since we don't know how many blocks are
// present and what labels they have until we decode.
return cty.DynamicPseudoType
func (s *BlockObjectSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type,
// since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range.
var childBlock *hcl.Block
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
childBlock = candidate
if childBlock == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)
// A BlockAttrsSpec is a Spec that interprets a single block as if it were
// a map of some element type. That is, each attribute within the block
// becomes a key in the resulting map and the attribute's value becomes the
// element value, after conversion to the given element type. The resulting
// value is a cty.Map of the given element type.
// This spec imposes a validation constraint that there be exactly one block
// of the given type name and that this block may contain only attributes. The
// block does not accept any labels.
// This is an alternative to an AttrSpec of a map type for situations where
// block syntax is desired. Note that block syntax does not permit dynamic
// keys, construction of the result via a "for" expression, etc. In most cases
// an AttrSpec is preferred if the desired result is a map whose keys are
// chosen by the user rather than by schema.
type BlockAttrsSpec struct {
TypeName string
ElementType cty.Type
Required bool
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
Type: s.TypeName,
LabelNames: nil,
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
// This is an odd case: we aren't actually going to apply a nested spec
// in this case, since we're going to interpret the body directly as
// attributes, but we need to return something non-nil so that the
// decoder will recognize this as a block spec. We won't actually be
// using this for anything at decode time.
return noopSpec{}
// specNeedingVariables implementation
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal {
block, _ := s.findBlock(content)
if block == nil {
return nil
var vars []hcl.Traversal
attrs, diags := block.Body.JustAttributes()
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil
for _, attr := range attrs {
vars = append(vars, attr.Expr.Variables()...)
// We'll return the variables references in source order so that any
// error messages that result are also in source order.
sort.Slice(vars, func(i, j int) bool {
return vars[i].SourceRange().Start.Byte < vars[j].SourceRange().Start.Byte
return vars
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
block, other := s.findBlock(content)
if block == nil {
if s.Required {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Missing %s block", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"A block of type %q is required here.", s.TypeName,
Subject: &content.MissingItemRange,
return cty.NullVal(cty.Map(s.ElementType)), diags
if other != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", s.TypeName),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Only one block of type %q is allowed. Previous definition was at %s.",
s.TypeName, block.DefRange.String(),
Subject: &other.DefRange,
attrs, attrDiags := block.Body.JustAttributes()
diags = append(diags, attrDiags...)
if len(attrs) == 0 {
return cty.MapValEmpty(s.ElementType), diags
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(attrs))
for name, attr := range attrs {
attrVal, attrDiags := attr.Expr.Value(ctx)
diags = append(diags, attrDiags...)
attrVal, err := convert.Convert(attrVal, s.ElementType)
if err != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid attribute value",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid value for attribute of %q block: %s.", s.TypeName, err),
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
Context: hcl.RangeBetween(attr.NameRange, attr.Expr.Range()).Ptr(),
Expression: attr.Expr,
EvalContext: ctx,
attrVal = cty.UnknownVal(s.ElementType)
vals[name] = attrVal
return cty.MapVal(vals), diags
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return cty.Map(s.ElementType)
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
block, _ := s.findBlock(content)
if block == nil {
return content.MissingItemRange
return block.DefRange
func (s *BlockAttrsSpec) findBlock(content *hcl.BodyContent) (block *hcl.Block, other *hcl.Block) {
for _, candidate := range content.Blocks {
if candidate.Type != s.TypeName {
if block != nil {
return block, candidate
block = candidate
return block, nil
// A BlockLabelSpec is a Spec that returns a cty.String representing the
// label of the block its given body belongs to, if indeed its given body
// belongs to a block. It is a programming error to use this in a non-block
// context, so this spec will panic in that case.
// This spec only works in the nested spec within a BlockSpec, BlockListSpec,
// BlockSetSpec or BlockMapSpec.
// The full set of label specs used against a particular block must have a
// consecutive set of indices starting at zero. The maximum index found
// defines how many labels the corresponding blocks must have in cty source.
type BlockLabelSpec struct {
Index int
Name string
func (s *BlockLabelSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// leaf node
func (s *BlockLabelSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
if s.Index >= len(blockLabels) {
panic("BlockListSpec used in non-block context")
return cty.StringVal(blockLabels[s.Index].Value), nil
func (s *BlockLabelSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return cty.String // labels are always strings
func (s *BlockLabelSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
if s.Index >= len(blockLabels) {
panic("BlockListSpec used in non-block context")
return blockLabels[s.Index].Range
func findLabelSpecs(spec Spec) []string {
maxIdx := -1
var names map[int]string
var visit visitFunc
visit = func(s Spec) {
if ls, ok := s.(*BlockLabelSpec); ok {
if maxIdx < ls.Index {
maxIdx = ls.Index
if names == nil {
names = make(map[int]string)
names[ls.Index] = ls.Name
if maxIdx < 0 {
return nil // no labels at all
ret := make([]string, maxIdx+1)
for i := range ret {
name := names[i]
if name == "" {
// Should never happen if the spec is conformant, since we require
// consecutive indices starting at zero.
name = fmt.Sprintf("missing%02d", i)
ret[i] = name
return ret
// DefaultSpec is a spec that wraps two specs, evaluating the primary first
// and then evaluating the default if the primary returns a null value.
// The two specifications must have the same implied result type for correct
// operation. If not, the result is undefined.
// Any requirements imposed by the "Default" spec apply even if "Primary" does
// not return null. For example, if the "Default" spec is for a required
// attribute then that attribute is always required, regardless of the result
// of the "Primary" spec.
// The "Default" spec must not describe a nested block, since otherwise the
// result of ChildBlockTypes would not be decidable without evaluation. If
// the default spec _does_ describe a nested block then the result is
// undefined.
type DefaultSpec struct {
Primary Spec
Default Spec
func (s *DefaultSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
func (s *DefaultSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
val, diags := s.Primary.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx)
if val.IsNull() {
var moreDiags hcl.Diagnostics
val, moreDiags = s.Default.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
return val, diags
func (s *DefaultSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return s.Primary.impliedType()
// attrSpec implementation
func (s *DefaultSpec) attrSchemata() []hcl.AttributeSchema {
// We must pass through the union of both of our nested specs so that
// we'll have both values available in the result.
var ret []hcl.AttributeSchema
if as, ok := s.Primary.(attrSpec); ok {
ret = append(ret, as.attrSchemata()...)
if as, ok := s.Default.(attrSpec); ok {
ret = append(ret, as.attrSchemata()...)
return ret
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *DefaultSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema {
// Only the primary spec may describe a block, since otherwise
// our nestedSpec method below can't know which to return.
if bs, ok := s.Primary.(blockSpec); ok {
return bs.blockHeaderSchemata()
return nil
// blockSpec implementation
func (s *DefaultSpec) nestedSpec() Spec {
if bs, ok := s.Primary.(blockSpec); ok {
return bs.nestedSpec()
return nil
func (s *DefaultSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We can't tell from here which of the two specs will ultimately be used
// in our result, so we'll just assume the first. This is usually the right
// choice because the default is often a literal spec that doesn't have a
// reasonable source range to return anyway.
return s.Primary.sourceRange(content, blockLabels)
// TransformExprSpec is a spec that wraps another and then evaluates a given
// hcl.Expression on the result.
// The implied type of this spec is determined by evaluating the expression
// with an unknown value of the nested spec's implied type, which may cause
// the result to be imprecise. This spec should not be used in situations where
// precise result type information is needed.
type TransformExprSpec struct {
Wrapped Spec
Expr hcl.Expression
TransformCtx *hcl.EvalContext
VarName string
func (s *TransformExprSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
func (s *TransformExprSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
wrappedVal, diags := s.Wrapped.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// We won't try to run our function in this case, because it'll probably
// generate confusing additional errors that will distract from the
// root cause.
return cty.UnknownVal(s.impliedType()), diags
chiCtx := s.TransformCtx.NewChild()
chiCtx.Variables = map[string]cty.Value{
s.VarName: wrappedVal,
resultVal, resultDiags := s.Expr.Value(chiCtx)
diags = append(diags, resultDiags...)
return resultVal, diags
func (s *TransformExprSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
wrappedTy := s.Wrapped.impliedType()
chiCtx := s.TransformCtx.NewChild()
chiCtx.Variables = map[string]cty.Value{
s.VarName: cty.UnknownVal(wrappedTy),
resultVal, _ := s.Expr.Value(chiCtx)
return resultVal.Type()
func (s *TransformExprSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We'll just pass through our wrapped range here, even though that's
// not super-accurate, because there's nothing better to return.
return s.Wrapped.sourceRange(content, blockLabels)
// TransformFuncSpec is a spec that wraps another and then evaluates a given
// cty function with the result. The given function must expect exactly one
// argument, where the result of the wrapped spec will be passed.
// The implied type of this spec is determined by type-checking the function
// with an unknown value of the nested spec's implied type, which may cause
// the result to be imprecise. This spec should not be used in situations where
// precise result type information is needed.
// If the given function produces an error when run, this spec will produce
// a non-user-actionable diagnostic message. It's the caller's responsibility
// to ensure that the given function cannot fail for any non-error result
// of the wrapped spec.
type TransformFuncSpec struct {
Wrapped Spec
Func function.Function
func (s *TransformFuncSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
func (s *TransformFuncSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
wrappedVal, diags := s.Wrapped.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// We won't try to run our function in this case, because it'll probably
// generate confusing additional errors that will distract from the
// root cause.
return cty.UnknownVal(s.impliedType()), diags
resultVal, err := s.Func.Call([]cty.Value{wrappedVal})
if err != nil {
// This is not a good example of a diagnostic because it is reporting
// a programming error in the calling application, rather than something
// an end-user could act on.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Transform function failed",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Decoder transform returned an error: %s", err),
Subject: s.sourceRange(content, blockLabels).Ptr(),
return cty.UnknownVal(s.impliedType()), diags
return resultVal, diags
func (s *TransformFuncSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
wrappedTy := s.Wrapped.impliedType()
resultTy, err := s.Func.ReturnType([]cty.Type{wrappedTy})
if err != nil {
// Should never happen with a correctly-configured spec
return cty.DynamicPseudoType
return resultTy
func (s *TransformFuncSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// We'll just pass through our wrapped range here, even though that's
// not super-accurate, because there's nothing better to return.
return s.Wrapped.sourceRange(content, blockLabels)
// noopSpec is a placeholder spec that does nothing, used in situations where
// a non-nil placeholder spec is required. It is not exported because there is
// no reason to use it directly; it is always an implementation detail only.
type noopSpec struct {
func (s noopSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
return cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType), nil
func (s noopSpec) impliedType() cty.Type {
return cty.DynamicPseudoType
func (s noopSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) {
// nothing to do
func (s noopSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range {
// No useful range for a noopSpec, and nobody should be calling this anyway.
return hcl.Range{
Filename: "noopSpec",