Martin Atkins 7887810587 specsuite: Fix some regressions
Lately we've made some changes that have affected the behavior of the
specsuite tests, causing them to fail. Much of this was caused by changes
to the harness itself (based on hcldec), although one break in particular
here was an intentional change to the implementation of modulo in
upstream cty to make it produce a more accurate result when used with
a fractional divisor.
2021-02-23 09:05:19 -08:00

110 lines
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result = {
equality = {
"==" = {
exactly = true
not = false
type_mismatch_number = false
type_mismatch_bool = false
"!=" = {
exactly = false
not = true
type_mismatch_number = true
type_mismatch_bool = true
inequality = {
"<" = {
lt = true
gt = false
eq = false
"<=" = {
lt = true
gt = false
eq = true
">" = {
lt = false
gt = true
eq = false
">=" = {
lt = false
gt = true
eq = true
arithmetic = {
add = 5.5
add_big = 4.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459
sub = 1.5
sub_neg = -1.5
mul = 9
div = 0.1
mod = 1
mod_frac = 0.80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000024
logical_binary = {
"&&" = {
tt = true
tf = false
ft = false
ff = false
"||" = {
tt = true
tf = true
ft = true
ff = false
logical_unary = {
"!" = {
t = false
f = true
conditional = {
t = "a"
f = "b"
result_type = object({
equality = map(object({
exactly = bool
not = bool
type_mismatch_number = bool
type_mismatch_bool = bool
inequality = map(object({
lt = bool
gt = bool
eq = bool
arithmetic = object({
add = number
add_big = number
sub = number
sub_neg = number
mul = number
div = number
mod = number
mod_frac = number
logical_binary = map(object({
tt = bool
tf = bool
ft = bool
ff = bool
logical_unary = map(object({
t = bool
f = bool
conditional = object({
t = string
f = string