
73 lines
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package dynblock
import (
// ForEachVariables looks for "dynamic" blocks inside the given body
// (which should be a body that would be passed to Expand, not the return
// value of Expand) and returns any variables that are used within their
// "for_each" and "labels" expressions, for use in dynamically constructing a
// scope to pass as part of a hcl.EvalContext to Transformer.
func ForEachVariables(original hcl.Body) []hcl.Traversal {
var traversals []hcl.Traversal
container, _, _ := original.PartialContent(variableDetectionContainerSchema)
if container == nil {
return traversals
for _, block := range container.Blocks {
inner, _, _ := block.Body.PartialContent(variableDetectionInnerSchema)
if inner == nil {
iteratorName := block.Labels[0]
if attr, exists := inner.Attributes["iterator"]; exists {
iterTraversal, _ := hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr(attr.Expr)
if len(iterTraversal) > 0 {
iteratorName = iterTraversal.RootName()
if attr, exists := inner.Attributes["for_each"]; exists {
traversals = append(traversals, attr.Expr.Variables()...)
if attr, exists := inner.Attributes["labels"]; exists {
// Filter out our own iterator name, since the caller
// doesn't need to provide that.
for _, traversal := range attr.Expr.Variables() {
if traversal.RootName() != iteratorName {
traversals = append(traversals, traversal)
return traversals
// These are more-relaxed schemata than what's in schema.go, since we
// want to maximize the amount of variables we can find even if there
// are erroneous blocks.
var variableDetectionContainerSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
var variableDetectionInnerSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: "for_each",
Required: false,
Name: "labels",
Required: false,
Name: "iterator",
Required: false,