Martin Atkins 2eaeb36cb3 Use Unicode 13 text segmentation rules
HCL uses a number of upstream libraries that implement algorithms defined
in Unicode. This commit is updating those libraries all to versions that
have Unicode 13 support.

The main implication of this for HCL directly is that when it returns
column numbers in source locations it will count characters using the
Unicode 13 definition of "character", which includes various new
multi-codeunit characters added in Unicode 13.

These new version dependencies will also make Unicode 13 support available
for other functionality that HCL callers might use, such as the stdlib
functions in upstream cty, even though HCL itself does not directly use
2021-02-23 09:05:19 -08:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

package hclsyntax
import (
// Token represents a sequence of bytes from some HCL code that has been
// tagged with a type and its range within the source file.
type Token struct {
Type TokenType
Bytes []byte
Range hcl.Range
// Tokens is a slice of Token.
type Tokens []Token
// TokenType is an enumeration used for the Type field on Token.
type TokenType rune
const (
// Single-character tokens are represented by their own character, for
// convenience in producing these within the scanner. However, the values
// are otherwise arbitrary and just intended to be mnemonic for humans
// who might see them in debug output.
TokenOBrace TokenType = '{'
TokenCBrace TokenType = '}'
TokenOBrack TokenType = '['
TokenCBrack TokenType = ']'
TokenOParen TokenType = '('
TokenCParen TokenType = ')'
TokenOQuote TokenType = '«'
TokenCQuote TokenType = '»'
TokenOHeredoc TokenType = 'H'
TokenCHeredoc TokenType = 'h'
TokenStar TokenType = '*'
TokenSlash TokenType = '/'
TokenPlus TokenType = '+'
TokenMinus TokenType = '-'
TokenPercent TokenType = '%'
TokenEqual TokenType = '='
TokenEqualOp TokenType = '≔'
TokenNotEqual TokenType = '≠'
TokenLessThan TokenType = '<'
TokenLessThanEq TokenType = '≤'
TokenGreaterThan TokenType = '>'
TokenGreaterThanEq TokenType = '≥'
TokenAnd TokenType = '∧'
TokenOr TokenType = ''
TokenBang TokenType = '!'
TokenDot TokenType = '.'
TokenComma TokenType = ','
TokenEllipsis TokenType = '…'
TokenFatArrow TokenType = '⇒'
TokenQuestion TokenType = '?'
TokenColon TokenType = ':'
TokenTemplateInterp TokenType = '∫'
TokenTemplateControl TokenType = 'λ'
TokenTemplateSeqEnd TokenType = '∎'
TokenQuotedLit TokenType = 'Q' // might contain backslash escapes
TokenStringLit TokenType = 'S' // cannot contain backslash escapes
TokenNumberLit TokenType = 'N'
TokenIdent TokenType = 'I'
TokenComment TokenType = 'C'
TokenNewline TokenType = '\n'
TokenEOF TokenType = '␄'
// The rest are not used in the language but recognized by the scanner so
// we can generate good diagnostics in the parser when users try to write
// things that might work in other languages they are familiar with, or
// simply make incorrect assumptions about the HCL language.
TokenBitwiseAnd TokenType = '&'
TokenBitwiseOr TokenType = '|'
TokenBitwiseNot TokenType = '~'
TokenBitwiseXor TokenType = '^'
TokenStarStar TokenType = '➚'
TokenApostrophe TokenType = '\''
TokenBacktick TokenType = '`'
TokenSemicolon TokenType = ';'
TokenTabs TokenType = '␉'
TokenInvalid TokenType = '<27>'
TokenBadUTF8 TokenType = '💩'
TokenQuotedNewline TokenType = '␤'
// TokenNil is a placeholder for when a token is required but none is
// available, e.g. when reporting errors. The scanner will never produce
// this as part of a token stream.
TokenNil TokenType = '\x00'
func (t TokenType) GoString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("hclsyntax.%s", t.String())
type scanMode int
const (
scanNormal scanMode = iota
type tokenAccum struct {
Filename string
Bytes []byte
Pos hcl.Pos
Tokens []Token
StartByte int
func (f *tokenAccum) emitToken(ty TokenType, startOfs, endOfs int) {
// Walk through our buffer to figure out how much we need to adjust
// the start pos to get our end pos.
start := f.Pos
start.Column += startOfs + f.StartByte - f.Pos.Byte // Safe because only ASCII spaces can be in the offset
start.Byte = startOfs + f.StartByte
end := start
end.Byte = endOfs + f.StartByte
b := f.Bytes[startOfs:endOfs]
for len(b) > 0 {
advance, seq, _ := textseg.ScanGraphemeClusters(b, true)
if (len(seq) == 1 && seq[0] == '\n') || (len(seq) == 2 && seq[0] == '\r' && seq[1] == '\n') {
end.Column = 1
} else {
b = b[advance:]
f.Pos = end
f.Tokens = append(f.Tokens, Token{
Type: ty,
Bytes: f.Bytes[startOfs:endOfs],
Range: hcl.Range{
Filename: f.Filename,
Start: start,
End: end,
type heredocInProgress struct {
Marker []byte
StartOfLine bool
func tokenOpensFlushHeredoc(tok Token) bool {
if tok.Type != TokenOHeredoc {
return false
return bytes.HasPrefix(tok.Bytes, []byte{'<', '<', '-'})
// checkInvalidTokens does a simple pass across the given tokens and generates
// diagnostics for tokens that should _never_ appear in HCL source. This
// is intended to avoid the need for the parser to have special support
// for them all over.
// Returns a diagnostics with no errors if everything seems acceptable.
// Otherwise, returns zero or more error diagnostics, though tries to limit
// repetition of the same information.
func checkInvalidTokens(tokens Tokens) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
toldBitwise := 0
toldExponent := 0
toldBacktick := 0
toldApostrophe := 0
toldSemicolon := 0
toldTabs := 0
toldBadUTF8 := 0
for _, tok := range tokens {
// copy token so it's safe to point to it
tok := tok
switch tok.Type {
case TokenBitwiseAnd, TokenBitwiseOr, TokenBitwiseXor, TokenBitwiseNot:
if toldBitwise < 4 {
var suggestion string
switch tok.Type {
case TokenBitwiseAnd:
suggestion = " Did you mean boolean AND (\"&&\")?"
case TokenBitwiseOr:
suggestion = " Did you mean boolean OR (\"||\")?"
case TokenBitwiseNot:
suggestion = " Did you mean boolean NOT (\"!\")?"
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unsupported operator",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Bitwise operators are not supported.%s", suggestion),
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenStarStar:
if toldExponent < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unsupported operator",
Detail: "\"**\" is not a supported operator. Exponentiation is not supported as an operator.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenBacktick:
// Only report for alternating (even) backticks, so we won't report both start and ends of the same
// backtick-quoted string.
if (toldBacktick % 2) == 0 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "The \"`\" character is not valid. To create a multi-line string, use the \"heredoc\" syntax, like \"<<EOT\".",
Subject: &tok.Range,
if toldBacktick <= 2 {
case TokenApostrophe:
if (toldApostrophe % 2) == 0 {
newDiag := &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "Single quotes are not valid. Use double quotes (\") to enclose strings.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
diags = append(diags, newDiag)
if toldApostrophe <= 2 {
case TokenSemicolon:
if toldSemicolon < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "The \";\" character is not valid. Use newlines to separate arguments and blocks, and commas to separate items in collection values.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenTabs:
if toldTabs < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "Tab characters may not be used. The recommended indentation style is two spaces per indent.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenBadUTF8:
if toldBadUTF8 < 1 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character encoding",
Detail: "All input files must be UTF-8 encoded. Ensure that UTF-8 encoding is selected in your editor.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenQuotedNewline:
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid multi-line string",
Detail: "Quoted strings may not be split over multiple lines. To produce a multi-line string, either use the \\n escape to represent a newline character or use the \"heredoc\" multi-line template syntax.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
case TokenInvalid:
chars := string(tok.Bytes)
switch chars {
case "“", "”":
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "\"Curly quotes\" are not valid here. These can sometimes be inadvertently introduced when sharing code via documents or discussion forums. It might help to replace the character with a \"straight quote\".",
Subject: &tok.Range,
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid character",
Detail: "This character is not used within the language.",
Subject: &tok.Range,
return diags
var utf8BOM = []byte{0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf}
// stripUTF8BOM checks whether the given buffer begins with a UTF-8 byte order
// mark (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF) and, if so, returns a truncated slice with the same
// backing array but with the BOM skipped.
// If there is no BOM present, the given slice is returned verbatim.
func stripUTF8BOM(src []byte) []byte {
if bytes.HasPrefix(src, utf8BOM) {
return src[3:]
return src