package main import ( "fmt" "io/fs" "log" "os" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" toml "" ) //AwsDefaultSection toml default section type AwsDefaultSection struct { // attribute should be public ! for go-toml EndpointURL string `toml:"endpoint_url"` } //CustomAwsConfig custom toml config for aws type CustomAwsConfig struct { Default AwsDefaultSection `toml:"default"` } const bucket = "Computer" func main() { customConfig := CustomAwsConfig{} err := DecodeFile(defaults.SharedConfigFilename(), &customConfig) handleError(err) s, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable, Config: aws.Config{ Endpoint: &customConfig.Default.EndpointURL, DisableSSL: aws.Bool(true), }, }) handleError(err) s3fs := s3fs.New(s3.New(s), bucket) stat, err := s3fs.Stat("Documents") handleError(err) fmt.Printf("stat : %+v\n", stat) fmt.Printf("isDir : %+v\n", stat.IsDir()) depth := 2 // print out all files in s3 bucket. err = fs.WalkDir(s3fs, ".", func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error { handleError(err) arr := strings.Split(path, "/") if len(arr) > depth { // return errors.New("Error") return fs.SkipDir } if d.IsDir() { fmt.Printf("dir: %s/\n", path) } else { fmt.Println("file:", path) } return nil }) handleError(err) } //DecodeFile call toml.Decode with file func DecodeFile(fpath string, v interface{}) error { bs, err := os.Open(fpath) if err != nil { return err } d := toml.NewDecoder(bs) err = d.Decode(v) return err } func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error -> %+v\n", err) } }