variable "application_name" { type = string } variable "namespace" { default = "default" type = string } variable "image" { type = object({ name = string tag = optional(string, "latest") pull-policy = optional(string, "Always") }) } variable "args" { type = list(string) default = null } variable "ports" { type = list( object({ container_port = number expose = optional(bool, false) }) ) default = [] } variable "env" { type = list( object({ name = string value = string }) ) default = [] } variable "config_content" { type = string default = null } variable "volumes" { type = map( object({ path = string }) ) default = {} } variable "replicas" { type = number default = 1 description = "number of replicas for the application's pod" } variable "additional_ingress_host" { type = list(string) default = [] description = "list of additional ingress host allowed for this service" } variable "is_test" { type = bool default = false description = "mode to declare if the module is run in terraform test mode or in classical mode" }