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Typically this is done during development when you don't want to run a web server like Apache httpd. Tomcat's CGI support is largely compatible with Apache httpd's, but there are some limitations (e.g., only one cgi-bin directory). </p> <p>CGI support is implemented using the servlet class <code>org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet</code>. Traditionally, this servlet is mapped to the URL pattern "/cgi-bin/*".</p> <p>By default CGI support is disabled in Tomcat.</p> </div><h3 id="Installation">Installation</h3><div class="text"> <p><strong>CAUTION</strong> - CGI scripts are used to execute programs external to the Tomcat JVM. If you are using the Java SecurityManager this will bypass your security policy configuration in <code>catalina.policy.</code></p> <p>To enable CGI support:</p> <ol> <li><p>There are commented-out sample servlet and servlet-mapping elements for CGI servlet in the default <code>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml</code> file. To enable CGI support in your web application, copy that servlet and servlet-mapping declarations into <code>WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file of your web application.</p> <p>Uncommenting the servlet and servlet-mapping in <code>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml</code> file enables CGI for all installed web applications at once.</p> </li> <li><p>Set <code>privileged="true"</code> on the Context element for your web application.</p> <p>Only Contexts which are marked as privileged are allowed to use the CGI servlet. Note that modifying the global <code>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml</code> file affects all web applications. See <a href="config/context.html">Context documentation</a> for details.</p> </li> </ol> </div><h3 id="Configuration">Configuration</h3><div class="text"> <p>There are several servlet init parameters which can be used to configure the behaviour of the CGI servlet.</p> <ul> <li><strong>cgiPathPrefix</strong> - The CGI search path will start at the web application root directory + File.separator + this prefix. By default there is no value, which results in the web application root directory being used as the search path. The recommended value is <code>WEB-INF/cgi</code></li> <li><strong>enableCmdLineArguments</strong> - Are command line parameters generated from the query string as per section 4.4 of 3875 RFC? The default is <code>true</code>.</li> <li><strong>environment-variable-</strong> - An environment to be set for the execution environment of the CGI script. The name of variable is taken from the parameter name. To configure an environment variable named FOO, configure a parameter named environment-variable-FOO. The parameter value is used as the environment variable value. The default is no environment variables.</li> <li><strong>executable</strong> - The name of the executable to be used to run the script. You may explicitly set this parameter to be an empty string if your script is itself executable (e.g. an exe file). Default is <code>perl</code>.</li> <li><strong>executable-arg-1</strong>, <strong>executable-arg-2</strong>, and so on - additional arguments for the executable. These precede the CGI script name. By default there are no additional arguments.</li> <li><strong>envHttpHeaders</strong> - A regular expression used to select the HTTP headers passed to the CGI process as environment variables. Note that headers are converted to upper case before matching and that the entire header name must match the pattern. Default is <code>ACCEPT[-0-9A-Z]*|CACHE-CONTROL|COOKIE|HOST|IF-[-0-9A-Z]*|REFERER|USER-AGENT</code> </li> <li><strong>parameterEncoding</strong> - Name of the parameter encoding to be used with the CGI servlet. Default is <code>System.getProperty("file.encoding","UTF-8")</code>. That is the system default encoding, or UTF-8 if that system property is not available.</li> <li><strong>passShellEnvironment</strong> - Should the shell environment variables from Tomcat process (if any) be passed to the CGI script? Default is <code>false</code>.</li> <li><strong>stderrTimeout</strong> - The time (in milliseconds) to wait for the reading of stderr to complete before terminating the CGI process. Default is <code>2000</code>.</li> </ul> <p>The CGI script executed depends on the configuration of the CGI Servlet and how the request is mapped to the CGI Servlet. The CGI search path starts at the web application root directory + File.separator + cgiPathPrefix. The <strong>pathInfo</strong> is then searched unless it is <code>null</code> - in which case the <strong>servletPath</strong> is searched.</p> <p>The search starts with the first path segment and expands one path segment at a time until no path segments are left (resulting in a 404) or a script is found. Any remaining path segments are passed to the script in the <strong>PATH_INFO</strong> environment variable.</p> </div><div class="noprint"><h3 id="comments_section"> Comments </h3><div class="text"><p class="notice"><strong>Notice: </strong>This comments section collects your suggestions on improving documentation for Apache Tomcat.<br><br> If you have trouble and need help, read <a href="https://tomcat.apache.org/findhelp.html">Find Help</a> page and ask your question on the tomcat-users <a href="https://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html">mailing list</a>. Do not ask such questions here. This is not a Q&A section.<br><br> The Apache Comments System is explained <a href="./comments.html">here</a>. Comments may be removed by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic. </p><div id="comments_thread"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><footer><div id="footer"> Copyright © 1999-2018, The Apache Software Foundation </div></footer></div></body></html>