The contract for AbsTraversalForExpr calls for us to interpret an
expression as if it were traversal syntax. Traversal syntax does not have
the special keywords "null", "true" and "false", so we must interpret
these as TraverseRoot rather than as literal values.
Previously this wasn't working because the parser converted these to
literals too early. To make this work properly, we implement
AbsTraversalForExpr on literal expressions and effectively "undo" the
parser's re-interpretation of these keywords to back out to the original
keyword strings.
We also rework how object keys are handled so that we wait until eval time
to decide whether to interpret the key expression as an unquoted literal
string. This allows us to properly support AbsTraversalForExpr on keys
in object constructors, bypassing the string-interpretation behavior in
that case.
Previously we allowed arrays only at the "leaf" of a set of objects
describing a block and its labels. This is not sufficient because it is
therefore impossible to preserve the relative ordering of a sequence
of blocks that have different block types or labels.
The spec now allows arrays of objects to be used in place of single
objects when that value is representing either an HCL body or a set of
labels on a nested block. This relaxing does not apply to JSON objects
interpreted as expressions or bodies interpreted in dynamic attributes
mode, since there is no requirement to preserve attribute ordering or
support duplicate property names in those scenarios.
This new model imposes additional constraints on the underlying JSON
parser used to interpret JSON HCL: it must now be able to retain the
relative ordering of object keys and accept multiple definitions of the
same key. This requirement is not imposed on _producers_, which are free
to use the allowance for arrays of objects to force ordering and duplicate
keys with JSON-producing libraries that are unable to make these
Since we are now requiring a specialized parser anyway, we also require
that it be able to represent numbers at full precision, whereas before
we made some allowances for implementations to not support this.
Terraform is the prime use-case for the dynblock extension, so we'll
include this here currently as a proof-of-concept for Terraform's usage,
but eventually (once Terraform is actually using it) this'll give some
insurance that it doesn't get broken.
As an extra level of confidence in addition to the unit tests, this
integration test verifies that a certain set of features that Terraform
uses are able to work properly together.
Terraform is used as an example here just because it's a more advanced
consumer of HCL and thus it exercises some codepaths that most
applications don't need, such as ExprList and AbsTraversalForExpr.