chore(deps): update module to v3.143.0 #31

antoine merged 1 commits from renovate/ into main 2024-12-15 23:03:06 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change require minor v3.132.0 -> v3.143.0

Release Notes

pulumi/pulumi (


Compare Source

3.143.0 (2024-12-12)

  • [cli] Autonaming configuration in experimental mode

  • [cli] Suggest state repair as part of integrity panics

  • [engine] Add PULUMI_DEBUG_LANGUAGES much like PULUMI_DEBUG_PROVIDERS so we can attach debuggers to languages easily

  • [engine] Warn if refresh or destroy use older plugins

  • [protobuf] Add Handshake to the provider protocol

  • [sdk/dotnet] Upgrade pulumi-dotnet to 3.71.0

  • [sdkgen/dotnet] Codegen for .NET InvokeOutputOptions

  • [programgen/{dotnet,nodejs,python}] Emit deferred outputs for mutually dependant components

  • [sdk/go] Allow specifying dependencies for output invokes. Go code generation for Output form invokes will use the new Context.InvokeOutput method.

  • [sdk/nodejs] Add getSchema to Provider interface

  • [sdk/{nodejs,python}] Update Python and NodeJS to use the new GetRequiredPackage functionality

  • [cli/package] Automatically set up package dependencies when adding a package when possible

  • [sdk/python] Drop Python 3.8 support

Bug Fixes
  • [backend/diy] Show a more correct URL for lock files in error messages

  • [sdk/go] Inherit protect from parents in the Go SDK

  • [sdk/go] Fix a defer leak when writing memory profiles

  • [sdk/go] Return when rejecting the InvokeOutput output on error

  • [sdkgen/go] Fix writing of go.mod files for parameterized packages

  • [auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Expose whoami token information in automation API types

  • [cli/install] Don't recreate virtualenvs when using venv

  • [auto/nodejs] Don't hang indefinitely on failed inputs

  • [auto/python] Catch BaseException in automation API server

  • [sdk/nodejs] Throw from output() on circular structures

  • [sdkgen/{nodejs,python}] Bump the minimum SDK version to 3.142.0

  • [pkg] Upgrade pulumi-java to v0.19.0

  • [sdk/python] Switch to ruff for linting and formatting

  • [sdkgen] Include parameterization details in pulumi-plugin.json


Compare Source

3.142.0 (2024-11-26)

  • [cli] Reduce binary size by stripping debug information

  • [sdk/go] Add OutputWithDependencies

  • [sdk/java] Bump pulumi-java to 0.18.0

Bug Fixes
  • [cli] Fix login --interactive when no accounts are in the credentials file

  • [cli/new] Fix new to work with local template directories again

  • [sdkgen/dotnet] Fix parameterized packages to have version.txt

  • [sdk/python] uv toolchain: preserve env-vars when executing uv command


Compare Source

3.141.0 (2024-11-22)

  • [sdk/dotnet] Update dotnet to 3.69.0

  • [cli/new] Allow URLs without a scheme for downloading templates

  • [sdk/nodejs] Allow specifiying additional dependencies for output invokes

  • [sdk/{nodejs,python}] Implement deferred output for nodejs and python

  • [sdk/python] Allow specifiying dependencies for output invokes

  • [sdk/yaml] Update yaml to 1.12.0

Bug Fixes
  • [engine] Send the same program arguments to shimless and binary plugins

  • [auto/go] Work around a race where the summary event in the automation API sometimes cannot be found

  • [sdk/nodejs] Fix mocks when multiple versions of @​pulumi/pulumi are loaded in a project

  • [sdk/go] Split public and internal representation of InvokeOptions


Compare Source

3.140.0 (2024-11-19)

  • [pkg] Reject schemas with duplicate paths across resources and functions

  • [auto/go] Add --config-file functionality to Go Automation API preview, update, refresh, and destroy

Bug Fixes
  • [cli/plugin] Workaround for escape codes in output from .NET 9

  • [sdk/python] Fix merging InvokeOptions.version


Compare Source

3.139.0 (2024-11-14)

  • [pkg] Allow generating docs in parallel

  • [programgen] Allow specifying mutually dependant components in PCL

  • [programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Support generating invokes options from PCL for invokes

  • [sdk/nodejs] Allow accessing configuration in Node.js dynamic providers

  • [sdk/nodejs] Implement RunPlugin for the NodeJS language runtime

  • [sdk/nodejs] Support parameterization for TypeScript providers

  • [sdk/python] Add Uv as a Python toolchain

  • [sdk/python] Allow accessing configuration in Python dynamic providers

Bug Fixes
  • [engine] Make plugin downloads/installation cancellable

  • [engine] Fix frequent retries on 403 errors when the update token expires

  • [engine] Don't copy deleted dependencies of untargeted resources

  • [engine] Support renaming providers in targeted operations

  • [engine] Pass correct working directory to RunPlugin

  • [programgen] Allow PCL function element to take a dynamic expression as input in non-strict mode

  • [sdk/nodejs] Fix pnpm pack for pnpm@9.13

  • [sdk/python] Log a message about deleting requirements.txt when converting to using Poetry

  • [sdk/python] Fix an exception in automation api when reading whoami results.

  • [sdk/dotnet] Run tests with .NET 9.0


Compare Source

3.138.0 (2024-11-06)

  • [backend/diy] Keep computer awake while an update is running

  • [backend/service] Keep computer awake while an update is running

  • [cli] Add interactive account selection to pulumi login command

  • [cli/display] Colorize selected stack when listing

  • [engine] Persist metadata about snapshot integrity errors

  • [programgen] Implement package descriptor blocks in PCL to load parameterized packages

  • [sdk/nodejs] Support Node.js 23

Bug Fixes
  • [docs] Fix spacing and formatting of stack init command's long doc

  • [engine] Spot skipped-create dependencies even when inputs don't change

  • [engine] Normalize URNs in DeletedWith references

  • [engine] Disable the enviromental GITHUB_TOKEN on 403 responses

  • [sdk/go] Overwrite directories in workspace.CopyTemplateFiles when called with force=true

  • [sdk/python] Add additional debug information to ValueError and AssertionError

  • [docs] Update function comments to remove outdated DIY backend note

  • [yaml] Update YAML to 1.11.2


Compare Source

3.137.0 (2024-10-17)

  • [cli] Allow memory profile to be written in the background, so it's available in case of crash

  • [sdk/go] Enable better error messsages to be returned from provider construct failures

  • [sdk/python] Enable better error messsages to be returned from provider construct failures

  • [sdk/python] Support Python 3.13

Bug Fixes
  • [engine] Fix token expired errors due to network issues

  • [pkg] Don't publish test code in pkg/codegen

  • [programgen] Detect and error on binding component nodes in PCL programs that self-reference their source

  • [programgen] Fix PCL bind error "cannot iterate over a value of type number" when conditionals are used in range expressions

  • [yaml] Allow pulumi package add for YAML projects

  • [sdk/go] Improve error message when credentials file invalid

  • [programgen/python] Fix preserving map keys in python programgen



Compare Source

3.136.1 (2024-10-08)

  • [sdkgen/{nodejs,python}] Bump minimum required SDK version to v3.136.0


Compare Source

3.136.0 (2024-10-07)

  • [cli/engine] Allow cancelling operations with SIGTERM

  • [cli/state] Introduce the state repair command

Bug Fixes
  • [cli/display] Hide --show-secrets with --save-plan

  • [sdk/nodejs] Maintain secretness and input dependencies of output invokes

  • [sdk/python] Send plain values to the engine in output invokes and keep track of input dependencies and secrets

  • [sdk/python] Handle nested structures properly when unwrapping secrets from invoke inputs

  • [sdk/python] Significantly reduce the number of debug log calls

  • [sdk/python] Target Python 3.8 for linting SDK

  • [sdk/nodejs] Exclude tests from the nodejs npm package

  • [sdk/python] Update python grpcio to 1.66.2


Compare Source

3.135.1 (2024-10-04)

  • [sdk/nodejs] Enable better error messsages to be returned from provider construct failures
Bug Fixes
  • [auto] Fix regression in automation API for deployments where events for a Pulumi operation are not received

  • [cli/new] Respect existing stack configuration when initialising secret managers

  • [sdk/yaml] Fix pulumi config set behaviour to append to end of file


Compare Source

3.135.0 (2024-10-01)

  • [backend/{diy,service}] Send secrets managers as initial state when creating stacks

  • [sdk/python] Search upwards for pyproject.toml when using Poetry

Bug Fixes
  • [cli/config] Improve usage string for config env add/rm commands

  • [cli/new] Check zipped templates for Pulumi.yaml files

  • [engine] Disable the enviromental GITHUB_TOKEN on 401 responses

  • [engine] Fix a panic when multiple component provider construct calls fail

  • [sdkgen/go] Fix nested string map map map properties

  • [sdk/nodejs] Fix dependency installation for nodejs projects with a main property

  • [sdk/python] Add missing package_ref paramater to ProviderResource

  • [sdkgen] Validate schema version is provided when package supports packing

  • [sdk/python] Replace asyncio.ensure_future with create_task

  • [sdkgen/{nodejs,python}] Bump minimum valid SDK version to v3.134.1 so that output-invokes work and maintain secrets


Compare Source

3.134.1 (2024-09-25)

  • [engine] Allow providers to return errors from construct and format them nicely
Bug Fixes
  • [engine] Add input keys from diff during import step to warning and error message

  • [sdk/nodejs] Short-circuit output invokes if inputs contains unknowns

  • [sdk/python] Always unwrap value from InvokeResult in invoke_async


Compare Source

3.134.0 (2024-09-23)

  • [engine] Generated and matched aliases are written to debug logs

  • [cli/display] Show the count of unchanged resources

  • [auto/nodejs] Support an abort channel for gracefully canceling operations

  • [auto/{nodejs,python}] Support refresh consistently in up/preview/destroy

  • [cli/state] Support falling back to snapshot secret managers when PULUMI_FALLBACK_TO_STATE_SECRETS_MANAGER is set

  • [sdkgen/python] First-class output-versioned invokes that maintain secrets in Python

Bug Fixes
  • [engine] Fix token expired errors due to network issues

  • [engine] Fix dependency traversal for untargeted skipped creates

  • [engine] Retry token refresh errors immediately

  • [cli/config] Fix help text for config set command

  • [sdk/nodejs] Allow 'pulumi about' in nodejs projects to resolve dependencies from package files by walking up the file tree

  • [sdkgen/python] Fully generate TypedDict input types by default

  • [sdkgen/python] Fix sdk-gen for parameterized providers

  • [sdkgen/python] Fix python defaulting to generating typed dicts for input types

  • [yaml] Update YAML to 1.10.3

  • [sdkgen/nodejs] Bump valid nodejs version to v3.133 the one that contains invokeOutput and friends


Compare Source

3.133.0 (2024-09-16)

  • [cli] Add an --attach-debugger flag for pulumi preview and pulumi up, that makes pulumi attach a debugger to the running program and allows attaching to it

  • [auto/{nodejs,python}] Add StartDebuggingEvent to the automation API

  • [cli/package] Make --out optional within pulumi package get-mapping

  • [engine] Package references and parameterized providers are now considered stable and have a feature flag to report so

  • [pkg] Update pulumi-java to 0.16.1

  • [sdk/dotnet] Update dotnet to 3.67.1

  • [sdk/python] Add debugpy as a dependency to improve the debugging experience

  • [sdkgen/nodejs] Add first-class output-versioned invokes for NodeJS

Bug Fixes
  • [sdk/nodejs] Fix closure serialization when using the Pulumi SDK inside anonymous functions


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | []( | require | minor | `v3.132.0` -> `v3.143.0` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>pulumi/pulumi (</summary> ### [`v3.143.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.143.0 (2024-12-12) ##### Features - \[cli] Autonaming configuration in experimental mode [#&#8203;17916]( - \[cli] Suggest `state repair` as part of integrity panics [#&#8203;17919]( - \[engine] Add PULUMI_DEBUG_LANGUAGES much like PULUMI_DEBUG_PROVIDERS so we can attach debuggers to languages easily [#&#8203;17821]( - \[engine] Warn if `refresh` or `destroy` use older plugins [#&#8203;12196]( - \[protobuf] Add `Handshake` to the provider protocol [#&#8203;17819]( - \[sdk/dotnet] Upgrade pulumi-dotnet to 3.71.0 [#&#8203;17937]( - \[sdkgen/dotnet] Codegen for .NET InvokeOutputOptions [#&#8203;17890]( - \[programgen/{dotnet,nodejs,python}] Emit deferred outputs for mutually dependant components [#&#8203;17859]( - \[sdk/go] Allow specifying dependencies for output invokes. Go code generation for Output form invokes will use the new `Context.InvokeOutput` method. [#&#8203;17791]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Add getSchema to Provider interface [#&#8203;17950]( - \[sdk/{nodejs,python}] Update Python and NodeJS to use the new GetRequiredPackage functionality [#&#8203;17910]( - \[cli/package] Automatically set up package dependencies when adding a package when possible [#&#8203;17815]( - \[sdk/python] Drop Python 3.8 support [#&#8203;17883]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[backend/diy] Show a more correct URL for lock files in error messages [#&#8203;17961]( - \[sdk/go] Inherit `protect` from `parent`s in the Go SDK [#&#8203;17936]( - \[sdk/go] Fix a `defer` leak when writing memory profiles [#&#8203;17581]( - \[sdk/go] Return when rejecting the InvokeOutput output on error [#&#8203;18010]( - \[sdkgen/go] Fix writing of go.mod files for parameterized packages [#&#8203;17923]( - \[auto/{go,nodejs,python}] Expose `whoami` token information in automation API types [#&#8203;17735]( - \[cli/install] Don't recreate virtualenvs when using venv [#&#8203;17892]( - \[auto/nodejs] Don't hang indefinitely on failed inputs [#&#8203;17899]( - \[auto/python] Catch BaseException in automation API server [#&#8203;17909]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Throw from `output()` on circular structures [#&#8203;17852]( - \[sdkgen/{nodejs,python}] Bump the minimum SDK version to 3.142.0 [#&#8203;17997]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[pkg] Upgrade pulumi-java to v0.19.0 [#&#8203;18014]( - \[sdk/python] Switch to ruff for linting and formatting [#&#8203;17882]( - \[sdkgen] Include parameterization details in pulumi-plugin.json [#&#8203;17867]( ### [`v3.142.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.142.0 (2024-11-26) ##### Features - \[cli] Reduce binary size by stripping debug information [#&#8203;17868]( - \[sdk/go] Add OutputWithDependencies [#&#8203;17856]( - \[sdk/java] Bump pulumi-java to 0.18.0 ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli] Fix login --interactive when no accounts are in the credentials file [#&#8203;17860]( - \[cli/new] Fix new to work with local template directories again [#&#8203;17866]( - \[sdkgen/dotnet] Fix parameterized packages to have version.txt [#&#8203;17851]( - \[sdk/python] uv toolchain: preserve env-vars when executing uv command [#&#8203;17849]( ### [`v3.141.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.141.0 (2024-11-22) ##### Features - \[sdk/dotnet] Update dotnet to 3.69.0 [#&#8203;17828]( - \[cli/new] Allow URLs without a scheme for downloading templates [#&#8203;17824]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Allow specifiying additional dependencies for output invokes [#&#8203;17632]( - \[sdk/{nodejs,python}] Implement deferred output for nodejs and python [#&#8203;17793]( - \[sdk/python] Allow specifiying dependencies for output invokes [#&#8203;17751]( - \[sdk/yaml] Update yaml to 1.12.0 [#&#8203;17811]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Send the same program arguments to shimless and binary plugins [#&#8203;17833]( - \[auto/go] Work around a race where the summary event in the automation API sometimes cannot be found [#&#8203;17825]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Fix mocks when multiple versions of [@&#8203;pulumi/pulumi]( are loaded in a project [#&#8203;17769]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdk/go] Split public and internal representation of InvokeOptions [#&#8203;17818]( ### [`v3.140.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.140.0 (2024-11-19) ##### Features - \[pkg] Reject schemas with duplicate paths across resources and functions [#&#8203;17797]( - \[auto/go] Add --config-file functionality to Go Automation API preview, update, refresh, and destroy [#&#8203;17774]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/plugin] Workaround for escape codes in output from .NET 9 [#&#8203;17783]( - \[sdk/python] Fix merging InvokeOptions.version [#&#8203;17750]( ### [`v3.139.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.139.0 (2024-11-14) ##### Features - \[pkg] Allow generating docs in parallel [#&#8203;17711]( - \[programgen] Allow specifying mutually dependant components in PCL - \[programgen/{dotnet,go,nodejs,python}] Support generating invokes options from PCL for invokes [#&#8203;17696]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Allow accessing configuration in Node.js dynamic providers [#&#8203;17697]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Implement RunPlugin for the NodeJS language runtime [#&#8203;17724]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Support parameterization for TypeScript providers [#&#8203;17738]( - \[sdk/python] Add Uv as a Python toolchain [#&#8203;17609]( - \[sdk/python] Allow accessing configuration in Python dynamic providers [#&#8203;17673]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Make plugin downloads/installation cancellable [#&#8203;17621]( - \[engine] Fix frequent retries on 403 errors when the update token expires [#&#8203;17714]( - \[engine] Don't copy deleted dependencies of untargeted resources [#&#8203;17743]( - \[engine] Support renaming providers in targeted operations [#&#8203;17746]( - \[engine] Pass correct working directory to RunPlugin [#&#8203;17763]( - \[programgen] Allow PCL function element to take a dynamic expression as input in non-strict mode [#&#8203;17587]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Fix pnpm pack for pnpm@9.13 [#&#8203;17766]( - \[sdk/python] Log a message about deleting requirements.txt when converting to using Poetry [#&#8203;17716]( - \[sdk/python] Fix an exception in automation api when reading `whoami` results. [#&#8203;17770]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdk/dotnet] Run tests with .NET 9.0 [#&#8203;17768]( ### [`v3.138.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.138.0 (2024-11-06) ##### Features - \[backend/diy] Keep computer awake while an update is running [#&#8203;17699]( - \[backend/service] Keep computer awake while an update is running [#&#8203;17699]( [#&#8203;17675]( - \[cli] Add interactive account selection to pulumi login command [#&#8203;17618]( - \[cli/display] Colorize selected stack when listing [#&#8203;17606]( - \[engine] Persist metadata about snapshot integrity errors [#&#8203;17291]( - \[programgen] Implement package descriptor blocks in PCL to load parameterized packages [#&#8203;17589]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Support Node.js 23 [#&#8203;17639]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[docs] Fix spacing and formatting of `stack init` command's long doc [#&#8203;17534]( - \[engine] Spot skipped-create dependencies even when inputs don't change [#&#8203;17633]( - \[engine] Normalize URNs in `DeletedWith` references [#&#8203;17666]( - \[engine] Disable the enviromental GITHUB_TOKEN on 403 responses [#&#8203;17671]( - \[sdk/go] Overwrite directories in workspace.CopyTemplateFiles when called with force=true [#&#8203;17695]( - \[sdk/python] Add additional debug information to `ValueError` and `AssertionError` [#&#8203;17577]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[docs] Update function comments to remove outdated DIY backend note [#&#8203;17563]( - \[yaml] Update YAML to 1.11.2 [#&#8203;17637]( ### [`v3.137.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.137.0 (2024-10-17) ##### Features - \[cli] Allow memory profile to be written in the background, so it's available in case of crash [#&#8203;17461]( - \[sdk/go] Enable better error messsages to be returned from provider construct failures [#&#8203;17464]( - \[sdk/python] Enable better error messsages to be returned from provider construct failures [#&#8203;17429]( - \[sdk/python] Support Python 3.13 [#&#8203;17520]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Fix token expired errors due to network issues [#&#8203;17519]( - \[pkg] Don't publish test code in `pkg/codegen` [#&#8203;17517]( - \[programgen] Detect and error on binding component nodes in PCL programs that self-reference their source [#&#8203;17538]( - \[programgen] Fix PCL bind error "cannot iterate over a value of type number" when conditionals are used in range expressions [#&#8203;17569]( - \[yaml] Allow `pulumi package add` for YAML projects [#&#8203;17560]( - \[sdk/go] Improve error message when credentials file invalid [#&#8203;17541]( - \[programgen/python] Fix preserving map keys in python programgen [#&#8203;17350]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[yaml] Update YAML to 1.11.1 [#&#8203;17540]( ### [`v3.136.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.136.1 (2024-10-08) ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdkgen/{nodejs,python}] Bump minimum required SDK version to v3.136.0 [#&#8203;17501]( ### [`v3.136.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.136.0 (2024-10-07) ##### Features - \[cli/engine] Allow cancelling operations with SIGTERM [#&#8203;17467]( - \[cli/state] Introduce the `state repair` command [#&#8203;17445]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/display] Hide --show-secrets with --save-plan [#&#8203;17444]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Maintain secretness and input dependencies of output invokes [#&#8203;17479]( - \[sdk/python] Send plain values to the engine in output invokes and keep track of input dependencies and secrets [#&#8203;17460]( - \[sdk/python] Handle nested structures properly when unwrapping secrets from invoke inputs [#&#8203;17482]( - \[sdk/python] Significantly reduce the number of debug log calls [#&#8203;17489]( - \[sdk/python] Target Python 3.8 for linting SDK [#&#8203;17495]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdk/nodejs] Exclude tests from the nodejs npm package [#&#8203;17488]( - \[sdk/python] Update python grpcio to 1.66.2 [#&#8203;17487]( ### [`v3.135.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.135.1 (2024-10-04) ##### Features - \[sdk/nodejs] Enable better error messsages to be returned from provider construct failures [#&#8203;17325]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[auto] Fix regression in automation API for deployments where events for a Pulumi operation are not received [#&#8203;17334]( - \[cli/new] Respect existing stack configuration when initialising secret managers [#&#8203;17465]( - \[sdk/yaml] Fix pulumi config set behaviour to append to end of file [#&#8203;17452]( ### [`v3.135.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.135.0 (2024-10-01) ##### Features - \[backend/{diy,service}] Send secrets managers as initial state when creating stacks [#&#8203;17387]( - \[sdk/python] Search upwards for pyproject.toml when using Poetry [#&#8203;17388]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[cli/config] Improve usage string for config env add/rm commands [#&#8203;17407]( - \[cli/new] Check zipped templates for `Pulumi.yaml` files [#&#8203;17437]( - \[engine] Disable the enviromental GITHUB_TOKEN on 401 responses [#&#8203;17351]( - \[engine] Fix a panic when multiple component provider construct calls fail [#&#8203;17439]( - \[sdkgen/go] Fix nested string map map map properties [#&#8203;17417]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Fix dependency installation for nodejs projects with a main property [#&#8203;17391]( - \[sdk/python] Add missing package_ref paramater to ProviderResource [#&#8203;17432]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[sdkgen] Validate schema version is provided when package supports packing [#&#8203;17420]( - \[sdk/python] Replace asyncio.ensure_future with create_task [#&#8203;17406]( - \[sdkgen/{nodejs,python}] Bump minimum valid SDK version to v3.134.1 so that output-invokes work and maintain secrets [#&#8203;17390]( ### [`v3.134.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.134.1 (2024-09-25) ##### Features - \[engine] Allow providers to return errors from construct and format them nicely [#&#8203;17306]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Add input keys from diff during import step to warning and error message [#&#8203;17312]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Short-circuit output invokes if inputs contains unknowns [#&#8203;17353]( - \[sdk/python] Always unwrap value from InvokeResult in invoke_async [#&#8203;17349]( ### [`v3.134.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.134.0 (2024-09-23) ##### Features - \[engine] Generated and matched aliases are written to debug logs [#&#8203;17280]( - \[cli/display] Show the count of unchanged resources [#&#8203;17257]( - \[auto/nodejs] Support an abort channel for gracefully canceling operations [#&#8203;16783]( - \[auto/{nodejs,python}] Support refresh consistently in up/preview/destroy [#&#8203;17209]( - \[cli/state] Support falling back to snapshot secret managers when PULUMI_FALLBACK_TO_STATE_SECRETS_MANAGER is set [#&#8203;17236]( - \[sdkgen/python] First-class output-versioned invokes that maintain secrets in Python [#&#8203;17275]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[engine] Fix token expired errors due to network issues [#&#8203;17127]( - \[engine] Fix dependency traversal for untargeted skipped creates [#&#8203;17340]( - \[engine] Retry token refresh errors immediately [#&#8203;17338]( - \[cli/config] Fix help text for `config set` command [#&#8203;17319]( - \[sdk/nodejs] Allow 'pulumi about' in nodejs projects to resolve dependencies from package files by walking up the file tree [#&#8203;17239]( - \[sdkgen/python] Fully generate TypedDict input types by default [#&#8203;17296]( - \[sdkgen/python] Fix sdk-gen for parameterized providers [#&#8203;17303]( - \[sdkgen/python] Fix python defaulting to generating typed dicts for input types [#&#8203;17322]( ##### Miscellaneous - \[yaml] Update YAML to 1.10.3 [#&#8203;17304]( - \[sdkgen/nodejs] Bump valid nodejs version to v3.133 the one that contains invokeOutput and friends [#&#8203;17316]( ### [`v3.133.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 3.133.0 (2024-09-16) ##### Features - \[cli] Add an `--attach-debugger` flag for pulumi preview and pulumi up, that makes pulumi attach a debugger to the running program and allows attaching to it [#&#8203;17268]( - \[auto/{nodejs,python}] Add StartDebuggingEvent to the automation API [#&#8203;17221]( - \[cli/package] Make --out optional within `pulumi package get-mapping` [#&#8203;17227]( - \[engine] Package references and parameterized providers are now considered stable and have a feature flag to report so [#&#8203;17153]( - \[pkg] Update pulumi-java to 0.16.1 [#&#8203;17263]( - \[sdk/dotnet] Update dotnet to 3.67.1 [#&#8203;17262]( - \[sdk/python] Add `debugpy` as a dependency to improve the debugging experience [#&#8203;17253]( - \[sdkgen/nodejs] Add first-class output-versioned invokes for NodeJS [#&#8203;17237]( ##### Bug Fixes - \[sdk/nodejs] Fix closure serialization when using the Pulumi SDK inside anonymous functions [#&#8203;17247]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzOS43LjAiLCJ1cGRhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzOS40MC4xIiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFpbiIsImxhYmVscyI6W119-->
renovate-bot added 1 commit 2024-11-22 21:36:13 +00:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ from e621f54594 to 767d616c45 2024-11-27 00:16:24 +00:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update module to v3.141.0 to chore(deps): update module to v3.142.0 2024-11-27 00:16:38 +00:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ from 767d616c45 to 24217eecf8 2024-12-13 00:22:28 +00:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update module to v3.142.0 to chore(deps): update module to v3.143.0 2024-12-13 00:22:38 +00:00

ℹ Artifact update notice

File name: go.mod

In order to perform the update(s) described in the table above, Renovate ran the go get command, which resulted in the following additional change(s):

  • 5 additional dependencies were updated


Package Change v0.25.0 -> v0.31.0 v0.7.0 -> v0.10.0 v0.22.0 -> v0.28.0 v0.22.0 -> v0.27.0 v0.16.0 -> v0.21.0
### ℹ Artifact update notice ##### File name: go.mod In order to perform the update(s) described in the table above, Renovate ran the `go get` command, which resulted in the following additional change(s): - 5 additional dependencies were updated Details: | **Package** | **Change** | | :-------------------- | :--------------------- | | `` | `v0.25.0` -> `v0.31.0` | | `` | `v0.7.0` -> `v0.10.0` | | `` | `v0.22.0` -> `v0.28.0` | | `` | `v0.22.0` -> `v0.27.0` | | `` | `v0.16.0` -> `v0.21.0` |
antoine force-pushed renovate/ from 24217eecf8 to 0a6c12c27b 2024-12-15 23:02:44 +00:00 Compare
antoine merged commit 0a6c12c27b into main 2024-12-15 23:03:06 +00:00
antoine deleted branch renovate/ 2024-12-15 23:03:06 +00:00
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Reference: go/pulumi-library#31
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