hclwrite: Simplify internal data structures
The original prototype of hclwrite tried to track both the tokens and the AST as two parallel data structures. This quickly exploded in complexity, leading to lots of messy code to manage keeping those two structures in sync. This new approach melds the two structures together, creating first a physical token tree (made of "node" objects, and hidden from the caller) and then attaching the AST nodes to that token tree as additional sidecar data. The result is much easier to work with, leading to less code in the parser and considerably less complex data structures in the parser's tests. This commit is enough to reach feature parity with the previous prototype, but it remains a prototype. With a more usable foundation, we'll evolve this into a more complete implementation in subsequent commits.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,29 +3,25 @@ package hclwrite
import (
type Node interface {
walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc)
Tokens() *TokenSeq
type File struct {
srcBytes []byte
body *node
type internalWalkFunc func(Node)
type File struct {
Name string
SrcBytes []byte
Body *Body
AllTokens *TokenSeq
// Body returns the root body of the file, which contains the top-level
// attributes and blocks.
func (f *File) Body() *Body {
return f.body.content.(*Body)
// WriteTo writes the tokens underlying the receiving file to the given writer.
func (f *File) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
return f.AllTokens.WriteTo(wr)
tokens := f.inTree.children.BuildTokens(nil)
return tokens.WriteTo(wr)
// Bytes returns a buffer containing the source code resulting from the
@ -37,169 +33,74 @@ func (f *File) Bytes() []byte {
return buf.Bytes()
// Format makes in-place modifications to the tokens underlying the receiving
// file in order to change the whitespace to be in canonical form.
func (f *File) Format() {
type comments struct {
parent *node
tokens Tokens
type Body struct {
// Items may contain Attribute, Block and Unstructured instances.
// Items and AllTokens should be updated only by methods of this type,
// since they must be kept synchronized for correct operation.
Items []Node
AllTokens *TokenSeq
// IndentLevel is the number of spaces that should appear at the start
// of lines added within this body.
IndentLevel int
func (n *Body) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
for _, item := range n.Items {
func newComments(tokens Tokens) *comments {
return &comments{
tokens: tokens,
func (n *Body) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
return n.AllTokens
func (c *comments) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
return c.tokens.BuildTokens(to)
func (n *Body) AppendItem(node Node) {
n.Items = append(n.Items, node)
type identifier struct {
parent *node
token *Token
func (n *Body) AppendUnstructuredTokens(seq *TokenSeq) {
if n.AllTokens == nil {
new := make(TokenSeq, 0, 1)
n.AllTokens = &new
*(n.AllTokens) = append(*(n.AllTokens), seq)
// FindAttribute returns the first attribute item from the body that has the
// given name, or returns nil if there is currently no matching attribute.
// A valid AST has only one definition of each attribute, but that constraint
// is not enforced in the hclwrite AST, so a tree that has been mutated by
// other calls may contain additional matching attributes that cannot be seen
// by this method.
func (n *Body) FindAttribute(name string) *Attribute {
nameBytes := []byte(name)
for _, item := range n.Items {
if attr, ok := item.(*Attribute); ok {
if attr.NameTokens.IsIdent(nameBytes) {
return attr
return nil
// SetAttributeValue either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The value is given as a cty.Value, and must therefore be a literal. To set
// a variable reference or other traversal, use SetAttributeTraversal.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (n *Body) SetAttributeValue(name string, val cty.Value) *Attribute {
panic("Body.SetAttributeValue not yet implemented")
// SetAttributeTraversal either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The new expression is given as a hcl.Traversal, which must be an absolute
// traversal. To set a literal value, use SetAttributeValue.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (n *Body) SetAttributeTraversal(name string, traversal hcl.Traversal) *Attribute {
panic("Body.SetAttributeTraversal not yet implemented")
type Attribute struct {
AllTokens *TokenSeq
LeadCommentTokens *TokenSeq
NameTokens *TokenSeq
EqualsTokens *TokenSeq
Expr *Expression
LineCommentTokens *TokenSeq
EOLTokens *TokenSeq
func (a *Attribute) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
func (n *Attribute) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
return n.AllTokens
type Block struct {
AllTokens *TokenSeq
LeadCommentTokens *TokenSeq
TypeTokens *TokenSeq
LabelTokens []*TokenSeq
LabelTokensFlat *TokenSeq
OBraceTokens *TokenSeq
Body *Body
CBraceTokens *TokenSeq
EOLTokens *TokenSeq
func (n *Block) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
func (n *Block) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
return n.AllTokens
type Expression struct {
AllTokens *TokenSeq
AbsTraversals []*Traversal
func (n *Expression) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
for _, name := range n.AbsTraversals {
func newIdentifier(token *Token) *identifier {
return &identifier{
token: token,
func (n *Expression) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
return n.AllTokens
func (i *identifier) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
return append(to, i.token)
type Traversal struct {
AllTokens *TokenSeq
Steps []*Traverser
func (i *identifier) hasName(name string) bool {
return name == string(i.token.Bytes)
func (n *Traversal) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
for _, step := range n.Steps {
type number struct {
parent *node
token *Token
func newNumber(token *Token) *number {
return &number{
token: token,
func (n *Traversal) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
return n.AllTokens
func (n *number) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
return append(to, n.token)
type Traverser struct {
AllTokens *TokenSeq
Logical hcl.Traverser
type quoted struct {
parent *node
tokens Tokens
func (n *Traverser) Tokens() *TokenSeq {
return n.AllTokens
func newQuoted(tokens Tokens) *quoted {
return "ed{
tokens: tokens,
func (n *Traverser) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
// No child nodes for a traversal step
func (q *quoted) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
return q.tokens.BuildTokens(to)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package hclwrite
import (
type Body struct {
items nodeSet
// indentLevel is the number of spaces that should appear at the start
// of lines added within this body.
indentLevel int
func (b *Body) appendItem(n *node) {
func (b *Body) AppendUnstructuredTokens(ts Tokens) {
// GetAttribute returns the attribute from the body that has the given name,
// or returns nil if there is currently no matching attribute.
func (b *Body) GetAttribute(name string) *Attribute {
for n := range b.items {
if attr, isAttr := n.content.(*Attribute); isAttr {
nameObj := attr.name.content.(*identifier)
if nameObj.hasName(name) {
// We've found it!
return attr
return nil
// SetAttributeValue either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The value is given as a cty.Value, and must therefore be a literal. To set
// a variable reference or other traversal, use SetAttributeTraversal.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (b *Body) SetAttributeValue(name string, val cty.Value) *Attribute {
panic("Body.SetAttributeValue not yet implemented")
// SetAttributeTraversal either replaces the expression of an existing attribute
// of the given name or adds a new attribute definition to the end of the block.
// The new expression is given as a hcl.Traversal, which must be an absolute
// traversal. To set a literal value, use SetAttributeValue.
// The return value is the attribute that was either modified in-place or
// created.
func (b *Body) SetAttributeTraversal(name string, traversal hcl.Traversal) *Attribute {
panic("Body.SetAttributeTraversal not yet implemented")
type Attribute struct {
leadComments *node
name *node
expr *node
lineComments *node
type Block struct {
leadComments *node
typeName *node
labels nodeSet
open *node
body *node
close *node
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
package hclwrite
import (
func TestBodyGetAttribute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
src string
name string
want Tokens
"a = 1\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'a'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenEqual,
Bytes: []byte{'='},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit,
Bytes: []byte{'1'},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
"a = 1\nb = 1\nc = 1\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'a'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenEqual,
Bytes: []byte{'='},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit,
Bytes: []byte{'1'},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
"a = 1\nb = 2\nc = 3\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'b'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenEqual,
Bytes: []byte{'='},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit,
Bytes: []byte{'2'},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
"a = 1\nb = 2\nc = 3\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'c'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenEqual,
Bytes: []byte{'='},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit,
Bytes: []byte{'3'},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
"a = 1\n# b is a b\nb = 2\nc = 3\n",
// Recognized as a lead comment and so attached to the attribute
Type: hclsyntax.TokenComment,
Bytes: []byte("# b is a b\n"),
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'b'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenEqual,
Bytes: []byte{'='},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit,
Bytes: []byte{'2'},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
"a = 1\n# not attached to a or b\n\nb = 2\nc = 3\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'b'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenEqual,
Bytes: []byte{'='},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit,
Bytes: []byte{'2'},
SpacesBefore: 1,
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
SpacesBefore: 0,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s in %s", test.name, test.src), func(t *testing.T) {
f, diags := ParseConfig([]byte(test.src), "", hcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1})
if len(diags) != 0 {
for _, diag := range diags {
t.Logf("- %s", diag.Error())
t.Fatalf("unexpected diagnostics")
attr := f.Body().GetAttribute(test.name)
if attr == nil {
if test.want != nil {
t.Fatal("attribute not found, but want it to exist")
} else {
if test.want == nil {
t.Fatal("attribute found, but expecting not found")
got := attr.BuildTokens(nil)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", spew.Sdump(got), spew.Sdump(test.want))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package hclwrite
import (
type Expression struct {
absTraversals nodeSet
func newExpression() *Expression {
return &Expression{
inTree: newInTree(),
absTraversals: newNodeSet(),
// NewExpressionLiteral constructs an an expression that represents the given
// literal value.
func NewExpressionLiteral(val cty.Value) *Expression {
panic("NewExpressionLiteral not yet implemented")
// NewExpressionAbsTraversal constructs an expression that represents the
// given traversal, which must be absolute or this function will panic.
func NewExpressionAbsTraversal(traversal hcl.Traversal) {
panic("NewExpressionAbsTraversal not yet implemented")
type Traversal struct {
steps nodeSet
func newTraversal() *Traversal {
return &Traversal{
inTree: newInTree(),
steps: newNodeSet(),
type TraverseName struct {
name *node
func newTraverseName() *TraverseName {
return &TraverseName{
inTree: newInTree(),
type TraverseIndex struct {
key *node
func newTraverseIndex() *TraverseIndex {
return &TraverseIndex{
inTree: newInTree(),
@ -2,96 +2,46 @@ package hclwrite
import (
func TestBodyFindAttribute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
src string
name string
want *TokenSeq
"a = 1\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'a'},
"a = 1\nb = 1\nc = 1\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'a'},
"a = 1\nb = 1\nc = 1\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'b'},
"a = 1\nb = 1\nc = 1\n",
Type: hclsyntax.TokenIdent,
Bytes: []byte{'c'},
type TestTreeNode struct {
Type string
Val string
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s in %s", test.name, test.src), func(t *testing.T) {
f, diags := ParseConfig([]byte(test.src), "", hcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1})
if len(diags) != 0 {
for _, diag := range diags {
t.Logf("- %s", diag.Error())
t.Fatalf("unexpected diagnostics")
attr := f.Body.FindAttribute(test.name)
if attr == nil {
if test.want != nil {
t.Errorf("attribute found, but expecting not found")
} else {
got := attr.NameTokens
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", spew.Sdump(got), spew.Sdump(test.want))
Children []TestTreeNode
func makeTestTree(n *node) (root TestTreeNode) {
const us = "hclwrite."
const usPtr = "*hclwrite."
root.Type = fmt.Sprintf("%T", n.content)
if strings.HasPrefix(root.Type, us) {
root.Type = root.Type[len(us):]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(root.Type, usPtr) {
root.Type = root.Type[len(usPtr):]
type WithVal interface {
testValue() string
hasTestVal := false
if withVal, ok := n.content.(WithVal); ok {
root.Val = withVal.testValue()
hasTestVal = true
n.content.walkChildNodes(func(n *node) {
root.Children = append(root.Children, makeTestTree(n))
// If we didn't end up with any children then this is probably a leaf
// node, so we'll set its content value to it raw bytes if we didn't
// already set a test value.
if !hasTestVal && len(root.Children) == 0 {
toks := n.content.BuildTokens(nil)
root.Val = toks.testValue()
return root
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
package hclwrite
import (
// node represents a node in the AST.
type node struct {
content nodeContent
list *nodes
before, after *node
func newNode(c nodeContent) *node {
return &node{
content: c,
func (n *node) Equal(other *node) bool {
return cmp.Equal(n.content, other.content)
func (n *node) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
return n.content.BuildTokens(to)
// Detach removes the receiver from the list it currently belongs to. If the
// node is not currently in a list, this is a no-op.
func (n *node) Detach() {
if n.list == nil {
if n.before != nil {
n.before.after = n.after
if n.after != nil {
n.after.before = n.before
if n.list.first == n {
n.list.first = n.after
if n.list.last == n {
n.list.last = n.before
n.list = nil
n.before = nil
n.after = nil
func (n *node) assertUnattached() {
if n.list != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempt to attach already-attached node %#v", n))
// nodeContent is the interface type implemented by all AST content types.
type nodeContent interface {
walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc)
BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens
// nodes is a list of nodes.
type nodes struct {
first, last *node
func (ns *nodes) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
for n := ns.first; n != nil; n = n.after {
to = n.BuildTokens(to)
return to
func (ns *nodes) Append(c nodeContent) *node {
n := &node{
content: c,
return n
func (ns *nodes) AppendNode(n *node) {
if ns.last != nil {
n.before = ns.last
ns.last.after = n
n.list = ns
ns.last = n
if ns.first == nil {
ns.first = n
func (ns *nodes) AppendUnstructuredTokens(tokens Tokens) *node {
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return nil
n := newNode(tokens)
return n
// nodeSet is an unordered set of nodes. It is used to describe a set of nodes
// that all belong to the same list that have some role or characteristic
// in common.
type nodeSet map[*node]struct{}
func newNodeSet() nodeSet {
return make(nodeSet)
func (ns nodeSet) Has(n *node) bool {
if ns == nil {
return false
_, exists := ns[n]
return exists
func (ns nodeSet) Add(n *node) {
ns[n] = struct{}{}
func (ns nodeSet) Remove(n *node) {
delete(ns, n)
func (ns nodeSet) List() []*node {
if len(ns) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]*node, 0, len(ns))
// Determine which list we are working with. We assume here that all of
// the nodes belong to the same list, since that is part of the contract
// for nodeSet.
var list *nodes
for n := range ns {
list = n.list
// We recover the order by iterating over the whole list. This is not
// the most efficient way to do it, but our node lists should always be
// small so not worth making things more complex.
for n := list.first; n != nil; n = n.after {
if ns.Has(n) {
ret = append(ret, n)
return ret
type internalWalkFunc func(*node)
// inTree can be embedded into a content struct that has child nodes to get
// a standard implementation of the NodeContent interface and a record of
// a potential parent node.
type inTree struct {
parent *node
children *nodes
func newInTree() inTree {
return inTree{
children: &nodes{},
func (it *inTree) assertUnattached() {
if it.parent != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node is already attached to %T", it.parent.content))
func (it *inTree) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
for n := it.children.first; n != nil; n = n.after {
func (it *inTree) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
for n := it.children.first; n != nil; n = n.after {
to = n.BuildTokens(to)
return to
// leafNode can be embedded into a content struct to give it a do-nothing
// implementation of walkChildNodes
type leafNode struct {
func (n *leafNode) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package hclwrite
import (
// Our "parser" here is actually not doing any parsing of its own. Instead,
@ -49,18 +51,19 @@ func parse(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (*File, hcl.Diagnostics)
before, root, after := parseBody(file.Body.(*hclsyntax.Body), from)
ret := &File{
inTree: newInTree(),
return &File{
Name: filename,
SrcBytes: src,
srcBytes: src,
body: root,
Body: root,
AllTokens: &TokenSeq{
}, nil
nodes := ret.inTree.children
return ret, diags
type inputTokens struct {
@ -76,6 +79,23 @@ func (it inputTokens) Partition(rng hcl.Range) (before, within, after inputToken
func (it inputTokens) PartitionType(ty hclsyntax.TokenType) (before, within, after inputTokens) {
for i, t := range it.writerTokens {
if t.Type == ty {
return it.Slice(0, i), it.Slice(i, i+1), it.Slice(i+1, len(it.nativeTokens))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("didn't find any token of type %s", ty))
func (it inputTokens) PartitionTypeSingle(ty hclsyntax.TokenType) (before inputTokens, found *Token, after inputTokens) {
before, within, after := it.PartitionType(ty)
if within.Len() != 1 {
panic("PartitionType found more than one token")
return before, within.Tokens()[0], after
// PartitionIncludeComments is like Partition except the returned "within"
// range includes any lead and line comments associated with the range.
func (it inputTokens) PartitionIncludingComments(rng hcl.Range) (before, within, after inputTokens) {
@ -133,8 +153,8 @@ func (it inputTokens) Len() int {
return len(it.nativeTokens)
func (it inputTokens) Seq() *TokenSeq {
return &TokenSeq{it.writerTokens}
func (it inputTokens) Tokens() Tokens {
return it.writerTokens
func (it inputTokens) Types() []hclsyntax.TokenType {
@ -148,7 +168,7 @@ func (it inputTokens) Types() []hclsyntax.TokenType {
// parseBody locates the given body within the given input tokens and returns
// the resulting *Body object as well as the tokens that appeared before and
// after it.
func parseBody(nativeBody *hclsyntax.Body, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, *Body, inputTokens) {
func parseBody(nativeBody *hclsyntax.Body, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, *node, inputTokens) {
before, within, after := from.PartitionIncludingComments(nativeBody.SrcRange)
// The main AST doesn't retain the original source ordering of the
@ -164,7 +184,10 @@ func parseBody(nativeBody *hclsyntax.Body, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, *Body
body := &Body{
IndentLevel: 0, // TODO: deal with this
inTree: newInTree(),
indentLevel: 0, // TODO: deal with this
items: newNodeSet(),
remain := within
@ -172,24 +195,24 @@ func parseBody(nativeBody *hclsyntax.Body, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, *Body
beforeItem, item, afterItem := parseBodyItem(nativeItem, remain)
if beforeItem.Len() > 0 {
remain = afterItem
if remain.Len() > 0 {
return before, body, after
return before, newNode(body), after
func parseBodyItem(nativeItem hclsyntax.Node, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, Node, inputTokens) {
func parseBodyItem(nativeItem hclsyntax.Node, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, *node, inputTokens) {
before, leadComments, within, lineComments, newline, after := from.PartitionBlockItem(nativeItem.Range())
var item Node
var item *node
switch tItem := nativeItem.(type) {
case *hclsyntax.Attribute:
@ -204,90 +227,96 @@ func parseBodyItem(nativeItem hclsyntax.Node, from inputTokens) (inputTokens, No
return before, item, after
func parseAttribute(nativeAttr *hclsyntax.Attribute, from, leadComments, lineComments, newline inputTokens) *Attribute {
var allTokens TokenSeq
attr := &Attribute{}
func parseAttribute(nativeAttr *hclsyntax.Attribute, from, leadComments, lineComments, newline inputTokens) *node {
attr := &Attribute{
inTree: newInTree(),
children := attr.inTree.children
if leadComments.Len() > 0 {
attr.LeadCommentTokens = leadComments.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.LeadCommentTokens)
cn := newNode(newComments(leadComments.Tokens()))
attr.leadComments = cn
before, nameTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeAttr.NameRange)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
if nameTokens.Len() != 1 {
// Should never happen with valid input
panic("attribute name is not exactly one token")
token := nameTokens.Tokens()[0]
in := newNode(newIdentifier(token))
attr.name = in
attr.NameTokens = nameTokens.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.NameTokens)
before, equalsTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeAttr.EqualsRange)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
attr.EqualsTokens = equalsTokens.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.EqualsTokens)
before, exprTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeAttr.Expr.Range())
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
attr.Expr = parseExpression(nativeAttr.Expr, exprTokens)
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.Expr.AllTokens)
if lineComments.Len() > 0 {
attr.LineCommentTokens = lineComments.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.LineCommentTokens)
exprNode := parseExpression(nativeAttr.Expr, exprTokens)
attr.expr = exprNode
if newline.Len() > 0 {
attr.EOLTokens = newline.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, attr.EOLTokens)
cn := newNode(newComments(lineComments.Tokens()))
attr.lineComments = cn
// Collect any stragglers, though there shouldn't be any
if from.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, from.Seq())
attr.AllTokens = &allTokens
return attr
return newNode(attr)
func parseBlock(nativeBlock *hclsyntax.Block, from, leadComments, lineComments, newline inputTokens) *Block {
var allTokens TokenSeq
block := &Block{}
func parseBlock(nativeBlock *hclsyntax.Block, from, leadComments, lineComments, newline inputTokens) *node {
block := &Block{
inTree: newInTree(),
labels: newNodeSet(),
children := block.inTree.children
if leadComments.Len() > 0 {
block.LeadCommentTokens = leadComments.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, block.LeadCommentTokens)
cn := newNode(newComments(leadComments.Tokens()))
block.leadComments = cn
before, typeTokens, from := from.Partition(nativeBlock.TypeRange)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
if typeTokens.Len() != 1 {
// Should never happen with valid input
panic("block type name is not exactly one token")
token := typeTokens.Tokens()[0]
in := newNode(newIdentifier(token))
block.typeName = in
block.TypeTokens = typeTokens.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, block.TypeTokens)
for _, rng := range nativeBlock.LabelRanges {
var labelTokens inputTokens
before, labelTokens, from = from.Partition(rng)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
seq := labelTokens.Seq()
block.LabelTokens = append(block.LabelTokens, seq)
*(block.LabelTokensFlat) = append(*(block.LabelTokensFlat), seq)
allTokens = append(allTokens, seq)
tokens := labelTokens.Tokens()
ln := newNode(newQuoted(tokens))
before, oBrace, from := from.Partition(nativeBlock.OpenBraceRange)
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
block.OBraceTokens = oBrace.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, block.OBraceTokens)
// We go a bit out of order here: we go hunting for the closing brace
// so that we have a delimited body, but then we'll deal with the body
@ -295,87 +324,109 @@ func parseBlock(nativeBlock *hclsyntax.Block, from, leadComments, lineComments,
// that appear after it.
bodyTokens, cBrace, from := from.Partition(nativeBlock.CloseBraceRange)
before, body, after := parseBody(nativeBlock.Body, bodyTokens)
block.body = body
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
block.Body = body
allTokens = append(allTokens, body.AllTokens)
if after.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, after.Seq())
block.CBraceTokens = cBrace.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, block.CBraceTokens)
// stragglers
if after.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, from.Seq())
if lineComments.Len() > 0 {
// blocks don't actually have line comments, so we'll just treat
// them as extra stragglers
allTokens = append(allTokens, lineComments.Seq())
if newline.Len() > 0 {
block.EOLTokens = newline.Seq()
allTokens = append(allTokens, block.EOLTokens)
block.AllTokens = &allTokens
return block
return newNode(block)
func parseExpression(nativeExpr hclsyntax.Expression, from inputTokens) *Expression {
var allTokens TokenSeq
func parseExpression(nativeExpr hclsyntax.Expression, from inputTokens) *node {
expr := newExpression()
children := expr.inTree.children
nativeVars := nativeExpr.Variables()
var absTraversals []*Traversal
for _, nativeTraversal := range nativeVars {
var traversalTokens TokenSeq
var before, traversalFrom inputTokens
before, traversalFrom, from = from.Partition(nativeTraversal.SourceRange())
if before.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, before.Seq())
var steps []*Traverser
for _, nativeStep := range nativeTraversal {
var stepFrom inputTokens
before, stepFrom, traversalFrom = traversalFrom.Partition(nativeStep.SourceRange())
stepTokens := stepFrom.Seq()
if before.Len() > 0 {
traversalTokens = append(traversalTokens, before.Seq())
traversalTokens = append(traversalTokens, stepTokens)
step := &Traverser{
AllTokens: stepTokens,
Logical: nativeStep,
steps = append(steps, step)
// Attach any straggler that don't belong to a step to the traversal itself.
if traversalFrom.Len() > 0 {
traversalTokens = append(traversalTokens, traversalFrom.Seq())
allTokens = append(allTokens, &traversalTokens)
absTraversals = append(absTraversals, &Traversal{
AllTokens: &traversalTokens,
Steps: steps,
before, traversal, after := parseTraversal(nativeTraversal, from)
from = after
// Attach any stragglers that don't belong to a traversal to the expression
// itself. In an expression with no traversals at all, this is just the
// entirety of "from".
if from.Len() > 0 {
allTokens = append(allTokens, from.Seq())
return newNode(expr)
func parseTraversal(nativeTraversal hcl.Traversal, from inputTokens) (before inputTokens, n *node, after inputTokens) {
traversal := newTraversal()
children := traversal.inTree.children
before, from, after = from.Partition(nativeTraversal.SourceRange())
stepAfter := from
for _, nativeStep := range nativeTraversal {
before, step, after := parseTraversalStep(nativeStep, stepAfter)
stepAfter = after
return &Expression{
AllTokens: &allTokens,
AbsTraversals: absTraversals,
return before, newNode(traversal), after
func parseTraversalStep(nativeStep hcl.Traverser, from inputTokens) (before inputTokens, n *node, after inputTokens) {
var children *nodes
switch tNativeStep := nativeStep.(type) {
case hcl.TraverseRoot, hcl.TraverseAttr:
step := newTraverseName()
children = step.inTree.children
before, from, after = from.Partition(nativeStep.SourceRange())
inBefore, token, inAfter := from.PartitionTypeSingle(hclsyntax.TokenIdent)
name := newIdentifier(token)
step.name = children.Append(name)
return before, newNode(step), after
case hcl.TraverseIndex:
step := newTraverseIndex()
children = step.inTree.children
before, from, after = from.Partition(nativeStep.SourceRange())
var inBefore, oBrack, keyTokens, cBrack inputTokens
inBefore, oBrack, from = from.PartitionType(hclsyntax.TokenOBrack)
keyTokens, cBrack, from = from.PartitionType(hclsyntax.TokenCBrack)
keyVal := tNativeStep.Key
switch keyVal.Type() {
case cty.String:
key := newQuoted(keyTokens.Tokens())
step.key = children.Append(key)
case cty.Number:
valBefore, valToken, valAfter := keyTokens.PartitionTypeSingle(hclsyntax.TokenNumberLit)
key := newNumber(valToken)
step.key = children.Append(key)
return before, newNode(step), after
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported traversal step type %T", nativeStep))
// writerTokens takes a sequence of tokens as produced by the main hclsyntax
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -6,6 +6,20 @@ import (
// NewFile creates a new file object that is empty and ready to have constructs
// added t it.
func NewFile() *File {
body := &Body{
inTree: newInTree(),
indentLevel: 0,
file := &File{
inTree: newInTree(),
file.body = file.inTree.children.Append(body)
return file
// ParseConfig interprets the given source bytes into a *hclwrite.File. The
// resulting AST can be used to perform surgical edits on the source code
// before turning it back into bytes again.
@ -25,6 +39,6 @@ func Format(src []byte) []byte {
tokens := lexConfig(src)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
return buf.Bytes()
@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ import (
func TestRoundTripVerbatim(t *testing.T) {
@ -68,7 +70,10 @@ block {
result := wr.Bytes()
if !bytes.Equal(result, src) {
t.Errorf("wrong result\nresult:\n%s\ninput:\n%s", result, src)
dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()
diffs := dmp.DiffMain(string(src), string(result), false)
//t.Errorf("wrong result\nresult:\n%s\ninput:\n%s", result, src)
t.Errorf("wrong result\ndiff: (red indicates missing lines, and green indicates unexpected lines)\n%s", dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))
@ -8,19 +8,6 @@ import (
// TokenGen is an abstract type that can append tokens to a list. It is the
// low-level foundation underlying the hclwrite AST; the AST provides a
// convenient abstraction over raw token sequences to facilitate common tasks,
// but it's also possible to directly manipulate the tree of token generators
// to make changes that the AST API doesn't directly allow.
type TokenGen interface {
// TokenCallback is used with TokenGen implementations to specify the action
// that is to be taken for each token in the flattened token sequence.
type TokenCallback func(*Token)
// Token is a single sequence of bytes annotated with a type. It is similar
// in purpose to hclsyntax.Token, but discards the source position information
// since that is not useful in code generation.
@ -38,17 +25,16 @@ type Token struct {
// Tokens is a flat list of tokens.
type Tokens []*Token
func (ts Tokens) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
seq := &TokenSeq{ts}
return seq.WriteTo(wr)
func (ts Tokens) Bytes() []byte {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
return buf.Bytes()
func (ts Tokens) testValue() string {
return string(ts.Bytes())
// Columns returns the number of columns (grapheme clusters) the token sequence
// occupies. The result is not meaningful if there are newline or single-line
// comment tokens in the sequence.
@ -62,43 +48,10 @@ func (ts Tokens) Columns() int {
return ret
// TokenSeq combines zero or more TokenGens together to produce a flat sequence
// of tokens from a tree of TokenGens.
type TokenSeq []TokenGen
func (t *Token) EachToken(cb TokenCallback) {
func (ts Tokens) EachToken(cb TokenCallback) {
for _, t := range ts {
func (ts *TokenSeq) EachToken(cb TokenCallback) {
if ts == nil {
for _, gen := range *ts {
// Tokens returns the flat list of tokens represented by the receiving
// token sequence.
func (ts *TokenSeq) Tokens() Tokens {
var tokens Tokens
ts.EachToken(func(token *Token) {
tokens = append(tokens, token)
return tokens
// WriteTo takes an io.Writer and writes the bytes for each token to it,
// along with the spacing that separates each token. In other words, this
// allows serializing the tokens to a file or other such byte stream.
func (ts *TokenSeq) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
func (ts Tokens) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
// We know we're going to be writing a lot of small chunks of repeated
// space characters, so we'll prepare a buffer of these that we can
// easily pass to wr.Write without any further allocation.
@ -109,9 +62,9 @@ func (ts *TokenSeq) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
var n int
var err error
ts.EachToken(func(token *Token) {
for _, token := range ts {
if err != nil {
return n, err
for spacesBefore := token.SpacesBefore; spacesBefore > 0; spacesBefore -= len(spaces) {
@ -123,48 +76,22 @@ func (ts *TokenSeq) WriteTo(wr io.Writer) (int, error) {
thisN, err = wr.Write(spaces[:thisChunk])
n += thisN
if err != nil {
return n, err
var thisN int
thisN, err = wr.Write(token.Bytes)
n += thisN
return n, err
// SoloToken returns the single token represented by the receiving sequence,
// or nil if the sequence does not represent exactly one token.
func (ts *TokenSeq) SoloToken() *Token {
var ret *Token
found := false
ts.EachToken(func(tok *Token) {
if ret == nil && !found {
ret = tok
found = true
} else if ret != nil && found {
ret = nil
return ret
func (ts Tokens) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) {
// Unstructured tokens have no child nodes
// IsIdent returns true if and only if the token sequence represents a single
// ident token whose name matches the given string.
func (ts *TokenSeq) IsIdent(name []byte) bool {
tok := ts.SoloToken()
if tok == nil {
return false
if tok.Type != hclsyntax.TokenIdent {
return false
return bytes.Equal(tok.Bytes, name)
func (ts Tokens) BuildTokens(to Tokens) Tokens {
return append(to, ts...)
// TokenSeqEmpty is a TokenSeq that contains no tokens. It can be used anywhere,
// but its primary purpose is to be assigned as a replacement for a non-empty
// TokenSeq when eliminating a section of an input file.
var TokenSeqEmpty = TokenSeq([]TokenGen(nil))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user